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[JSC] Add support for GetByVal on arrays of Undecided shape
[JSC] Add support for GetByVal on arrays of Undecided shape
Benjamin Poulain
2015-08-08 17:04:03 PDT
[JSC] Add support for GetByVal on arrays of Undecided shape
(44.50 KB, patch)
2015-08-08 17:21 PDT
Benjamin Poulain
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews100 for mac-mavericks
(527.01 KB, application/zip)
2015-08-08 17:58 PDT
Build Bot
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews105 for mac-mavericks-wk2
(608.29 KB, application/zip)
2015-08-08 18:03 PDT
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(45.57 KB, patch)
2015-08-08 23:30 PDT
Benjamin Poulain
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(48.57 KB, patch)
2015-08-11 15:29 PDT
Benjamin Poulain
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Benjamin Poulain
Comment 1
2015-08-08 17:21:35 PDT
attachment 258582
Build Bot
Comment 2
2015-08-08 17:57:58 PDT
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attachment 258582
Attachment 258582
did not pass mac-ews (mac): Output:
New failing tests: js/dom/dfg-ensure-non-array-array-storage-on-window.html
Build Bot
Comment 3
2015-08-08 17:58:00 PDT
attachment 258583
Archive of layout-test-results from ews100 for mac-mavericks The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the mac-ews. Bot: ews100 Port: mac-mavericks Platform: Mac OS X 10.9.5
Build Bot
Comment 4
2015-08-08 18:03:40 PDT
Comment on
attachment 258582
Attachment 258582
did not pass mac-wk2-ews (mac-wk2): Output:
New failing tests: js/dom/dfg-ensure-non-array-array-storage-on-window.html
Build Bot
Comment 5
2015-08-08 18:03:42 PDT
attachment 258584
Archive of layout-test-results from ews105 for mac-mavericks-wk2 The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the mac-wk2-ews. Bot: ews105 Port: mac-mavericks-wk2 Platform: Mac OS X 10.9.5
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 6
2015-08-08 23:30:10 PDT
attachment 258590
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 7
2015-08-09 00:08:42 PDT
Public tests only: Conf#1 Conf#2 SunSpider: 3d-cube 4.7889+-0.3813 ? 5.1769+-0.6873 ? might be 1.0810x slower 3d-morph 5.7029+-0.5615 ? 5.7188+-0.5368 ? 3d-raytrace 5.8683+-0.9169 ? 5.9359+-1.0888 ? might be 1.0115x slower access-binary-trees 2.3533+-0.5174 2.2169+-0.3159 might be 1.0615x faster access-fannkuch 5.7274+-0.0654 ? 5.7707+-0.2416 ? access-nbody 2.5855+-0.0728 ? 2.6420+-0.1290 ? might be 1.0219x slower access-nsieve 3.2175+-0.0271 ? 3.2495+-0.1097 ? bitops-3bit-bits-in-byte 1.6254+-0.1279 1.6014+-0.0387 might be 1.0149x faster bitops-bits-in-byte 3.5040+-0.1317 3.4603+-0.1043 might be 1.0126x faster bitops-bitwise-and 2.1328+-0.0471 ? 2.1946+-0.1498 ? might be 1.0290x slower bitops-nsieve-bits 3.1297+-0.0487 ? 3.1730+-0.1962 ? might be 1.0138x slower controlflow-recursive 2.4622+-0.5622 2.1664+-0.2530 might be 1.1366x faster crypto-aes 4.2540+-0.4326 4.1288+-0.2182 might be 1.0303x faster crypto-md5 2.7042+-0.1622 ? 2.8290+-0.4135 ? might be 1.0462x slower crypto-sha1 2.6219+-0.3711 ? 2.8080+-0.3020 ? might be 1.0710x slower date-format-tofte 7.2262+-0.3095 ? 7.2826+-0.5054 ? date-format-xparb 5.0081+-0.8966 4.7172+-0.1967 might be 1.0617x faster math-cordic 2.9813+-0.0918 2.9777+-0.0627 math-partial-sums 5.6639+-0.1907 ? 5.9255+-1.1533 ? might be 1.0462x slower math-spectral-norm 1.9982+-0.1432 1.9858+-0.0812 regexp-dna 7.0371+-0.7502 6.7368+-0.1908 might be 1.0446x faster string-base64 4.6243+-0.1353 ? 4.6492+-0.4579 ? string-fasta 6.3105+-0.2478 6.1622+-0.3323 might be 1.0241x faster string-tagcloud 8.7050+-0.4159 8.6326+-0.2999 string-unpack-code 22.3800+-1.6579 20.7937+-0.5280 might be 1.0763x faster string-validate-input 4.8853+-0.2528 4.7338+-0.1291 might be 1.0320x faster <arithmetic> 4.9807+-0.1418 4.9104+-0.0704 might be 1.0143x faster Conf#1 Conf#2 LongSpider: 3d-cube 846.0737+-7.5465 837.3837+-6.3687 might be 1.0104x faster 3d-morph 1611.9387+-3.9800 ? 1636.3325+-40.3305 ? might be 1.0151x slower 3d-raytrace 661.0216+-4.7120 ? 664.1810+-14.2584 ? access-binary-trees 840.5675+-5.2737 ? 843.7035+-3.1326 ? access-fannkuch 295.7958+-2.0423 ? 295.9999+-4.4893 ? access-nbody 549.7820+-9.2194 ? 550.0370+-9.4784 ? access-nsieve 379.4529+-25.0735 375.9882+-27.0047 bitops-3bit-bits-in-byte 44.5942+-2.1586 43.5723+-2.4032 might be 1.0235x faster bitops-bits-in-byte 80.8116+-1.2708 79.6158+-1.4672 might be 1.0150x faster bitops-nsieve-bits 437.9286+-13.9705 431.0991+-4.4634 might be 1.0158x faster controlflow-recursive 447.7337+-7.1092 ? 452.1996+-1.3360 ? crypto-aes 617.1171+-5.5522 615.8509+-4.0740 crypto-md5 528.4310+-18.8817 520.1992+-2.5066 might be 1.0158x faster crypto-sha1 708.9983+-36.2498 ? 715.2839+-9.6217 ? date-format-tofte 536.4990+-8.6712 ^ 524.5980+-2.1634 ^ definitely 1.0227x faster date-format-xparb 666.7575+-3.6572 ? 674.2995+-9.3618 ? might be 1.0113x slower hash-map 174.2747+-2.2450 ^ 166.5533+-1.9279 ^ definitely 1.0464x faster math-cordic 521.4597+-0.7832 ? 524.2094+-4.1751 ? math-partial-sums 500.6738+-0.4437 500.1898+-1.4217 math-spectral-norm 595.9771+-13.4061 593.4532+-10.0897 string-base64 381.3678+-35.4616 368.4020+-2.0083 might be 1.0352x faster string-fasta 385.9597+-1.2264 ? 388.0894+-3.6838 ? string-tagcloud 194.0875+-10.9336 193.2842+-2.7052 <geometric> 419.5540+-1.0635 ^ 417.0930+-1.0269 ^ definitely 1.0059x faster Conf#1 Conf#2 V8Spider: crypto 53.2427+-2.7264 ? 56.8286+-2.0683 ? might be 1.0673x slower deltablue 97.2385+-15.0373 86.9526+-9.0609 might be 1.1183x faster earley-boyer 43.2553+-1.1760 ? 43.8303+-1.2219 ? might be 1.0133x slower raytrace 30.7895+-2.7560 ? 31.1868+-2.5468 ? might be 1.0129x slower regexp 67.0240+-2.3952 ? 67.4251+-4.4658 ? richards 74.1628+-4.6039 ? 77.1136+-11.3677 ? might be 1.0398x slower splay 37.2322+-4.0162 ? 38.0845+-2.5490 ? might be 1.0229x slower <geometric> 53.5726+-0.4222 ? 53.9472+-2.0621 ? might be 1.0070x slower Conf#1 Conf#2 JSRegress: abc-forward-loop-equal 31.9769+-1.0738 ? 32.7180+-3.4301 ? might be 1.0232x slower abc-postfix-backward-loop 31.6341+-2.1639 31.3713+-1.1917 abc-simple-backward-loop 31.3964+-1.0370 ? 32.8483+-6.5451 ? might be 1.0462x slower abc-simple-forward-loop 31.0648+-0.8924 ? 32.8670+-3.3597 ? might be 1.0580x slower abc-skippy-loop 22.2210+-0.5809 ? 22.9654+-2.3336 ? might be 1.0335x slower abs-boolean 2.5717+-0.0616 ? 2.7065+-0.3957 ? might be 1.0524x slower adapt-to-double-divide 17.7505+-1.4704 17.1678+-0.5165 might be 1.0339x faster aliased-arguments-getbyval 1.2289+-0.0666 1.1981+-0.0189 might be 1.0258x faster allocate-big-object 2.4265+-0.1649 ? 2.8913+-1.3295 ? might be 1.1916x slower arguments-named-and-reflective 11.6481+-0.6160 11.5150+-0.5169 might be 1.0116x faster arguments-out-of-bounds 10.6871+-0.7501 10.4180+-0.2286 might be 1.0258x faster arguments-strict-mode 10.1275+-0.2280 ? 10.2330+-0.1942 ? might be 1.0104x slower arguments 9.1362+-0.7063 9.0015+-0.6960 might be 1.0150x faster arity-mismatch-inlining 0.9146+-0.1852 0.8593+-0.0177 might be 1.0644x faster array-access-polymorphic-structure 6.2714+-0.2654 6.1252+-0.3021 might be 1.0239x faster array-nonarray-polymorhpic-access 27.2933+-0.9620 26.6345+-1.1969 might be 1.0247x faster array-prototype-every 83.0792+-2.3996 82.6220+-1.8443 array-prototype-forEach 81.9311+-1.4060 81.0551+-1.6603 might be 1.0108x faster array-prototype-map 88.3923+-1.4686 ? 89.7687+-3.5567 ? might be 1.0156x slower array-prototype-reduce 78.6298+-3.4890 ? 79.0348+-2.1668 ? array-prototype-reduceRight 79.9473+-6.3641 79.2073+-2.0244 array-prototype-some 84.3407+-5.2366 82.5418+-1.8304 might be 1.0218x faster array-splice-contiguous 21.5140+-1.3870 ? 23.3731+-0.9974 ? might be 1.0864x slower array-with-double-add 3.6766+-0.0691 ? 3.7903+-0.1013 ? might be 1.0309x slower array-with-double-increment 3.4039+-0.1753 3.3403+-0.3627 might be 1.0190x faster array-with-double-mul-add 4.6690+-0.5410 4.4880+-0.1840 might be 1.0403x faster array-with-double-sum 3.7675+-1.2364 3.4506+-0.1162 might be 1.0918x faster array-with-int32-add-sub 6.3596+-0.2920 6.2787+-0.1301 might be 1.0129x faster array-with-int32-or-double-sum 3.4382+-0.0425 3.4113+-0.0590 ArrayBuffer-DataView-alloc-large-long-lived 33.6732+-1.6063 ? 33.8786+-3.4041 ? ArrayBuffer-DataView-alloc-long-lived 13.9478+-0.7264 ? 14.9534+-2.3777 ? might be 1.0721x slower ArrayBuffer-Int32Array-byteOffset 3.9088+-0.1279 3.8676+-0.1177 might be 1.0107x faster ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-large-long-lived 36.0451+-2.1614 ? 36.2339+-0.8807 ? ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-long-lived-buffer 22.3511+-0.3975 ? 22.7674+-2.3993 ? might be 1.0186x slower ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-long-lived 14.2481+-0.8731 14.0242+-0.5900 might be 1.0160x faster ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc 12.0803+-2.0869 11.2130+-0.8933 might be 1.0773x faster asmjs_bool_bug 7.6367+-0.1580 ? 8.0648+-0.8818 ? might be 1.0561x slower assign-custom-setter-polymorphic 2.6486+-0.1200 2.6031+-0.0912 might be 1.0175x faster assign-custom-setter 3.4927+-0.0852 ? 3.5715+-0.0097 ? might be 1.0226x slower basic-set 8.5493+-0.7188 ? 8.6010+-0.8086 ? big-int-mul 3.7151+-0.2064 ? 3.8052+-0.3281 ? might be 1.0242x slower boolean-test 3.0714+-0.1614 ? 3.3293+-0.5350 ? might be 1.0840x slower branch-fold 3.8448+-0.0854 3.8160+-0.0429 branch-on-string-as-boolean 18.3243+-1.8142 17.3951+-0.8158 might be 1.0534x faster by-val-generic 6.6465+-0.6995 6.4175+-0.2603 might be 1.0357x faster call-spread-apply 27.6401+-0.2095 ? 28.1000+-1.0506 ? might be 1.0166x slower call-spread-call 23.4692+-1.3981 23.4033+-0.4634 captured-assignments 0.4238+-0.0095 ? 0.5060+-0.2431 ? might be 1.1940x slower cast-int-to-double 5.4164+-0.1068 5.3774+-0.0702 cell-argument 7.0052+-0.9218 6.7245+-0.2042 might be 1.0418x faster cfg-simplify 2.9225+-0.0694 ? 3.3069+-0.5842 ? might be 1.1316x slower chain-getter-access 8.7120+-0.3457 ? 8.7683+-0.3229 ? cmpeq-obj-to-obj-other 11.7452+-2.6039 ? 12.0004+-3.0384 ? might be 1.0217x slower constant-test 5.1282+-0.0389 ? 5.4464+-0.6191 ? might be 1.0620x slower create-lots-of-functions 10.4030+-1.3848 9.5884+-0.5857 might be 1.0849x faster cse-new-array-buffer 2.3540+-0.1992 2.2773+-0.1648 might be 1.0337x faster cse-new-array 2.3330+-0.0830 ? 2.3461+-0.1954 ? DataView-custom-properties 35.4521+-3.6190 ? 35.5552+-2.4748 ? delay-tear-off-arguments-strictmode 13.2415+-0.9104 ? 13.6507+-1.2289 ? might be 1.0309x slower deltablue-varargs 160.0233+-5.2421 ? 163.8912+-5.9854 ? might be 1.0242x slower destructuring-arguments 177.3647+-3.7413 175.3654+-0.9481 might be 1.0114x faster destructuring-parameters-overridden-by-function 0.4739+-0.0337 0.4715+-0.0456 destructuring-swap 5.0037+-0.0433 ? 5.0770+-0.1577 ? might be 1.0146x slower direct-arguments-getbyval 1.2133+-0.0129 ? 1.2501+-0.1037 ? might be 1.0304x slower div-boolean-double 5.8298+-0.4038 5.7510+-0.1049 might be 1.0137x faster div-boolean 8.7859+-0.1470 ? 8.7901+-0.2278 ? double-get-by-val-out-of-bounds 4.4308+-0.2839 ? 4.5948+-1.0399 ? might be 1.0370x slower double-pollution-getbyval 9.2954+-0.0581 ? 9.4821+-0.1326 ? might be 1.0201x slower double-pollution-putbyoffset 4.0430+-0.2197 ? 4.4470+-0.6340 ? might be 1.0999x slower double-real-use 31.2185+-3.1617 27.5430+-3.3503 might be 1.1334x faster double-to-int32-typed-array-no-inline 2.1960+-0.0874 ? 2.2697+-0.1047 ? might be 1.0336x slower double-to-int32-typed-array 1.9429+-0.1616 1.9296+-0.1553 double-to-uint32-typed-array-no-inline 2.2898+-0.1879 2.2382+-0.0568 might be 1.0230x faster double-to-uint32-typed-array 2.0765+-0.3176 2.0120+-0.0451 might be 1.0321x faster elidable-new-object-dag 36.3146+-2.1093 ? 36.4350+-1.5768 ? elidable-new-object-roflcopter 36.2160+-1.9329 35.3875+-1.7275 might be 1.0234x faster elidable-new-object-then-call 34.8969+-4.2849 33.8310+-2.0579 might be 1.0315x faster elidable-new-object-tree 39.6977+-0.6863 ? 41.7340+-2.5881 ? might be 1.0513x slower empty-string-plus-int 5.2098+-0.4339 5.0518+-0.2039 might be 1.0313x faster emscripten-cube2hash 27.2902+-2.5660 27.2219+-3.2846 exit-length-on-plain-object 13.3901+-0.1517 ? 13.9565+-1.3046 ? might be 1.0423x slower external-arguments-getbyval 1.3168+-0.2177 1.2318+-0.0701 might be 1.0690x faster external-arguments-putbyval 2.3901+-0.3119 2.2868+-0.1476 might be 1.0452x faster fixed-typed-array-storage-var-index 1.2576+-0.0622 ? 1.2597+-0.0342 ? fixed-typed-array-storage 0.9380+-0.0937 ? 1.0567+-0.5308 ? might be 1.1265x slower Float32Array-matrix-mult 4.4942+-0.6674 4.0685+-0.0684 might be 1.1046x faster Float32Array-to-Float64Array-set 49.4890+-1.3875 ? 50.8389+-0.8738 ? might be 1.0273x slower Float64Array-alloc-long-lived 78.1083+-2.6375 ? 79.5410+-2.1305 ? might be 1.0183x slower Float64Array-to-Int16Array-set 60.4419+-2.4761 ? 62.4102+-2.4588 ? might be 1.0326x slower fold-double-to-int 13.5457+-0.1745 ? 13.6285+-0.9296 ? fold-get-by-id-to-multi-get-by-offset-rare-int 10.1992+-0.6829 ? 10.9257+-0.3413 ? might be 1.0712x slower fold-get-by-id-to-multi-get-by-offset 9.3632+-0.3934 9.2662+-0.4492 might be 1.0105x faster fold-multi-get-by-offset-to-get-by-offset 9.2161+-1.1311 ? 9.6175+-0.8432 ? might be 1.0436x slower fold-multi-get-by-offset-to-poly-get-by-offset 8.2711+-1.7644 ? 8.5255+-1.7206 ? might be 1.0308x slower fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-poly-put-by-offset 8.5231+-1.0374 8.2953+-1.1415 might be 1.0275x faster fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-put-by-offset 6.3432+-1.4227 ? 6.3485+-1.1979 ? fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-replace-or-transition-put-by-offset 9.4265+-0.6875 ? 10.2365+-1.3321 ? might be 1.0859x slower fold-put-by-id-to-multi-put-by-offset 9.6505+-0.8713 ? 9.7173+-0.3138 ? fold-put-structure 5.9468+-1.0628 5.4907+-0.7523 might be 1.0831x faster for-of-iterate-array-entries 12.8451+-1.7467 12.0761+-0.6307 might be 1.0637x faster for-of-iterate-array-keys 3.6492+-0.1768 ? 3.7929+-0.6569 ? might be 1.0394x slower for-of-iterate-array-values 3.6873+-0.2883 3.6549+-0.0908 fround 20.0687+-1.1864 ? 20.4324+-1.8669 ? might be 1.0181x slower ftl-library-inlining-dataview 61.6808+-2.1402 ? 61.7739+-1.9429 ? ftl-library-inlining 115.3975+-4.4068 ? 116.9209+-2.8947 ? might be 1.0132x slower function-dot-apply 2.1056+-0.0127 ? 2.1284+-0.0471 ? might be 1.0108x slower function-test 2.8447+-0.1259 2.8412+-0.0767 function-with-eval 107.2877+-3.4362 105.2037+-1.0731 might be 1.0198x faster gcse-poly-get-less-obvious 15.3370+-0.6296 15.1340+-0.2621 might be 1.0134x faster gcse-poly-get 17.4919+-1.2077 16.8533+-0.2266 might be 1.0379x faster gcse 4.0945+-0.1734 4.0474+-0.0398 might be 1.0116x faster get-by-id-bimorphic-check-structure-elimination-simple 2.7681+-0.0905 2.7556+-0.0730 get-by-id-bimorphic-check-structure-elimination 6.1611+-0.1794 ? 6.5620+-0.5391 ? might be 1.0651x slower get-by-id-chain-from-try-block 6.4600+-1.2682 5.9448+-0.1028 might be 1.0867x faster get-by-id-check-structure-elimination 4.7137+-0.1634 4.6783+-0.0787 get-by-id-proto-or-self 16.0821+-2.6711 15.7717+-2.0503 might be 1.0197x faster get-by-id-quadmorphic-check-structure-elimination-simple 3.0632+-0.0610 ? 3.3898+-0.8159 ? might be 1.1066x slower get-by-id-self-or-proto 15.3161+-0.6869 15.3154+-0.5241 get-by-val-out-of-bounds 4.0605+-0.1834 ? 4.0846+-0.0270 ? get-by-val-with-string-bimorphic-check-structure-elimination-simple 3.2737+-0.9808 2.9802+-0.0246 might be 1.0985x faster get-by-val-with-string-bimorphic-check-structure-elimination 6.5759+-0.2209 6.3843+-0.0783 might be 1.0300x faster get-by-val-with-string-chain-from-try-block 5.9681+-0.1462 ? 5.9799+-0.2484 ? get-by-val-with-string-check-structure-elimination 5.5424+-0.3605 5.4056+-0.0506 might be 1.0253x faster get-by-val-with-string-proto-or-self 16.0456+-2.2126 ? 16.2225+-0.4333 ? might be 1.0110x slower get-by-val-with-string-quadmorphic-check-structure-elimination-simple 3.3773+-0.1169 3.3557+-0.0384 get-by-val-with-string-self-or-proto 17.7050+-1.8491 15.6118+-0.7244 might be 1.1341x faster get-by-val-with-symbol-bimorphic-check-structure-elimination-simple 3.4016+-0.4917 3.3150+-0.3641 might be 1.0261x faster get-by-val-with-symbol-bimorphic-check-structure-elimination 13.2473+-0.3487 ? 13.3338+-0.2783 ? get-by-val-with-symbol-chain-from-try-block 6.3320+-0.5748 5.9633+-0.2930 might be 1.0618x faster get-by-val-with-symbol-check-structure-elimination 11.9164+-0.0775 11.8165+-0.0631 get-by-val-with-symbol-proto-or-self 15.5300+-0.8280 ? 16.1260+-1.6951 ? might be 1.0384x slower get-by-val-with-symbol-quadmorphic-check-structure-elimination-simple 4.2328+-0.0421 ? 4.4182+-0.5718 ? might be 1.0438x slower get-by-val-with-symbol-self-or-proto 15.7914+-1.3841 ? 16.1665+-1.4778 ? might be 1.0238x slower get_callee_monomorphic 2.8956+-1.2242 2.5004+-0.1228 might be 1.1581x faster get_callee_polymorphic 3.3065+-0.2013 ? 3.6029+-0.8153 ? might be 1.0896x slower getter-no-activation 5.2087+-0.2611 5.2068+-0.3538 getter-prototype 10.4843+-0.1577 ? 10.5233+-0.1118 ? getter-richards 118.3755+-15.1255 ? 124.4922+-12.4418 ? might be 1.0517x slower getter 5.6320+-0.3871 ? 5.6713+-0.6287 ? global-object-access-with-mutating-structure 5.7906+-0.3636 ? 6.2127+-0.5155 ? might be 1.0729x slower global-var-const-infer-fire-from-opt 0.9214+-0.0482 ? 0.9291+-0.0744 ? global-var-const-infer 0.7585+-0.0440 ? 0.7770+-0.1565 ? might be 1.0244x slower HashMap-put-get-iterate-keys 29.2460+-3.3482 28.9109+-4.1116 might be 1.0116x faster HashMap-put-get-iterate 30.6572+-0.8103 29.0472+-3.4846 might be 1.0554x faster HashMap-string-put-get-iterate 26.0314+-1.3274 25.9180+-0.5743 hoist-make-rope 9.1143+-1.3118 8.7463+-1.8299 might be 1.0421x faster hoist-poly-check-structure-effectful-loop 5.1495+-1.0098 4.6587+-0.1463 might be 1.1053x faster hoist-poly-check-structure 3.4802+-0.1732 ? 3.6998+-0.7313 ? might be 1.0631x slower imul-double-only 7.0590+-0.1912 7.0040+-0.4549 imul-int-only 8.3292+-0.2474 ? 8.5366+-0.5826 ? might be 1.0249x slower imul-mixed 7.0074+-0.5017 ? 7.2277+-1.3256 ? might be 1.0314x slower in-four-cases 18.4843+-0.6239 ? 18.4990+-0.6152 ? in-one-case-false 10.3777+-0.6749 10.1102+-0.4808 might be 1.0265x faster in-one-case-true 10.1099+-0.6257 ? 10.1968+-0.4036 ? in-two-cases 10.4046+-0.1631 ? 10.5105+-0.5896 ? might be 1.0102x slower indexed-properties-in-objects 2.9459+-0.0712 2.9243+-0.0352 infer-closure-const-then-mov-no-inline 3.3550+-0.4842 3.3369+-0.2184 infer-closure-const-then-mov 18.9496+-1.0527 18.2522+-0.9453 might be 1.0382x faster infer-closure-const-then-put-to-scope-no-inline 11.8267+-0.0746 ? 11.9285+-0.4535 ? infer-closure-const-then-put-to-scope 23.5400+-1.1979 ? 24.1647+-4.4542 ? might be 1.0265x slower infer-closure-const-then-reenter-no-inline 55.5629+-0.8967 54.1643+-2.1495 might be 1.0258x faster infer-closure-const-then-reenter 23.4227+-1.0075 ? 23.5286+-1.3340 ? infer-constant-global-property 3.6317+-0.1007 3.6249+-0.0347 infer-constant-property 2.8910+-0.2932 ? 2.9250+-0.4341 ? might be 1.0118x slower infer-one-time-closure-ten-vars 8.8845+-1.0017 ? 9.1034+-1.0828 ? might be 1.0246x slower infer-one-time-closure-two-vars 8.7146+-1.1070 8.3997+-0.0819 might be 1.0375x faster infer-one-time-closure 9.0792+-1.1707 8.6609+-0.8916 might be 1.0483x faster infer-one-time-deep-closure 13.8282+-0.7339 13.7628+-0.8456 inline-arguments-access 4.2300+-1.3189 3.7897+-0.1959 might be 1.1162x faster inline-arguments-aliased-access 3.7764+-0.0482 ? 3.8061+-0.1480 ? inline-arguments-local-escape 3.7673+-0.1392 ? 3.7708+-0.0837 ? inline-get-scoped-var 4.8497+-0.2143 ? 5.0580+-0.3572 ? might be 1.0430x slower inlined-put-by-id-transition 10.9595+-0.4576 ? 11.2783+-1.5709 ? might be 1.0291x slower int-or-other-abs-then-get-by-val 5.5224+-1.3882 5.4862+-1.1480 int-or-other-abs-zero-then-get-by-val 16.9205+-0.5399 ? 17.0387+-0.7348 ? int-or-other-add-then-get-by-val 4.3328+-0.0909 4.2866+-0.1033 might be 1.0108x faster int-or-other-add 5.2770+-0.2490 ? 5.2814+-0.2532 ? int-or-other-div-then-get-by-val 4.3652+-1.2360 4.0292+-0.0580 might be 1.0834x faster int-or-other-max-then-get-by-val 4.2733+-0.1064 4.1971+-0.1465 might be 1.0181x faster int-or-other-min-then-get-by-val 4.2910+-0.3473 ? 4.4673+-0.5222 ? might be 1.0411x slower int-or-other-mod-then-get-by-val 3.6982+-0.1403 ? 3.7967+-0.1323 ? might be 1.0266x slower int-or-other-mul-then-get-by-val 4.2582+-0.6667 4.0024+-0.2640 might be 1.0639x faster int-or-other-neg-then-get-by-val 4.9940+-0.7426 4.9200+-0.4396 might be 1.0150x faster int-or-other-neg-zero-then-get-by-val 16.9741+-0.3764 16.7368+-0.0612 might be 1.0142x faster int-or-other-sub-then-get-by-val 4.3586+-0.0717 4.3428+-0.1582 int-or-other-sub 3.6372+-0.1319 ? 4.2899+-0.7015 ? might be 1.1794x slower int-overflow-local 4.5858+-0.0724 4.5156+-0.1383 might be 1.0155x faster Int16Array-alloc-long-lived 51.8090+-5.4248 49.6139+-2.1619 might be 1.0442x faster Int16Array-bubble-sort-with-byteLength 18.6837+-0.6530 ? 18.8350+-0.8365 ? Int16Array-bubble-sort 18.8500+-0.2451 ? 19.2304+-0.6729 ? might be 1.0202x slower Int16Array-load-int-mul 1.5716+-0.1817 1.5107+-0.0365 might be 1.0403x faster Int16Array-to-Int32Array-set 45.8513+-1.1648 ? 45.9073+-1.8258 ? Int32Array-alloc-large 13.5715+-0.9299 ? 14.3177+-2.1986 ? might be 1.0550x slower Int32Array-alloc-long-lived 59.8740+-3.4639 58.7514+-0.9649 might be 1.0191x faster Int32Array-alloc 2.9912+-0.6563 ? 3.5592+-0.8916 ? might be 1.1899x slower Int32Array-Int8Array-view-alloc 6.5309+-0.1716 ? 6.6207+-0.1676 ? might be 1.0137x slower int52-spill 5.9559+-1.1743 4.9077+-0.0983 might be 1.2136x faster Int8Array-alloc-long-lived 44.9630+-2.4140 44.5255+-3.5806 Int8Array-load-with-byteLength 3.6530+-0.1027 3.5992+-0.0423 might be 1.0149x faster Int8Array-load 3.7690+-0.3321 3.7304+-0.2404 might be 1.0103x faster integer-divide 11.2250+-0.2735 ? 11.4299+-0.4331 ? might be 1.0183x slower integer-modulo 1.7424+-0.0568 ? 1.8162+-0.3940 ? might be 1.0424x slower is-boolean-fold-tricky 4.0510+-0.2337 ? 4.0575+-0.1418 ? is-boolean-fold 2.8715+-0.2655 2.7876+-0.0928 might be 1.0301x faster is-function-fold-tricky-internal-function 10.6863+-0.0609 ? 10.9852+-0.8355 ? might be 1.0280x slower is-function-fold-tricky 4.5397+-0.4323 ? 4.6870+-0.6485 ? might be 1.0324x slower is-function-fold 2.8081+-0.0383 2.8063+-0.0794 is-number-fold-tricky 4.4295+-0.4679 4.3138+-0.1094 might be 1.0268x faster is-number-fold 3.0416+-0.8138 2.8060+-0.0536 might be 1.0840x faster is-object-or-null-fold-functions 2.8177+-0.0601 ? 2.8449+-0.1133 ? is-object-or-null-fold-less-tricky 4.4170+-0.1612 ? 4.4188+-0.1540 ? is-object-or-null-fold-tricky 5.5953+-0.2248 ? 5.7895+-0.2491 ? might be 1.0347x slower is-object-or-null-fold 2.8458+-0.1635 ? 2.8643+-0.1977 ? is-object-or-null-trickier-function 4.5148+-0.3572 ? 4.5165+-0.0930 ? is-object-or-null-trickier-internal-function 11.4747+-0.4421 ? 11.8643+-1.4847 ? might be 1.0340x slower is-object-or-null-tricky-function 4.4460+-0.0615 ? 4.7008+-0.8275 ? might be 1.0573x slower is-object-or-null-tricky-internal-function 8.3852+-0.6302 ? 8.4854+-0.7114 ? might be 1.0119x slower is-string-fold-tricky 4.2670+-0.0897 ? 4.3323+-0.1422 ? might be 1.0153x slower is-string-fold 2.7471+-0.0464 ? 2.7882+-0.1212 ? might be 1.0150x slower is-undefined-fold-tricky 3.6516+-0.2552 ? 3.7016+-0.4838 ? might be 1.0137x slower is-undefined-fold 2.7672+-0.0956 ? 2.7780+-0.0443 ? JSONP-negative-0 0.2648+-0.0378 0.2576+-0.0399 might be 1.0282x faster large-int-captured 4.1929+-0.6321 4.1608+-0.4154 large-int-neg 15.1877+-0.5202 ? 15.7713+-1.2963 ? might be 1.0384x slower large-int 14.6007+-0.3751 ? 14.7063+-0.8083 ? load-varargs-elimination 24.7156+-4.7052 23.5220+-2.3038 might be 1.0507x faster logical-not-weird-types 3.2526+-0.5586 3.0423+-0.1192 might be 1.0691x faster logical-not 4.6074+-0.2681 4.4708+-0.0803 might be 1.0306x faster lots-of-fields 9.7208+-0.3311 ? 9.9925+-0.7565 ? might be 1.0280x slower make-indexed-storage 3.0257+-0.2482 2.8851+-0.1372 might be 1.0487x faster make-rope-cse 4.1350+-1.0098 3.8677+-0.3529 might be 1.0691x faster marsaglia-larger-ints 35.3892+-0.9230 ? 35.3921+-1.0281 ? marsaglia-osr-entry 22.2894+-1.0683 ? 22.5934+-0.9516 ? might be 1.0136x slower math-with-out-of-bounds-array-values 23.3144+-0.4208 ? 23.4537+-0.6639 ? max-boolean 2.9037+-0.1146 2.8914+-0.1446 method-on-number 17.0923+-0.6455 ? 17.4036+-0.5279 ? might be 1.0182x slower min-boolean 2.8073+-0.0638 ? 2.8597+-0.0675 ? might be 1.0187x slower minus-boolean-double 3.2357+-0.0783 ? 3.3185+-0.2481 ? might be 1.0256x slower minus-boolean 2.4621+-0.0140 2.4575+-0.0463 misc-strict-eq 33.0383+-1.4167 ? 33.6889+-1.6336 ? might be 1.0197x slower mod-boolean-double 12.4227+-1.6934 12.0477+-0.2814 might be 1.0311x faster mod-boolean 9.0529+-0.3479 9.0183+-0.3816 mul-boolean-double 4.0958+-0.7364 3.8394+-0.1561 might be 1.0668x faster mul-boolean 2.9642+-0.0580 ? 3.0870+-0.3119 ? might be 1.0414x slower neg-boolean 3.6928+-1.2795 3.3140+-0.1017 might be 1.1143x faster negative-zero-divide 0.3395+-0.0296 ? 0.4000+-0.1974 ? might be 1.1782x slower negative-zero-modulo 0.4230+-0.1908 0.3527+-0.0820 might be 1.1994x faster negative-zero-negate 0.3175+-0.0124 0.3138+-0.0081 might be 1.0119x faster nested-function-parsing 46.1507+-4.1989 45.6701+-1.7018 might be 1.0105x faster new-array-buffer-dead 93.9760+-3.7415 93.4820+-0.8011 new-array-buffer-push 6.1261+-0.1786 6.0806+-0.2775 new-array-dead 14.3315+-0.9391 14.3193+-0.2286 new-array-push 3.8170+-0.3506 3.5798+-0.1982 might be 1.0663x faster no-inline-constructor 32.6673+-0.4624 ? 36.6161+-10.0057 ? might be 1.1209x slower number-test 2.9903+-0.0272 ? 3.0054+-0.0512 ? object-closure-call 5.1255+-0.1048 ? 5.1435+-0.1057 ? object-get-own-property-symbols-on-large-array 4.2991+-0.6188 4.2093+-0.4213 might be 1.0213x faster object-test 2.7723+-0.0417 ? 2.8228+-0.0338 ? might be 1.0182x slower obvious-sink-pathology-taken 105.8373+-1.1510 105.0346+-1.8401 obvious-sink-pathology 100.5142+-1.1205 ? 100.7882+-1.6187 ? obviously-elidable-new-object 29.7150+-1.6969 ? 30.8946+-1.8215 ? might be 1.0397x slower plus-boolean-arith 2.6307+-0.2590 ? 2.6740+-0.3393 ? might be 1.0164x slower plus-boolean-double 3.2776+-0.0981 ? 3.3683+-0.0419 ? might be 1.0277x slower plus-boolean 2.7715+-0.2170 2.7468+-0.0188 poly-chain-access-different-prototypes-simple 3.5199+-0.2487 3.4437+-0.1145 might be 1.0221x faster poly-chain-access-different-prototypes 3.1002+-0.0946 ? 3.2365+-0.2789 ? might be 1.0440x slower poly-chain-access-simpler 3.6373+-0.3560 3.4956+-0.1327 might be 1.0405x faster poly-chain-access 3.5414+-0.0931 ? 3.6550+-0.6018 ? might be 1.0321x slower poly-stricteq 54.1069+-1.8894 ? 54.2936+-3.0240 ? polymorphic-array-call 1.3372+-0.0121 ^ 1.2786+-0.0226 ^ definitely 1.0458x faster polymorphic-get-by-id 3.0023+-0.0291 2.9794+-0.0420 polymorphic-put-by-id 27.1545+-2.7359 ? 28.4401+-2.0104 ? might be 1.0473x slower polymorphic-structure 14.4487+-0.5312 14.1483+-0.1167 might be 1.0212x faster polyvariant-monomorphic-get-by-id 6.7697+-0.6843 ? 6.7812+-0.9296 ? proto-getter-access 8.6152+-0.1387 ? 8.6456+-0.1094 ? prototype-access-with-mutating-prototype 5.7861+-0.1827 ? 6.3260+-1.1364 ? might be 1.0933x slower put-by-id-replace-and-transition 8.5128+-1.5005 8.3329+-0.9983 might be 1.0216x faster put-by-id-slightly-polymorphic 3.2636+-1.2420 2.8226+-0.1111 might be 1.1563x faster put-by-id 10.4673+-0.7341 9.9872+-0.4198 might be 1.0481x faster put-by-val-direct 0.3494+-0.0265 ? 0.3562+-0.0281 ? might be 1.0196x slower put-by-val-large-index-blank-indexing-type 5.6982+-0.2959 ? 5.7194+-0.8546 ? put-by-val-machine-int 2.8760+-0.6982 2.5163+-0.1103 might be 1.1430x faster rare-osr-exit-on-local 15.5720+-0.5871 ? 15.8848+-0.8898 ? might be 1.0201x slower register-pressure-from-osr 17.9030+-1.4696 17.3937+-0.5035 might be 1.0293x faster repeat-multi-get-by-offset 23.7230+-0.9353 ? 24.4974+-4.2906 ? might be 1.0326x slower setter-prototype 8.0261+-0.3771 7.8889+-0.2808 might be 1.0174x faster setter 6.0975+-0.6963 6.0649+-0.6306 simple-activation-demo 26.3618+-1.3107 26.0617+-0.5123 might be 1.0115x faster simple-getter-access 11.1303+-0.2463 10.9844+-0.3096 might be 1.0133x faster simple-poly-call-nested 8.9442+-0.6442 ? 9.3550+-0.6776 ? might be 1.0459x slower simple-poly-call 1.3634+-0.1707 1.2836+-0.0528 might be 1.0621x faster sin-boolean 20.1262+-3.4151 19.8008+-3.4588 might be 1.0164x faster singleton-scope 67.7137+-2.6968 65.5434+-2.4099 might be 1.0331x faster sink-function 10.5380+-0.3956 10.0546+-1.6180 might be 1.0481x faster sink-huge-activation 17.6403+-1.8328 16.8927+-1.3027 might be 1.0443x faster sinkable-new-object-dag 59.8022+-2.0303 ? 60.7321+-0.9853 ? might be 1.0155x slower sinkable-new-object-taken 44.8319+-1.0310 ? 46.0071+-1.2944 ? might be 1.0262x slower sinkable-new-object 32.4064+-2.1251 ? 33.7217+-1.4043 ? might be 1.0406x slower slow-array-profile-convergence 2.7833+-0.3473 ? 2.8492+-0.6549 ? might be 1.0237x slower slow-convergence 2.5694+-0.0728 2.5039+-0.0415 might be 1.0262x faster slow-ternaries 18.6854+-0.7810 ? 18.8669+-0.8045 ? sorting-benchmark 18.2437+-0.3301 ? 18.9256+-1.0259 ? might be 1.0374x slower sparse-conditional 1.3498+-0.3058 1.1967+-0.0691 might be 1.1279x faster splice-to-remove 12.7178+-0.5542 ? 13.0045+-0.3947 ? might be 1.0225x slower string-char-code-at 15.8010+-1.4433 15.3497+-0.1894 might be 1.0294x faster string-concat-object 2.3514+-0.3222 2.2041+-0.1708 might be 1.0668x faster string-concat-pair-object 2.2109+-0.2413 ? 2.2640+-0.2109 ? might be 1.0240x slower string-concat-pair-simple 9.8010+-0.9105 ? 10.6083+-2.1227 ? might be 1.0824x slower string-concat-simple 10.4570+-1.9444 10.1307+-2.0221 might be 1.0322x faster string-cons-repeat 6.6680+-0.1619 ? 6.8830+-0.8390 ? might be 1.0322x slower string-cons-tower 6.8568+-0.2271 ? 7.0491+-0.6645 ? might be 1.0280x slower string-equality 16.0735+-0.2077 ? 16.8719+-2.7661 ? might be 1.0497x slower string-get-by-val-big-char 7.0218+-0.2470 ? 7.1564+-0.1178 ? might be 1.0192x slower string-get-by-val-out-of-bounds-insane 3.6067+-0.1673 ? 3.6953+-0.2581 ? might be 1.0246x slower string-get-by-val-out-of-bounds 4.3289+-0.1376 4.3274+-0.2000 string-get-by-val 3.0166+-0.1239 2.9901+-0.0248 string-hash 1.9950+-0.1489 ? 2.0718+-0.2752 ? might be 1.0385x slower string-long-ident-equality 13.6318+-0.1733 13.5829+-0.7605 string-out-of-bounds 11.2473+-0.5994 ? 11.5335+-1.6105 ? might be 1.0254x slower string-repeat-arith 30.5446+-1.6166 30.3666+-2.3646 string-sub 59.7629+-4.7058 59.1746+-0.6099 string-test 2.8408+-0.0616 ? 2.8560+-0.0190 ? string-var-equality 28.2495+-0.2365 27.6835+-1.1643 might be 1.0204x faster structure-hoist-over-transitions 2.5870+-0.0626 2.5215+-0.1412 might be 1.0260x faster substring-concat-weird 38.3123+-0.2419 ? 38.5020+-2.2249 ? substring-concat 42.2219+-1.1047 ? 42.6042+-2.6897 ? substring 49.3043+-1.5139 48.7850+-4.1629 might be 1.0106x faster switch-char-constant 2.8430+-0.0947 2.7977+-0.0725 might be 1.0162x faster switch-char 6.3949+-0.9041 6.3773+-1.4867 switch-constant 8.7563+-0.8811 8.1208+-0.5158 might be 1.0783x faster switch-string-basic-big-var 17.6591+-0.4750 17.5377+-0.2624 switch-string-basic-big 15.9043+-0.3211 ? 15.9417+-0.1321 ? switch-string-basic-var 14.6680+-0.3292 14.0587+-0.3840 might be 1.0433x faster switch-string-basic 13.8433+-0.3686 ? 14.2543+-1.2601 ? might be 1.0297x slower switch-string-big-length-tower-var 20.1989+-1.8925 20.0512+-1.6199 switch-string-length-tower-var 14.4121+-0.8799 14.0853+-0.3735 might be 1.0232x faster switch-string-length-tower 12.6964+-0.3236 ? 12.7867+-0.1703 ? switch-string-short 12.7866+-0.4247 ? 13.1065+-1.2225 ? might be 1.0250x slower switch 12.2818+-2.0161 ? 12.6447+-1.1907 ? might be 1.0295x slower tear-off-arguments-simple 3.1957+-0.2473 ? 3.2062+-0.2986 ? tear-off-arguments 4.2635+-0.3371 ? 4.2982+-0.4337 ? temporal-structure 12.9825+-0.5627 12.8094+-0.1219 might be 1.0135x faster to-int32-boolean 14.5421+-0.1948 14.3277+-0.6396 might be 1.0150x faster try-catch-get-by-val-cloned-arguments 15.8930+-2.3651 15.0908+-1.5140 might be 1.0532x faster try-catch-get-by-val-direct-arguments 6.7480+-0.2558 6.5220+-0.1638 might be 1.0347x faster try-catch-get-by-val-scoped-arguments 8.1906+-0.8172 7.8974+-0.3572 might be 1.0371x faster typed-array-get-set-by-val-profiling 29.0142+-1.0627 ? 29.1628+-1.0134 ? undefined-property-access 238.7850+-0.2574 ? 242.0547+-7.1195 ? might be 1.0137x slower undefined-test 2.9927+-0.0610 2.9868+-0.0530 unprofiled-licm 14.8480+-0.6109 ? 15.2838+-0.8130 ? might be 1.0294x slower varargs-call 14.9593+-0.3806 14.8967+-0.5719 varargs-construct-inline 24.4755+-2.3109 ? 28.6356+-14.6275 ? might be 1.1700x slower varargs-construct 21.8678+-1.0155 ? 21.9451+-1.2842 ? varargs-inline 9.2339+-0.6049 9.2010+-0.6584 varargs-strict-mode 10.1056+-0.9921 9.6444+-0.2527 might be 1.0478x faster varargs 9.7850+-0.3535 ? 9.8395+-0.2666 ? weird-inlining-const-prop 3.0639+-0.7067 2.3988+-0.2285 might be 1.2773x faster <geometric> 8.2473+-0.0406 8.2355+-0.0609 might be 1.0014x faster Conf#1 Conf#2 Geomean of preferred means: <scaled-result> 30.9972+-0.2498 30.8836+-0.2513 might be 1.0037x faster
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 8
2015-08-11 15:29:51 PDT
attachment 258770
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 9
2015-08-11 15:30:07 PDT
The missing numbers: Conf#1 Conf#2 Octane: encrypt 0.30713+-0.00054 ? 0.30724+-0.00087 ? decrypt 5.55837+-0.01636 ? 5.56102+-0.02011 ? deltablue x2 0.25311+-0.00438 ? 0.25465+-0.01082 ? earley 0.49670+-0.00403 ? 0.49966+-0.00570 ? boyer 8.05988+-0.03222 8.00612+-0.03885 navier-stokes x2 6.36816+-0.00880 ? 6.37135+-0.00853 ? raytrace x2 3.53527+-0.11839 3.52500+-0.12314 richards x2 0.16941+-0.00215 0.16873+-0.00079 splay x2 0.54021+-0.00612 0.53874+-0.01061 regexp x2 37.84617+-0.29824 ? 37.97721+-0.70001 ? pdfjs x2 60.17612+-0.41363 ^ 59.29094+-0.13617 ^ definitely 1.0149x faster mandreel x2 70.83144+-1.99485 ? 70.96153+-1.72879 ? gbemu x2 60.22347+-0.40646 ? 60.36362+-1.27071 ? closure 0.90390+-0.00726 0.90000+-0.00223 jquery 11.80978+-0.03997 11.76413+-0.14619 box2d x2 17.38132+-0.17947 ? 17.40177+-0.07353 ? zlib x2 574.48167+-11.25584 572.06274+-7.71353 typescript x2 1097.06952+-28.59665 ? 1097.89148+-26.92084 ? <geometric> 9.51417+-0.04489 9.50348+-0.05489 might be 1.0011x faster Conf#1 Conf#2 Kraken: ai-astar 339.192+-2.528 337.233+-3.674 audio-beat-detection 94.448+-1.044 ^ 83.910+-0.426 ^ definitely 1.1256x faster audio-dft 128.152+-0.732 ? 128.953+-1.173 ? audio-fft 59.352+-2.343 58.617+-1.375 might be 1.0125x faster audio-oscillator 102.496+-1.539 101.794+-0.487 imaging-darkroom 95.947+-0.127 ? 96.039+-0.408 ? imaging-desaturate 90.622+-0.103 ? 91.051+-1.824 ? imaging-gaussian-blur 148.633+-1.163 ? 148.729+-0.630 ? json-parse-financial 72.195+-0.533 71.073+-1.494 might be 1.0158x faster json-stringify-tinderbox 41.339+-0.339 41.315+-0.544 stanford-crypto-aes 63.953+-0.900 ? 64.612+-1.483 ? might be 1.0103x slower stanford-crypto-ccm 60.364+-5.504 59.537+-1.399 might be 1.0139x faster stanford-crypto-pbkdf2 142.625+-3.504 142.285+-5.094 stanford-crypto-sha256-iterative 58.278+-0.734 58.047+-1.308 <arithmetic> 106.971+-0.601 ^ 105.943+-0.216 ^ definitely 1.0097x faster Conf#1 Conf#2 Geomean of preferred means: <scaled-result> 31.9019+-0.0674 31.7305+-0.1097 might be 1.0054x faster
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 10
2015-08-13 20:54:51 PDT
Comment on
attachment 258770
Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 258770 Committed
: <
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 11
2015-08-13 20:54:57 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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