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bug 146574
[GTK][Wayland] Copy/paste not implemented in Wayland
[GTK][Wayland] Copy/paste not implemented in Wayland
Michael Gratton
2015-10-19 00:46:33 PDT
Running Epiphany 3.18.0 and Webkit2Gtk 2.10.1 under gnome-shell & libmutter 3.18.1, I cannot copy/paste into or out of form controls between processes (including WebKitWebProcess instances). E.g. Copying text from gedit and pasting into a textarea (and vice-versa) fails, and copying from a textarea in one tab and pasting into another also fails. The clipboard only seems to work when copying/pasting within the same WebKitWebProcess instance.
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Michael Catanzaro
Comment 1
2015-10-25 15:53:02 PDT
Are you running GNOME in Wayland or X11?
Michael Catanzaro
Comment 2
2015-10-25 15:57:50 PDT
Ah, title of the bug says WAYLAND. I think this was never implemented; if it was working for you in 2.8, it was because of XWayland. (Wayland support is new in 2.10.)
Michael Gratton
Comment 3
2015-10-25 16:18:03 PDT
Oh yeah, that might not have been too obvious, sorry. Didn't try with 2.8 - I was just running a GNOME3 Wayland session for a few days to see if it was worth switching to permanently yet.
Jeff Fortin
Comment 4
2015-11-03 16:43:11 PST
This seems to be a duplicate of
bug 146574
Michael Gratton
Comment 5
2015-11-03 17:01:22 PST
Oh, yes - sure is a dupe. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of
bug 146574
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