NEW 160970
Variable::isReadOnly() and Variable::isConst() are almost the same
Summary Variable::isReadOnly() and Variable::isConst() are almost the same
JF Bastien
Reported 2016-08-18 13:29:28 PDT
It looks like BytecodeGenerator::emitReadOnlyExceptionIfNeeded() is the only one that uses Variable::isConst() in: `isStrictMode() || variable.isConst()`. isConst is: `isReadOnly() && m_isLexicallyScoped`. All calls to emitReadOnlyExceptionIfNeeded are guarded by isReadOnly(). This means that the code for emitReadOnlyExceptionIfNeeded is equivalent to: `isReadOnly && (isStrictMode || (isReadOnly && m_isLexicallyScoped))`. isReadOnly is only set by BytecodeGenerator::variable
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