Callee can be incorrectly overridden when it's captured
Summary Callee can be incorrectly overridden when it's captured
Saam Barati
Reported 2015-08-24 14:44:54 PDT
Consider these two programs: "(function foo() { foo = 20; print(foo); })();" and "(function foo() { let x = function() { return foo; }; foo = 20; print(foo) })();" They have different behaviors. The latter incorrectly assigns 20 to foo. I think we can probably make this Just Work with a FunctionNameScope.
patch (21.73 KB, patch)
2015-08-24 18:59 PDT, Saam Barati
fpizlo: review+
Saam Barati
Comment 1 2015-08-24 18:59:25 PDT
Saam Barati
Comment 2 2015-08-25 11:40:56 PDT
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