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Insert store barriers late so that IR transformations don't have to worry about them
Insert store barriers late so that IR transformations don't have to worry abo...
Filip Pizlo
2015-05-14 12:30:19 PDT
Patch forthcoming.
(10.19 KB, patch)
2015-05-14 12:30 PDT
Filip Pizlo
no flags
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it's getting interesting
(18.17 KB, patch)
2015-05-14 20:08 PDT
Filip Pizlo
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it is written
(37.71 KB, patch)
2015-05-14 21:17 PDT
Filip Pizlo
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almost done
(52.12 KB, patch)
2015-05-14 22:53 PDT
Filip Pizlo
no flags
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the patch
(57.14 KB, patch)
2015-05-15 12:24 PDT
Filip Pizlo
: review+
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Filip Pizlo
Comment 1
2015-05-14 12:30:49 PDT
attachment 253135
Filip Pizlo
Comment 2
2015-05-14 20:08:51 PDT
attachment 253170
it's getting interesting
Filip Pizlo
Comment 3
2015-05-14 21:17:01 PDT
attachment 253174
it is written
Filip Pizlo
Comment 4
2015-05-14 22:53:45 PDT
attachment 253176
almost done Just need to run perf tests.
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 5
2015-05-14 22:55:15 PDT
Attachment 253176
did not pass style-queue: ERROR: Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGStoreBarrierInsertionPhase.cpp:197: Place brace on its own line for function definitions. [whitespace/braces] [4] ERROR: Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGStoreBarrierInsertionPhase.cpp:321: Place brace on its own line for function definitions. [whitespace/braces] [4] Total errors found: 2 in 10 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Filip Pizlo
Comment 6
2015-05-15 12:24:10 PDT
attachment 253214
the patch
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 7
2015-05-15 12:24:39 PDT
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 8
2015-05-15 12:26:38 PDT
Attachment 253214
did not pass style-queue: ERROR: Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGStoreBarrierInsertionPhase.cpp:211: Place brace on its own line for function definitions. [whitespace/braces] [4] ERROR: Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGStoreBarrierInsertionPhase.cpp:335: Place brace on its own line for function definitions. [whitespace/braces] [4] Total errors found: 2 in 12 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 9
2015-05-15 13:57:33 PDT
Comment on
attachment 253214
the patch r=me
Filip Pizlo
Comment 10
2015-05-15 14:13:42 PDT
Landed in
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 11
2015-05-16 14:00:15 PDT
Re-opened since this is blocked by
bug 145096
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 12
2015-05-16 17:09:31 PDT
It looks like this was the cause of the ~1% regression on Kraken. The revert put us back to the original speed.
Filip Pizlo
Comment 13
2015-05-17 16:23:25 PDT
According to rniwa, this is what went wrong:
It looks like there's a new JSC crash introduced in the last 12 hours or so: ** The following JSC stress test failures have been introduced: stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-inlined.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate The stack trace looks like this: Running stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call.js.ftl-eager stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: ASSERTION FAILED: canAccessIndexQuickly(i) stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: /Volumes/Data/slave/yosemite-debug/build/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/DirectArguments.h(87) : void JSC::DirectArguments::setIndexQuickly(JSC::VM &, uint32_t, JSC::JSValue) stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: 1 0x10f8d9e50 WTFCrashWithSecurityImplication stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: 2 0x10f1d83d6 JSC::DirectArguments::setIndexQuickly(JSC::VM&, unsigned int, JSC::JSValue) stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: 3 0x10f7a0abc operationMaterializeObjectInOSR stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: 4 0x39f8020104de stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: 5 0x39f80200b6e1 stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: 6 0x10f675c79 vmEntryToJavaScript stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: 7 0x10f4db9fc JSC::JITCode::execute(JSC::VM*, JSC::ProtoCallFrame*) stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: 8 0x10f4bf57e JSC::Interpreter::execute(JSC::ProgramExecutable*, JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSObject*) stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: 9 0x10efe7240 JSC::evaluate(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::SourceCode const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::JSValue*) stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: 10 0x10ee568f4 runWithScripts(GlobalObject*, WTF::Vector<Script, 0ul, WTF::CrashOnOverflow, 16ul> const&, bool) stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: 11 0x10ee55eb6 jscmain(int, char**) stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: 12 0x10ee559db main stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: 13 0x7fff980755c9 start stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: 14 0x9 stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: test_script_10434: line 2: 55860 Segmentation fault: 11 "$@" ../../.vm/JavaScriptCore.framework/Resources/jsc --useFTLJIT\=false --enableFunctionDotArguments\=true --validateGraph\=true --useFTLJIT\=true --ftlCrashesIfCantInitializeLLVM\=true --enableConcurrentJIT\=false --thresholdForJITAfterWarmUp\=100 load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate: ERROR: Unexpected exit code: 139 FAIL: stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call-exit-in-foo.js.ftl-no-cjit-validate Running stress/load-varargs-then-inlined-call.js.ftl-eager-no-cjit
Filip Pizlo
Comment 14
2015-05-17 20:40:13 PDT
Landed in
Filip Pizlo
Comment 15
2015-05-17 20:49:37 PDT
By the way, here's the performance of this. Note that I accidentally used "FastHole" to describe this patch during this benchmark run. Benchmark report for SunSpider, LongSpider, V8Spider, Octane, Kraken, JSRegress, AsmBench, and CompressionBench on dethklok (MacBookPro9,1). VMs tested: "TipOfTree" at /Volumes/Data/pizlo/secondary/OpenSource/WebKitBuild/Release/jsc (
) "FastHole" at /Volumes/Data/pizlo/primary/OpenSource/WebKitBuild/Release/jsc (
) Collected 6 samples per benchmark/VM, with 6 VM invocations per benchmark. Emitted a call to gc() between sample measurements. Used 1 benchmark iteration per VM invocation for warm-up. Used the jsc-specific preciseTime() function to get microsecond-level timing. Reporting benchmark execution times with 95% confidence intervals in milliseconds. TipOfTree FastHole SunSpider: 3d-cube 5.3470+-0.4446 ? 5.3684+-0.1713 ? 3d-morph 6.0433+-0.5222 5.8549+-0.2754 might be 1.0322x faster 3d-raytrace 6.6297+-0.1317 ? 6.7015+-0.1929 ? might be 1.0108x slower access-binary-trees 2.4023+-0.1551 2.3330+-0.1356 might be 1.0297x faster access-fannkuch 6.1812+-0.3363 5.9853+-0.1225 might be 1.0327x faster access-nbody 2.9367+-0.1217 ? 3.1342+-0.2963 ? might be 1.0673x slower access-nsieve 3.3381+-0.1886 3.2914+-0.2066 might be 1.0142x faster bitops-3bit-bits-in-byte 1.6083+-0.0934 1.5974+-0.0669 bitops-bits-in-byte 3.4977+-0.1511 3.4056+-0.0424 might be 1.0271x faster bitops-bitwise-and 2.2893+-0.2557 2.2240+-0.2655 might be 1.0294x faster bitops-nsieve-bits 3.2665+-0.2354 ? 3.3668+-0.0375 ? might be 1.0307x slower controlflow-recursive 2.3969+-0.1030 2.3659+-0.1283 might be 1.0131x faster crypto-aes 4.4760+-0.1809 ? 4.5051+-0.1576 ? crypto-md5 2.8840+-0.1775 ? 3.0172+-0.0668 ? might be 1.0462x slower crypto-sha1 3.0122+-0.4733 2.6849+-0.1576 might be 1.1219x faster date-format-tofte 9.4690+-0.2389 ? 9.6351+-0.1570 ? might be 1.0175x slower date-format-xparb 5.8908+-0.2302 5.8842+-0.1464 math-cordic 3.2318+-0.1133 3.1347+-0.0783 might be 1.0310x faster math-partial-sums 5.5450+-0.4658 5.4633+-0.4089 might be 1.0150x faster math-spectral-norm 2.0689+-0.2483 2.0670+-0.1047 regexp-dna 8.1557+-1.6086 7.6639+-1.2450 might be 1.0642x faster string-base64 5.0625+-0.7732 4.9091+-0.3422 might be 1.0312x faster string-fasta 6.9500+-0.8539 6.7537+-0.2325 might be 1.0291x faster string-tagcloud 9.4698+-0.7675 ? 9.7358+-0.5939 ? might be 1.0281x slower string-unpack-code 20.4442+-1.1706 ? 20.4832+-0.9088 ? string-validate-input 5.0529+-0.2896 4.9443+-0.0749 might be 1.0220x faster <arithmetic> 5.2942+-0.0824 5.2504+-0.0559 might be 1.0084x faster TipOfTree FastHole LongSpider: 3d-cube 892.7395+-5.0607 886.5526+-15.2226 3d-morph 1529.7404+-4.7518 1525.8464+-3.1764 3d-raytrace 729.4768+-3.1872 ^ 715.0158+-3.2136 ^ definitely 1.0202x faster access-binary-trees 974.9606+-7.7585 ? 975.9218+-5.3775 ? access-fannkuch 333.8483+-8.0728 331.0494+-12.1326 access-nbody 614.1430+-1.0155 ! 618.8892+-1.7579 ! definitely 1.0077x slower access-nsieve 480.0809+-5.7234 475.8310+-4.0371 bitops-3bit-bits-in-byte 45.6847+-2.2265 45.4667+-1.8717 bitops-bits-in-byte 100.4565+-0.9026 ? 102.3882+-2.3170 ? might be 1.0192x slower bitops-nsieve-bits 421.7202+-5.4206 ? 421.7530+-3.3044 ? controlflow-recursive 488.0481+-10.0574 ? 496.8451+-15.5431 ? might be 1.0180x slower crypto-aes 700.6156+-7.0114 698.9133+-8.1526 crypto-md5 527.3289+-11.0259 523.3079+-3.5765 crypto-sha1 592.8263+-5.2765 ? 598.2193+-3.7905 ? date-format-tofte 752.5677+-16.5976 ? 760.6800+-21.7656 ? might be 1.0108x slower date-format-xparb 806.0216+-20.8986 787.0651+-13.6619 might be 1.0241x faster hash-map 167.9965+-3.6497 ? 174.0634+-3.2294 ? might be 1.0361x slower math-cordic 587.8615+-4.7104 587.1063+-1.4179 math-partial-sums 505.8996+-1.9968 504.5141+-2.1837 math-spectral-norm 566.9205+-8.4671 566.6189+-3.8914 string-base64 375.1388+-6.6206 ? 378.3469+-5.1091 ? string-fasta 449.1850+-15.0440 443.0114+-10.8297 might be 1.0139x faster string-tagcloud 198.3151+-3.4244 197.0706+-3.2526 <geometric> 451.3582+-2.3537 451.3430+-1.4113 might be 1.0000x faster TipOfTree FastHole V8Spider: crypto 56.2931+-1.0759 55.6403+-1.9447 might be 1.0117x faster deltablue 100.3507+-3.8185 ? 101.1292+-1.9157 ? earley-boyer 48.7974+-2.4067 ? 49.3992+-3.1538 ? might be 1.0123x slower raytrace 40.1763+-2.5039 38.1790+-3.1524 might be 1.0523x faster regexp 82.3140+-2.9329 ? 82.7694+-2.2387 ? richards 79.6377+-3.2902 ? 80.6523+-2.1626 ? might be 1.0127x slower splay 41.2985+-1.3384 40.6113+-1.6315 might be 1.0169x faster <geometric> 60.5595+-1.1425 60.1976+-1.4025 might be 1.0060x faster TipOfTree FastHole Octane: encrypt 0.20393+-0.00064 0.20372+-0.00243 decrypt 3.54202+-0.02313 ! 3.63317+-0.02578 ! definitely 1.0257x slower deltablue x2 0.19760+-0.00112 ? 0.19967+-0.00446 ? might be 1.0104x slower earley 0.39615+-0.00472 0.39555+-0.00423 boyer 5.11032+-0.03546 ? 5.11622+-0.01127 ? navier-stokes x2 5.19224+-0.02467 ? 5.19434+-0.03277 ? raytrace x2 1.27016+-0.03817 1.23838+-0.04053 might be 1.0257x faster richards x2 0.12180+-0.00103 ? 0.12350+-0.00218 ? might be 1.0140x slower splay x2 0.40254+-0.00173 ? 0.40664+-0.00260 ? might be 1.0102x slower regexp x2 31.75408+-0.35118 31.62559+-0.25046 pdfjs x2 42.84257+-0.45133 42.40059+-0.30219 might be 1.0104x faster mandreel x2 49.77939+-0.61049 ? 49.82737+-0.48997 ? gbemu x2 41.53544+-0.55081 ? 42.05594+-0.35791 ? might be 1.0125x slower closure 0.56080+-0.00441 0.55928+-0.00202 jquery 7.11636+-0.05922 ? 7.18761+-0.05595 ? might be 1.0100x slower box2d x2 12.37004+-0.11364 ! 12.58227+-0.07457 ! definitely 1.0172x slower zlib x2 405.55355+-41.70108 390.33203+-13.20247 might be 1.0390x faster typescript x2 814.58020+-12.88266 ? 823.32235+-7.25419 ? might be 1.0107x slower <geometric> 6.55360+-0.05527 ? 6.56072+-0.01417 ? might be 1.0011x slower TipOfTree FastHole Kraken: ai-astar 277.574+-2.429 ? 277.996+-2.575 ? audio-beat-detection 106.992+-0.609 ^ 105.841+-0.528 ^ definitely 1.0109x faster audio-dft 118.961+-2.016 ? 118.965+-1.713 ? audio-fft 83.906+-4.905 81.357+-3.870 might be 1.0313x faster audio-oscillator 77.849+-1.719 77.373+-1.633 imaging-darkroom 106.174+-2.110 105.493+-1.942 imaging-desaturate 63.805+-2.649 ? 63.996+-2.089 ? imaging-gaussian-blur 110.208+-1.575 109.934+-0.321 json-parse-financial 46.279+-1.912 45.451+-1.220 might be 1.0182x faster json-stringify-tinderbox 29.591+-1.629 28.389+-1.454 might be 1.0423x faster stanford-crypto-aes 58.612+-2.024 58.601+-0.768 stanford-crypto-ccm 50.099+-1.470 ? 51.194+-2.848 ? might be 1.0219x slower stanford-crypto-pbkdf2 118.041+-1.377 ? 118.620+-1.869 ? stanford-crypto-sha256-iterative 50.074+-1.875 48.756+-0.697 might be 1.0270x faster <arithmetic> 92.726+-0.276 92.283+-0.288 might be 1.0048x faster TipOfTree FastHole JSRegress: abs-boolean 2.7532+-0.1226 2.6822+-0.0447 might be 1.0265x faster adapt-to-double-divide 16.7602+-0.3065 ? 16.8164+-0.1620 ? aliased-arguments-getbyval 1.3123+-0.0565 ? 1.3558+-0.2315 ? might be 1.0331x slower allocate-big-object 3.1018+-0.2623 2.8799+-0.1190 might be 1.0770x faster arguments-named-and-reflective 13.3793+-1.2908 12.1983+-0.3079 might be 1.0968x faster arguments-out-of-bounds 15.1466+-0.4829 14.8324+-0.1925 might be 1.0212x faster arguments-strict-mode 10.6374+-0.2417 ! 11.2365+-0.2303 ! definitely 1.0563x slower arguments 9.9647+-1.1852 ? 10.6742+-1.0197 ? might be 1.0712x slower arity-mismatch-inlining 0.8797+-0.0515 ? 0.9046+-0.0532 ? might be 1.0284x slower array-access-polymorphic-structure 7.1742+-0.8698 ? 7.2951+-0.9391 ? might be 1.0169x slower array-nonarray-polymorhpic-access 34.6558+-0.3792 34.2131+-1.5672 might be 1.0129x faster array-prototype-every 85.8643+-1.0936 ? 86.5895+-3.3742 ? array-prototype-forEach 85.9356+-2.1910 84.1624+-2.2132 might be 1.0211x faster array-prototype-map 93.1617+-2.0635 93.0924+-3.2971 array-prototype-some 85.6510+-2.0896 ? 87.7655+-1.9476 ? might be 1.0247x slower array-splice-contiguous 41.9705+-1.8326 ? 42.5025+-3.4543 ? might be 1.0127x slower array-with-double-add 4.3222+-0.3541 4.1173+-0.0561 might be 1.0498x faster array-with-double-increment 3.2572+-0.0531 ? 3.3234+-0.1441 ? might be 1.0203x slower array-with-double-mul-add 5.1880+-0.3121 5.1033+-0.1942 might be 1.0166x faster array-with-double-sum 3.4298+-0.1321 3.3486+-0.0754 might be 1.0243x faster array-with-int32-add-sub 6.8062+-0.0984 6.7708+-0.0742 array-with-int32-or-double-sum 3.3754+-0.1077 ? 3.3766+-0.0702 ? ArrayBuffer-DataView-alloc-large-long-lived 32.9788+-1.6299 ? 34.1332+-1.8897 ? might be 1.0350x slower ArrayBuffer-DataView-alloc-long-lived 15.3683+-1.6830 14.9323+-1.8128 might be 1.0292x faster ArrayBuffer-Int32Array-byteOffset 4.2412+-0.4725 3.8230+-0.1165 might be 1.1094x faster ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-large-long-lived 32.8265+-1.4592 ? 33.0315+-1.5497 ? ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-long-lived-buffer 23.6857+-1.6616 23.5081+-1.5620 ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-long-lived 13.5882+-1.4660 12.7449+-0.3232 might be 1.0662x faster ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc 11.6309+-1.6985 ? 12.1529+-1.7447 ? might be 1.0449x slower asmjs_bool_bug 7.7201+-0.0938 7.5226+-0.1426 might be 1.0263x faster assign-custom-setter-polymorphic 3.1180+-0.1597 ? 3.2072+-0.3120 ? might be 1.0286x slower assign-custom-setter 4.4517+-0.5072 4.3600+-0.5568 might be 1.0210x faster basic-set 8.5223+-0.1712 ? 8.7297+-0.6797 ? might be 1.0243x slower big-int-mul 4.2895+-0.3275 4.0208+-0.0707 might be 1.0668x faster boolean-test 3.3339+-0.3522 3.1490+-0.0908 might be 1.0587x faster branch-fold 3.7489+-0.0412 3.7217+-0.0268 branch-on-string-as-boolean 19.4921+-1.3142 ? 19.8202+-1.1386 ? might be 1.0168x slower by-val-generic 8.0744+-0.1993 ? 8.0760+-0.2470 ? call-spread-apply 31.1986+-2.2385 30.0142+-1.7576 might be 1.0395x faster call-spread-call 26.6027+-1.4833 26.1649+-0.9349 might be 1.0167x faster captured-assignments 0.4912+-0.0446 0.4549+-0.0176 might be 1.0799x faster cast-int-to-double 5.2154+-0.0142 ! 5.3350+-0.0496 ! definitely 1.0229x slower cell-argument 8.7261+-0.2537 ? 8.9520+-0.6726 ? might be 1.0259x slower cfg-simplify 2.8438+-0.0738 ? 2.8967+-0.1228 ? might be 1.0186x slower chain-getter-access 9.2469+-0.0601 ? 9.2648+-0.4874 ? cmpeq-obj-to-obj-other 11.9070+-1.1135 11.7075+-0.6106 might be 1.0170x faster constant-test 4.9798+-0.1244 ? 5.0483+-0.1070 ? might be 1.0138x slower create-lots-of-functions 11.5019+-0.1218 ! 11.9838+-0.1602 ! definitely 1.0419x slower DataView-custom-properties 40.0389+-1.5703 ? 40.0884+-0.4524 ? deconstructing-parameters-overridden-by-function 0.5689+-0.0667 ? 0.5791+-0.0487 ? might be 1.0180x slower delay-tear-off-arguments-strictmode 14.6777+-1.2311 14.5643+-1.0776 deltablue-varargs 206.2666+-1.7586 204.1346+-1.6704 might be 1.0104x faster destructuring-arguments 17.1987+-0.7583 ? 18.1956+-0.4938 ? might be 1.0580x slower destructuring-swap 5.1007+-0.1719 ? 5.1239+-0.0500 ? direct-arguments-getbyval 1.3391+-0.1292 1.2787+-0.0825 might be 1.0472x faster div-boolean-double 5.2763+-0.1338 5.2185+-0.0226 might be 1.0111x faster div-boolean 7.8447+-0.1236 ? 7.8741+-0.1809 ? double-get-by-val-out-of-bounds 4.5095+-0.0658 ? 4.5680+-0.0444 ? might be 1.0130x slower double-pollution-getbyval 8.8343+-0.0289 ? 8.8768+-0.0582 ? double-pollution-putbyoffset 4.4592+-0.4890 4.3936+-0.1345 might be 1.0149x faster double-to-int32-typed-array-no-inline 2.4831+-0.2805 2.2885+-0.1190 might be 1.0850x faster double-to-int32-typed-array 1.9725+-0.0693 ? 1.9828+-0.0589 ? double-to-uint32-typed-array-no-inline 2.4096+-0.1397 ? 2.6020+-0.2838 ? might be 1.0798x slower double-to-uint32-typed-array 2.1901+-0.2388 2.0848+-0.0906 might be 1.0506x faster elidable-new-object-dag 43.7726+-2.3400 43.2656+-2.6146 might be 1.0117x faster elidable-new-object-roflcopter 44.8644+-1.6481 ? 44.8721+-1.7076 ? elidable-new-object-then-call 39.6154+-1.2959 ? 40.6639+-2.0208 ? might be 1.0265x slower elidable-new-object-tree 45.6764+-1.6180 ? 48.1781+-5.0095 ? might be 1.0548x slower empty-string-plus-int 5.4823+-0.0813 ? 5.6117+-0.1704 ? might be 1.0236x slower emscripten-cube2hash 38.4152+-0.9917 ? 39.3128+-1.4302 ? might be 1.0234x slower exit-length-on-plain-object 14.5974+-1.0945 ? 14.9695+-0.9230 ? might be 1.0255x slower external-arguments-getbyval 1.2633+-0.0586 ? 1.4100+-0.2859 ? might be 1.1161x slower external-arguments-putbyval 2.4462+-0.2640 ? 2.5067+-0.4012 ? might be 1.0247x slower fixed-typed-array-storage-var-index 1.2365+-0.0276 ? 1.4034+-0.1800 ? might be 1.1351x slower fixed-typed-array-storage 0.9119+-0.0758 ? 0.9370+-0.1210 ? might be 1.0275x slower Float32Array-matrix-mult 4.4140+-0.2438 ? 4.4681+-0.1746 ? might be 1.0123x slower Float32Array-to-Float64Array-set 53.4098+-1.3310 ? 53.5365+-1.6320 ? Float64Array-alloc-long-lived 70.2089+-2.1324 69.3087+-1.9136 might be 1.0130x faster Float64Array-to-Int16Array-set 69.9657+-1.7950 ? 71.2334+-0.5078 ? might be 1.0181x slower fold-double-to-int 13.4878+-0.1615 ? 13.5925+-0.2113 ? fold-get-by-id-to-multi-get-by-offset-rare-int 11.0238+-1.4685 10.4232+-0.9300 might be 1.0576x faster fold-get-by-id-to-multi-get-by-offset 9.8671+-0.6999 9.6388+-0.7581 might be 1.0237x faster fold-multi-get-by-offset-to-get-by-offset 9.1658+-0.8829 ? 9.8534+-0.9439 ? might be 1.0750x slower fold-multi-get-by-offset-to-poly-get-by-offset 8.7574+-0.9605 ? 9.1619+-0.7989 ? might be 1.0462x slower fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-poly-put-by-offset 10.0358+-1.3576 9.4102+-1.8792 might be 1.0665x faster fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-put-by-offset 7.5671+-1.2866 ^ 4.9739+-0.0980 ^ definitely 1.5214x faster fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-replace-or-transition-put-by-offset 10.0032+-0.2235 9.9586+-0.5436 fold-put-by-id-to-multi-put-by-offset 9.9122+-2.5524 9.8647+-1.1002 fold-put-structure 7.0853+-0.5792 ^ 4.8705+-1.3845 ^ definitely 1.4547x faster for-of-iterate-array-entries 4.9911+-0.5470 4.8713+-0.3256 might be 1.0246x faster for-of-iterate-array-keys 3.8397+-0.0688 ? 3.8467+-0.0866 ? for-of-iterate-array-values 3.9582+-0.4334 3.8820+-0.4223 might be 1.0196x faster fround 21.0610+-0.6844 ? 21.9207+-0.7915 ? might be 1.0408x slower ftl-library-inlining-dataview 67.2558+-2.2035 ? 67.9521+-6.8935 ? might be 1.0104x slower ftl-library-inlining 86.6639+-20.0015 83.8100+-23.3541 might be 1.0341x faster function-dot-apply 2.0448+-0.1657 ? 2.1538+-0.0640 ? might be 1.0533x slower function-test 2.9510+-0.1390 ? 3.0173+-0.3004 ? might be 1.0224x slower function-with-eval 104.5238+-3.8663 ? 105.9336+-1.7329 ? might be 1.0135x slower gcse-poly-get-less-obvious 19.9670+-1.6552 19.6600+-2.4307 might be 1.0156x faster gcse-poly-get 20.5197+-1.4651 ? 22.3352+-0.9932 ? might be 1.0885x slower gcse 4.5307+-0.3538 4.3643+-0.0428 might be 1.0381x faster get-by-id-bimorphic-check-structure-elimination-simple 2.7925+-0.0579 ? 2.8971+-0.3978 ? might be 1.0374x slower get-by-id-bimorphic-check-structure-elimination 6.2017+-0.2506 6.0368+-0.0476 might be 1.0273x faster get-by-id-chain-from-try-block 7.2304+-1.1680 ? 7.5351+-1.4511 ? might be 1.0421x slower get-by-id-check-structure-elimination 5.1735+-0.2396 ? 5.4458+-0.6250 ? might be 1.0526x slower get-by-id-proto-or-self 19.6309+-1.3705 19.3066+-1.7192 might be 1.0168x faster get-by-id-quadmorphic-check-structure-elimination-simple 3.3237+-0.2520 ? 3.3386+-0.4052 ? get-by-id-self-or-proto 20.0668+-2.2549 19.1155+-1.1659 might be 1.0498x faster get-by-val-out-of-bounds 4.4224+-0.1081 ? 4.4447+-0.1460 ? get_callee_monomorphic 3.0877+-0.2939 3.0533+-0.3164 might be 1.0113x faster get_callee_polymorphic 3.7845+-0.1378 ? 3.8949+-0.4718 ? might be 1.0292x slower getter-no-activation 5.0045+-0.2196 ? 5.1218+-0.2954 ? might be 1.0234x slower getter-richards 132.3422+-5.9764 127.7405+-8.9968 might be 1.0360x faster getter 5.5705+-0.5837 ? 5.7893+-0.5768 ? might be 1.0393x slower global-var-const-infer-fire-from-opt 0.9301+-0.0616 ? 1.0359+-0.0724 ? might be 1.1137x slower global-var-const-infer 0.8162+-0.0694 0.8134+-0.0970 HashMap-put-get-iterate-keys 29.3995+-2.2225 ? 30.7815+-2.3955 ? might be 1.0470x slower HashMap-put-get-iterate 30.2174+-1.6758 ? 31.3273+-1.2434 ? might be 1.0367x slower HashMap-string-put-get-iterate 29.2984+-1.3795 29.1042+-1.6400 hoist-make-rope 12.6120+-0.9007 12.4354+-0.9378 might be 1.0142x faster hoist-poly-check-structure-effectful-loop 5.1591+-0.1869 5.0565+-0.0757 might be 1.0203x faster hoist-poly-check-structure 3.7585+-0.2164 3.6551+-0.0313 might be 1.0283x faster imul-double-only 9.3947+-1.4142 8.9861+-0.2886 might be 1.0455x faster imul-int-only 9.9058+-0.2022 ? 10.3780+-0.8776 ? might be 1.0477x slower imul-mixed 8.6485+-0.3752 8.2566+-0.1241 might be 1.0475x faster in-four-cases 21.2710+-0.1192 ? 21.5165+-0.3949 ? might be 1.0115x slower in-one-case-false 10.4661+-0.2797 ? 10.5320+-0.4698 ? in-one-case-true 10.5143+-0.3686 10.2107+-0.2776 might be 1.0297x faster in-two-cases 10.9021+-0.2259 10.7159+-0.0764 might be 1.0174x faster indexed-properties-in-objects 2.9082+-0.0317 ! 3.1908+-0.2397 ! definitely 1.0972x slower infer-closure-const-then-mov-no-inline 4.6511+-0.2993 4.1287+-0.2807 might be 1.1265x faster infer-closure-const-then-mov 19.7455+-0.2373 ? 19.8764+-0.3088 ? infer-closure-const-then-put-to-scope-no-inline 11.0695+-0.2133 ! 12.3250+-0.3184 ! definitely 1.1134x slower infer-closure-const-then-put-to-scope 22.8407+-1.5087 21.2736+-0.2475 might be 1.0737x faster infer-closure-const-then-reenter-no-inline 48.5367+-0.4131 ! 56.6325+-0.2839 ! definitely 1.1668x slower infer-closure-const-then-reenter 22.2543+-0.8768 ? 23.7629+-1.6222 ? might be 1.0678x slower infer-constant-global-property 3.6980+-0.3701 3.6217+-0.0563 might be 1.0211x faster infer-constant-property 2.7542+-0.0183 ? 2.8875+-0.3217 ? might be 1.0484x slower infer-one-time-closure-ten-vars 13.0158+-0.9243 12.7892+-0.7409 might be 1.0177x faster infer-one-time-closure-two-vars 12.3258+-0.5327 ? 13.2041+-1.5572 ? might be 1.0713x slower infer-one-time-closure 12.1458+-0.5998 11.9220+-0.2567 might be 1.0188x faster infer-one-time-deep-closure 21.6327+-1.4596 ? 22.8326+-3.3305 ? might be 1.0555x slower inline-arguments-access 4.4167+-0.0600 ? 4.4895+-0.0379 ? might be 1.0165x slower inline-arguments-aliased-access 4.5279+-0.0695 ? 4.5349+-0.0464 ? inline-arguments-local-escape 4.8139+-0.3182 4.5735+-0.1636 might be 1.0526x faster inline-get-scoped-var 4.9814+-0.2156 4.9492+-0.2384 inlined-put-by-id-transition 11.7334+-0.3834 ? 12.1590+-0.9570 ? might be 1.0363x slower int-or-other-abs-then-get-by-val 4.8986+-0.1513 ? 5.0158+-0.1084 ? might be 1.0239x slower int-or-other-abs-zero-then-get-by-val 17.1860+-1.1808 ? 17.8922+-1.7051 ? might be 1.0411x slower int-or-other-add-then-get-by-val 3.9452+-0.0618 ! 4.3035+-0.0389 ! definitely 1.0908x slower int-or-other-add 5.3582+-0.1389 ? 5.5051+-0.3781 ? might be 1.0274x slower int-or-other-div-then-get-by-val 4.1365+-0.0809 ? 4.2682+-0.1905 ? might be 1.0318x slower int-or-other-max-then-get-by-val 4.2050+-0.0453 ? 4.4362+-0.3190 ? might be 1.0550x slower int-or-other-min-then-get-by-val 4.1747+-0.0928 ! 4.4762+-0.1656 ! definitely 1.0722x slower int-or-other-mod-then-get-by-val 3.8597+-0.1153 ? 4.0179+-0.0770 ? might be 1.0410x slower int-or-other-mul-then-get-by-val 3.6847+-0.0347 ! 4.0903+-0.3481 ! definitely 1.1101x slower int-or-other-neg-then-get-by-val 4.6638+-0.0435 ? 4.8249+-0.1291 ? might be 1.0345x slower int-or-other-neg-zero-then-get-by-val 17.4321+-1.5118 17.2334+-0.1836 might be 1.0115x faster int-or-other-sub-then-get-by-val 4.1999+-0.0627 ? 4.4313+-0.2100 ? might be 1.0551x slower int-or-other-sub 3.4349+-0.0384 ! 3.5880+-0.0679 ! definitely 1.0446x slower int-overflow-local 4.5199+-0.2762 ? 4.5499+-0.1786 ? Int16Array-alloc-long-lived 49.5992+-1.1897 ? 51.0700+-2.0280 ? might be 1.0297x slower Int16Array-bubble-sort-with-byteLength 19.7369+-0.1903 ? 20.6267+-1.8158 ? might be 1.0451x slower Int16Array-bubble-sort 21.3682+-2.1120 19.2547+-0.2896 might be 1.1098x faster Int16Array-load-int-mul 1.5187+-0.0134 ? 1.5507+-0.0581 ? might be 1.0210x slower Int16Array-to-Int32Array-set 55.1597+-0.3118 ? 56.3465+-7.5857 ? might be 1.0215x slower Int32Array-alloc-large 24.7251+-1.1450 23.4812+-0.6627 might be 1.0530x faster Int32Array-alloc-long-lived 54.3275+-1.7386 ? 55.1981+-1.1455 ? might be 1.0160x slower Int32Array-alloc 3.4666+-0.5794 ? 3.5268+-0.3756 ? might be 1.0173x slower Int32Array-Int8Array-view-alloc 8.1036+-1.1456 7.5210+-1.0222 might be 1.0775x faster int52-spill 6.1989+-0.0754 ? 6.4242+-0.2725 ? might be 1.0363x slower Int8Array-alloc-long-lived 46.3938+-1.0910 45.2448+-2.0804 might be 1.0254x faster Int8Array-load-with-byteLength 3.4001+-0.0713 3.3899+-0.1402 Int8Array-load 3.5197+-0.4476 3.3868+-0.0480 might be 1.0393x faster integer-divide 10.9728+-0.1616 ? 11.1503+-0.0779 ? might be 1.0162x slower integer-modulo 2.1750+-0.2693 2.1335+-0.1834 might be 1.0195x faster is-boolean-fold-tricky 4.4436+-0.0642 ? 4.4532+-0.1255 ? is-boolean-fold 2.9101+-0.0645 ? 3.0365+-0.3238 ? might be 1.0434x slower is-function-fold-tricky-internal-function 12.2345+-0.1123 12.1001+-0.1667 might be 1.0111x faster is-function-fold-tricky 4.8394+-0.3249 4.5409+-0.0508 might be 1.0657x faster is-function-fold 2.9251+-0.1019 2.8945+-0.0420 might be 1.0106x faster is-number-fold-tricky 4.4663+-0.0899 ? 4.7208+-0.3071 ? might be 1.0570x slower is-number-fold 2.9815+-0.2366 ? 3.0632+-0.4344 ? might be 1.0274x slower is-object-or-null-fold-functions 2.9404+-0.0888 ? 2.9926+-0.0865 ? might be 1.0177x slower is-object-or-null-fold-less-tricky 4.6798+-0.2088 ? 4.8193+-0.5546 ? might be 1.0298x slower is-object-or-null-fold-tricky 6.6441+-0.0911 ? 6.7177+-0.2941 ? might be 1.0111x slower is-object-or-null-fold 3.0332+-0.3592 2.9317+-0.0560 might be 1.0346x faster is-object-or-null-trickier-function 4.8288+-0.2581 ? 4.9682+-0.5829 ? might be 1.0289x slower is-object-or-null-trickier-internal-function 12.6811+-0.1353 12.6036+-0.1500 is-object-or-null-tricky-function 4.6794+-0.1851 ? 4.6798+-0.1793 ? is-object-or-null-tricky-internal-function 9.3841+-0.0969 ^ 9.2282+-0.0251 ^ definitely 1.0169x faster is-string-fold-tricky 4.5362+-0.2298 4.5097+-0.1066 is-string-fold 2.9335+-0.1165 ? 2.9517+-0.1484 ? is-undefined-fold-tricky 3.9155+-0.2980 3.7580+-0.0501 might be 1.0419x faster is-undefined-fold 2.9304+-0.2756 2.9117+-0.0663 large-int-captured 4.6771+-0.1071 ? 4.7965+-0.2385 ? might be 1.0255x slower large-int-neg 16.8267+-0.7082 16.1510+-0.0990 might be 1.0418x faster large-int 15.4010+-0.7602 14.8806+-0.7673 might be 1.0350x faster load-varargs-elimination 23.5296+-1.3805 ? 23.8137+-1.0368 ? might be 1.0121x slower logical-not 4.6103+-0.2167 ? 4.6665+-0.0509 ? might be 1.0122x slower lots-of-fields 13.9744+-1.5435 12.2718+-0.3816 might be 1.1387x faster make-indexed-storage 3.4128+-0.5321 3.1217+-0.1355 might be 1.0932x faster make-rope-cse 5.0898+-0.4059 4.9217+-0.4185 might be 1.0342x faster marsaglia-larger-ints 35.7555+-0.4441 ? 36.5179+-0.9231 ? might be 1.0213x slower marsaglia-osr-entry 24.6088+-1.6043 23.1935+-0.5289 might be 1.0610x faster max-boolean 2.5132+-0.0244 2.5070+-0.1019 method-on-number 19.2559+-0.9812 18.8338+-0.5838 might be 1.0224x faster min-boolean 2.7620+-0.3547 2.7012+-0.3364 might be 1.0225x faster minus-boolean-double 3.3093+-0.1667 3.1975+-0.1014 might be 1.0350x faster minus-boolean 2.3786+-0.1176 ? 2.4984+-0.2840 ? might be 1.0504x slower misc-strict-eq 39.4812+-0.4297 ? 40.3440+-1.5598 ? might be 1.0219x slower mod-boolean-double 11.1617+-0.5560 10.9268+-0.0485 might be 1.0215x faster mod-boolean 7.8326+-0.0313 ? 7.8566+-0.0339 ? mul-boolean-double 3.8139+-0.1585 3.7475+-0.0703 might be 1.0177x faster mul-boolean 2.9316+-0.1336 ? 3.0559+-0.3111 ? might be 1.0424x slower neg-boolean 3.2533+-0.1524 ? 3.3332+-0.2245 ? might be 1.0246x slower negative-zero-divide 0.3845+-0.0514 ? 0.4095+-0.0337 ? might be 1.0652x slower negative-zero-modulo 0.3833+-0.0456 0.3688+-0.0182 might be 1.0392x faster negative-zero-negate 0.3423+-0.0268 ? 0.3428+-0.0119 ? nested-function-parsing 37.9911+-0.3852 ? 38.8340+-1.4505 ? might be 1.0222x slower new-array-buffer-dead 114.2654+-1.0655 112.7857+-3.0483 might be 1.0131x faster new-array-buffer-push 7.3062+-0.8730 ? 7.6602+-0.9165 ? might be 1.0485x slower new-array-dead 19.3016+-0.4448 ? 19.5947+-1.1574 ? might be 1.0152x slower new-array-push 4.0258+-0.2701 3.9507+-0.0962 might be 1.0190x faster no-inline-constructor 41.2367+-1.6571 ? 41.7948+-1.3401 ? might be 1.0135x slower number-test 3.0797+-0.1737 ? 3.1178+-0.0689 ? might be 1.0124x slower object-closure-call 5.4931+-0.2011 ? 5.6128+-0.1224 ? might be 1.0218x slower object-test 2.8870+-0.1628 ? 2.9048+-0.1077 ? obvious-sink-pathology-taken 139.8866+-3.4406 ? 140.1260+-1.6541 ? obvious-sink-pathology 133.5171+-1.4272 131.8524+-2.6609 might be 1.0126x faster obviously-elidable-new-object 36.0374+-2.0312 35.4239+-1.7111 might be 1.0173x faster plus-boolean-arith 2.5742+-0.1385 ? 2.6361+-0.2770 ? might be 1.0240x slower plus-boolean-double 3.1866+-0.0334 ? 3.5384+-0.3908 ? might be 1.1104x slower plus-boolean 2.4882+-0.3201 2.4080+-0.1047 might be 1.0333x faster poly-chain-access-different-prototypes-simple 3.4304+-0.1352 ? 3.4701+-0.2341 ? might be 1.0116x slower poly-chain-access-different-prototypes 2.7847+-0.3294 2.7135+-0.2026 might be 1.0262x faster poly-chain-access-simpler 3.2732+-0.0565 ? 3.4551+-0.2835 ? might be 1.0556x slower poly-chain-access 2.6644+-0.0990 ? 2.6671+-0.1451 ? poly-stricteq 58.6113+-1.6353 ? 59.3873+-1.9009 ? might be 1.0132x slower polymorphic-array-call 1.4585+-0.1828 1.4289+-0.1600 might be 1.0207x faster polymorphic-get-by-id 3.1873+-0.0685 ? 3.2148+-0.1632 ? polymorphic-put-by-id 29.8597+-0.7649 ! 34.8102+-2.0426 ! definitely 1.1658x slower polymorphic-structure 13.8747+-0.4026 ! 15.0889+-0.1290 ! definitely 1.0875x slower polyvariant-monomorphic-get-by-id 8.5847+-0.1396 ? 8.8850+-0.3018 ? might be 1.0350x slower proto-getter-access 9.0212+-0.1822 ? 9.2098+-0.1617 ? might be 1.0209x slower put-by-id-replace-and-transition 9.2366+-0.3043 ? 9.9343+-1.0743 ? might be 1.0755x slower put-by-id-slightly-polymorphic 2.9110+-0.1465 2.8256+-0.0358 might be 1.0302x faster put-by-id 12.9597+-0.2712 ? 12.9619+-0.5041 ? put-by-val-direct 0.3768+-0.0329 0.3720+-0.0543 might be 1.0129x faster put-by-val-large-index-blank-indexing-type 6.0432+-0.2655 ? 6.1808+-0.9409 ? might be 1.0228x slower put-by-val-machine-int 2.8333+-0.1961 2.7920+-0.2210 might be 1.0148x faster rare-osr-exit-on-local 15.5742+-1.2625 15.2198+-0.5280 might be 1.0233x faster register-pressure-from-osr 21.5911+-0.5151 21.4654+-0.2311 setter 5.7939+-0.7335 ? 6.2482+-0.9093 ? might be 1.0784x slower simple-activation-demo 24.9401+-0.5866 ? 25.1520+-0.3509 ? simple-getter-access 11.8351+-0.1574 ? 11.9477+-0.2708 ? simple-poly-call-nested 8.1709+-0.1889 ? 8.5159+-0.4287 ? might be 1.0422x slower simple-poly-call 1.3607+-0.0892 1.2997+-0.0539 might be 1.0469x faster sin-boolean 23.5075+-1.9057 ? 23.7808+-1.8508 ? might be 1.0116x slower singleton-scope 61.9665+-1.2413 61.9054+-0.5382 sink-function 12.3845+-0.4000 ? 12.5642+-0.3602 ? might be 1.0145x slower sink-huge-activation 19.9483+-1.3435 19.6485+-1.9231 might be 1.0153x faster sinkable-new-object-dag 68.8302+-0.4797 ! 70.2915+-0.9497 ! definitely 1.0212x slower sinkable-new-object-taken 52.5215+-3.2376 50.5579+-3.4221 might be 1.0388x faster sinkable-new-object 39.4856+-1.6844 38.9836+-1.1977 might be 1.0129x faster slow-array-profile-convergence 2.8122+-0.0550 ? 2.8645+-0.0559 ? might be 1.0186x slower slow-convergence 2.8490+-0.3254 ? 2.8583+-0.3314 ? sorting-benchmark 20.4970+-1.3861 ? 20.5786+-1.5470 ? sparse-conditional 1.2153+-0.1880 ? 1.2227+-0.1494 ? splice-to-remove 16.7114+-0.4091 16.6602+-0.2607 string-char-code-at 15.7960+-0.1340 ? 15.8749+-0.2088 ? string-concat-object 2.5909+-0.1023 2.5536+-0.0705 might be 1.0146x faster string-concat-pair-object 2.9628+-0.3227 2.7216+-0.2670 might be 1.0886x faster string-concat-pair-simple 11.8533+-0.4858 11.7986+-0.6479 string-concat-simple 12.0878+-0.3372 ? 12.7690+-1.1283 ? might be 1.0564x slower string-cons-repeat 8.1872+-0.2136 ? 8.4681+-0.8128 ? might be 1.0343x slower string-cons-tower 8.3201+-0.5081 8.0856+-0.1143 might be 1.0290x faster string-equality 18.7624+-1.4714 ? 19.2659+-0.8007 ? might be 1.0268x slower string-get-by-val-big-char 7.1884+-0.0843 ? 7.2417+-0.0870 ? string-get-by-val-out-of-bounds-insane 3.7664+-0.1938 3.7201+-0.1891 might be 1.0124x faster string-get-by-val-out-of-bounds 5.2885+-0.1272 ? 5.5498+-0.5361 ? might be 1.0494x slower string-get-by-val 3.3658+-0.1200 ? 3.3811+-0.1525 ? string-hash 2.1176+-0.1171 ? 2.1634+-0.2375 ? might be 1.0216x slower string-long-ident-equality 14.8856+-0.1478 ? 15.7933+-0.7882 ? might be 1.0610x slower string-out-of-bounds 14.9790+-0.2110 ? 15.1267+-0.2544 ? string-repeat-arith 32.5868+-3.5121 32.3968+-1.7799 string-sub 64.0807+-2.6853 ? 65.2621+-3.1201 ? might be 1.0184x slower string-test 2.8726+-0.0398 ? 3.0066+-0.1343 ? might be 1.0467x slower string-var-equality 32.2379+-0.7266 ? 33.2608+-1.3668 ? might be 1.0317x slower structure-hoist-over-transitions 2.8510+-0.1530 2.7248+-0.0544 might be 1.0463x faster substring-concat-weird 40.5408+-1.7205 39.1424+-0.0739 might be 1.0357x faster substring-concat 44.5048+-1.9053 43.4543+-1.7927 might be 1.0242x faster substring 46.3014+-2.2047 45.0967+-0.7698 might be 1.0267x faster switch-char-constant 2.7583+-0.0604 ? 2.8072+-0.1109 ? might be 1.0177x slower switch-char 6.3413+-0.5754 ? 6.4421+-0.7172 ? might be 1.0159x slower switch-constant 8.6927+-0.3780 8.5945+-0.3122 might be 1.0114x faster switch-string-basic-big-var 18.6696+-1.1455 18.2483+-0.4355 might be 1.0231x faster switch-string-basic-big 14.2734+-0.1405 ! 15.0522+-0.4210 ! definitely 1.0546x slower switch-string-basic-var 15.6101+-1.1304 15.2380+-0.1710 might be 1.0244x faster switch-string-basic 13.3378+-0.4533 ? 13.4602+-0.2129 ? switch-string-big-length-tower-var 19.9422+-0.4724 ? 20.1412+-0.1833 ? switch-string-length-tower-var 14.7386+-0.1114 ? 15.9446+-1.2237 ? might be 1.0818x slower switch-string-length-tower 12.6075+-0.1204 ! 13.1790+-0.4202 ! definitely 1.0453x slower switch-string-short 12.6415+-0.2399 ? 13.3735+-0.9124 ? might be 1.0579x slower switch 12.7563+-0.2831 ? 12.7643+-0.1898 ? tear-off-arguments-simple 3.4653+-0.0560 ? 3.5398+-0.0682 ? might be 1.0215x slower tear-off-arguments 4.8747+-0.1590 ? 4.9128+-0.2106 ? temporal-structure 12.0183+-0.2195 ? 12.3038+-0.4327 ? might be 1.0238x slower to-int32-boolean 14.2053+-1.6050 13.7545+-0.1496 might be 1.0328x faster try-catch-get-by-val-cloned-arguments 14.8095+-1.0013 ? 15.2445+-1.3081 ? might be 1.0294x slower try-catch-get-by-val-direct-arguments 7.1615+-0.7726 6.8652+-0.4167 might be 1.0432x faster try-catch-get-by-val-scoped-arguments 7.9865+-0.9835 ? 8.3562+-1.3528 ? might be 1.0463x slower typed-array-get-set-by-val-profiling 33.7243+-2.2643 32.0440+-0.6307 might be 1.0524x faster undefined-property-access 341.2421+-5.2448 ? 343.5424+-2.6354 ? undefined-test 3.0197+-0.0453 ? 3.2909+-0.2974 ? might be 1.0898x slower unprofiled-licm 23.9994+-1.1989 23.0131+-0.7784 might be 1.0429x faster varargs-call 14.3577+-0.7193 ? 15.0235+-0.8286 ? might be 1.0464x slower varargs-construct-inline 28.4197+-0.7694 28.4078+-0.5811 varargs-construct 23.4635+-1.3672 23.3517+-1.0445 varargs-inline 9.4035+-0.7153 ? 9.5824+-0.6030 ? might be 1.0190x slower varargs-strict-mode 9.7402+-0.2479 ! 10.2469+-0.1348 ! definitely 1.0520x slower varargs 10.0437+-0.4592 ? 10.3990+-0.2930 ? might be 1.0354x slower weird-inlining-const-prop 2.4199+-0.1948 ? 2.4281+-0.1005 ? <geometric> 8.5574+-0.0315 ? 8.5882+-0.0284 ? might be 1.0036x slower TipOfTree FastHole AsmBench: bigfib.cpp 496.1484+-3.4991 ? 497.3757+-4.3408 ? cray.c 426.8403+-1.3148 426.6688+-2.2466 dry.c 480.5705+-12.1374 ? 488.3330+-4.9998 ? might be 1.0162x slower FloatMM.c 725.7048+-4.1186 723.6414+-1.0030 gcc-loops.cpp 4279.9865+-17.1891 ? 4280.8363+-31.9058 ? n-body.c 977.9814+-3.0799 977.3317+-1.1155 Quicksort.c 422.5365+-1.8670 421.9398+-7.2656 stepanov_container.cpp 3606.1089+-7.0305 ? 3623.3012+-19.1945 ? Towers.c 262.6681+-3.7182 260.3554+-0.9014 <geometric> 792.7713+-2.4106 ? 793.6000+-1.6973 ? might be 1.0010x slower TipOfTree FastHole CompressionBench: huffman 358.5178+-6.1610 ! 374.2176+-2.6382 ! definitely 1.0438x slower arithmetic-simple 397.5747+-13.0176 ? 398.3707+-6.0150 ? arithmetic-precise 298.7368+-2.8317 298.2974+-3.2636 arithmetic-complex-precise 298.5862+-5.0330 ? 300.5111+-4.9433 ? arithmetic-precise-order-0 430.1584+-4.5701 427.6608+-6.7332 arithmetic-precise-order-1 329.2172+-4.5584 326.5033+-5.8756 arithmetic-precise-order-2 360.7586+-3.6275 356.9733+-4.1383 might be 1.0106x faster arithmetic-simple-order-1 423.1031+-5.2067 ? 423.6603+-4.4452 ? arithmetic-simple-order-2 466.1451+-3.8909 ? 467.8839+-2.7574 ? lz-string 322.2347+-3.4978 ? 323.2435+-2.8805 ? <geometric> 364.3665+-1.5659 ? 365.5926+-0.7096 ? might be 1.0034x slower TipOfTree FastHole Geomean of preferred means: <scaled-result> 61.9639+-0.2135 61.8863+-0.2132 might be 1.0013x faster
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