Table element "border" value of frame attribute expanded incorrectly (wrong DOM & rendering)
Summary Table element "border" value of frame attribute expanded incorrectly (wrong D...
Nicholas Shanks
Reported 2016-01-04 01:56:56 PST
The HTML code <table border> is shorthand for <table frame=border> ("border" is a unique NMTOKEN for the frame attribute, so is allowed to be specified with no attribute name) but the two produce a different DOM (they should be identical) and render differently from each other (a consequence of the DOM error). The expansion of <table border> needs to change so that the DOM matches <table frame=border>. Optionally (and I would expect more compatible with the internet) the rendering of <table frame=border> should change to match what <table border> is currently doing, with <table frame=box> being solely responsible for the current rendering.
Test cases with explanation (2.04 KB, text/html)
2016-01-04 01:58 PST, Nicholas Shanks
no flags
Safari 15.6.1 matches with other browsers (1.51 MB, image/png)
2022-08-18 12:27 PDT, Ahmad Saleem
no flags
Nicholas Shanks
Comment 1 2016-01-04 01:58:21 PST
Created attachment 268179 [details] Test cases with explanation
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 2 2016-01-04 11:08:03 PST
Looks like we match Firefox, so I see no reason to change.
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 3 2022-08-18 12:27:56 PDT
Created attachment 461721 [details] Safari 15.6.1 matches with other browsers All browsers (Safari 15.6.1, Firefox Nightly 105 and Chrome Canary 106) render all cases same. I am going to mark this as "RESOLVED INVALID" since Safari was matching Firefox earlier as well. Thanks!
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