NEW 154095
Web Inspector: Improve display of Native Constructors with extra properties
Summary Web Inspector: Improve display of Native Constructors with extra properties
Joseph Pecoraro
Reported 2016-02-10 16:17:27 PST
* SUMMARY Improve display of Native Constructors with extra properties. * STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. js> URL 2. js> Promise => Both of these show "function Foo() { [native code] }". Expected to see more like: - URL.createObjectURL, URL.revokeObjectURL - Promise.race, Promise.all, Promise.reject, etc. Using dir(URL) or dir(Promise) you get to see the extra properties and their signatures. But that may be non-obvious. * NOTES - ObjectTreePropertyTreeElement.js checks if parentDescription.endsWith("Constructor"), which is no longer the case for generated bindings after bug 154038: <> [Web IDL] interface objects should be Function objects - we should keep this code in for iOS 9 and earlier backend compatibility - We still behave correctly for dir(Promise), etc. But it might be nice to surface that information earlier.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2016-02-10 16:18:43 PST
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