[curl] ASSERTION FAILED: isLocalFile() || url == m_string in fast/dom/34176.html
Summary [curl] ASSERTION FAILED: isLocalFile() || url == m_string in fast/dom/34176.html
Fujii Hironori
Reported 2016-04-26 21:52:59 PDT
[curl] ASSERTION FAILED: isLocalFile() || url == m_string in fast/dom/34176.html trunk@200119, WinCairo port, Debug build > perl Tools\Scripts\build-webkit --release --wincairo --64-bit Layout Test: fast/dom/34176.html ASSERTION FAILED: isLocalFile() || url == m_string ...\Source\WebCore\platform\URL.cpp(438) : WebCore::URL::URL The value of url is "HTTP://d:/tmp/p1.png/", but m_string is "http://d/tmp/p1.png/re". > WTF.dll!WTFCrash() Line 322 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::URL::URL(WebCore::ParsedURLStringTag __formal, const WTF::String & url) Line 438 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::headerCallback(char * ptr, unsigned __int64 size, unsigned __int64 nmemb, void * data) Line 501 C++ > libcurl.dll!Curl_client_chop_write(connectdata * conn, int type, char * ptr, unsigned __int64 len) Line 456 C > libcurl.dll!Curl_http_readwrite_headers(SessionHandle * data, connectdata * conn, __int64 * nread, bool * stop_reading) Line 3113 C > libcurl.dll!readwrite_data(SessionHandle * data, connectdata * conn, SingleRequest * k, int * didwhat, bool * done) Line 481 C > libcurl.dll!Curl_readwrite(connectdata * conn, SessionHandle * data, bool * done) Line 1064 C > libcurl.dll!multi_runsingle(Curl_multi * multi, timeval now, SessionHandle * data) Line 1535 C > libcurl.dll!curl_multi_perform(void * multi_handle, int * running_handles) Line 1811 C > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::downloadTimerCallback() Line 656 C++ > [External Code] > WebKit.dll!WebCore::Timer::fired() Line 142 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ThreadTimers::sharedTimerFiredInternal() Line 124 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ThreadTimers::setSharedTimer::__l8::<lambda>() Line 73 C++ > [External Code] > WebKit.dll!WebCore::MainThreadSharedTimer::fired() Line 53 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::TimerWindowWndProc(HWND__ * hWnd, unsigned int message, unsigned __int64 wParam, __int64 lParam) Line 91 C++ > [External Code] > DumpRenderTreeLib.dll!runTest(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > & inputLine) Line 1145 C++ > DumpRenderTreeLib.dll!main(int argc, const char * * argv) Line 1486 C++ > DumpRenderTreeLib.dll!dllLauncherEntryPoint(int argc, const char * * argv) Line 1517 C++ > DumpRenderTree.exe!main(int argc, const char * * argv) Line 260 C++ > [External Code]
Patch (7.13 KB, patch)
2016-05-10 21:26 PDT, Fujii Hironori
no flags
Fujii Hironori
Comment 1 2016-04-26 22:05:03 PDT
This issue is observed at Google Maps (Japan), too. 1) Launch MiniBroser 2) Go to 3) ASSERTION FAILED url is "" m_string ""
Fujii Hironori
Comment 2 2016-05-10 21:26:07 PDT
Darin Adler
Comment 3 2016-05-10 21:31:43 PDT
Comment on attachment 278577 [details] Patch This patch is OK. It would also be OK to just replaced ParsedURLString with URL() and not make any other changes. I normally don’t review [curl] patches, so someone else should do that, but the change looks fine to me.
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 4 2016-05-12 09:20:17 PDT
Comment on attachment 278577 [details] Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 278577 Committed r200776: <>
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 5 2016-05-12 09:20:22 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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