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Large array shouldn't be slow
Large array shouldn't be slow
Filip Pizlo
2015-05-04 18:44:08 PDT
Currently if you allocate a large array with new Array(large number), you'll get an ArrayStorage array, which is slower than a Contiguous array. That threshold is very low - around 10000. We should dramatically lift the threshold.
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2015-05-04 18:58 PDT
Filip Pizlo
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Filip Pizlo
Comment 1
2015-05-04 18:44:50 PDT
Performance results: Benchmark report for SunSpider, LongSpider, V8Spider, Octane, Kraken, JSRegress, AsmBench, and CompressionBench on dethklok (MacBookPro9,1). VMs tested: "TipOfTree" at /Volumes/Data/pizlo/secondary/OpenSource/WebKitBuild/Release/jsc (
) "MoreContiguous" at /Volumes/Data/pizlo/quartary/OpenSource/WebKitBuild/Release/jsc (
) Collected 6 samples per benchmark/VM, with 6 VM invocations per benchmark. Emitted a call to gc() between sample measurements. Used 1 benchmark iteration per VM invocation for warm-up. Used the jsc-specific preciseTime() function to get microsecond-level timing. Reporting benchmark execution times with 95% confidence intervals in milliseconds. TipOfTree MoreContiguous SunSpider: 3d-cube 5.3164+-0.1794 ? 5.3700+-0.2710 ? might be 1.0101x slower 3d-morph 5.8342+-0.2059 ? 6.0343+-0.7094 ? might be 1.0343x slower 3d-raytrace 6.6427+-0.0832 6.5142+-0.0662 might be 1.0197x faster access-binary-trees 2.5284+-0.2961 ? 2.5603+-0.2220 ? might be 1.0126x slower access-fannkuch 6.3661+-0.5139 ? 6.3776+-0.2798 ? access-nbody 3.0776+-0.2971 ? 3.0959+-0.4850 ? access-nsieve 3.5214+-0.3341 ? 3.6012+-0.2273 ? might be 1.0227x slower bitops-3bit-bits-in-byte 1.6121+-0.0729 1.6005+-0.0373 bitops-bits-in-byte 3.3408+-0.0457 ? 3.3524+-0.0402 ? bitops-bitwise-and 2.4364+-0.5014 2.3881+-0.4158 might be 1.0203x faster bitops-nsieve-bits 3.2037+-0.1535 ? 3.3072+-0.1069 ? might be 1.0323x slower controlflow-recursive 2.3737+-0.1355 2.3385+-0.1349 might be 1.0151x faster crypto-aes 4.5207+-0.1367 4.4455+-0.1200 might be 1.0169x faster crypto-md5 3.0997+-0.1633 ^ 2.7984+-0.0843 ^ definitely 1.1077x faster crypto-sha1 2.7003+-0.1021 ? 2.7303+-0.1718 ? might be 1.0111x slower date-format-tofte 9.4748+-0.2368 ? 9.5740+-0.3156 ? might be 1.0105x slower date-format-xparb 5.8776+-0.3071 ? 5.9547+-0.2473 ? might be 1.0131x slower math-cordic 3.1801+-0.0388 ? 3.3481+-0.4625 ? might be 1.0528x slower math-partial-sums 5.1960+-0.1610 ? 5.3765+-0.2830 ? might be 1.0347x slower math-spectral-norm 1.9782+-0.0855 ? 2.0730+-0.2083 ? might be 1.0479x slower regexp-dna 7.6557+-1.3177 ? 8.0805+-1.7195 ? might be 1.0555x slower string-base64 5.1188+-0.8990 4.8168+-0.1505 might be 1.0627x faster string-fasta 7.0008+-0.6974 ? 7.2632+-0.8398 ? might be 1.0375x slower string-tagcloud 10.0095+-0.7471 ? 10.0311+-0.9807 ? string-unpack-code 19.8845+-0.7794 ? 20.0537+-0.4762 ? string-validate-input 4.9489+-0.1286 ? 4.9875+-0.2036 ? <arithmetic> 5.2654+-0.1052 ? 5.3105+-0.1081 ? might be 1.0086x slower TipOfTree MoreContiguous LongSpider: 3d-cube 884.7857+-13.5366 ? 892.1535+-11.9395 ? 3d-morph 1536.7594+-13.4348 1533.4007+-7.4068 3d-raytrace 728.1648+-4.4521 ? 738.5507+-10.2173 ? might be 1.0143x slower access-binary-trees 1028.5177+-12.1514 ? 1031.1358+-5.1743 ? access-fannkuch 332.2542+-13.1168 ? 333.0854+-7.9943 ? access-nbody 615.3638+-7.2006 612.3668+-3.5776 access-nsieve 880.2565+-10.6141 ^ 477.4718+-6.6610 ^ definitely 1.8436x faster bitops-3bit-bits-in-byte 44.5376+-0.5043 44.5107+-1.0352 bitops-bits-in-byte 102.7576+-2.7817 ? 103.0568+-2.3476 ? bitops-nsieve-bits 618.7826+-5.2431 ^ 417.6654+-2.0517 ^ definitely 1.4815x faster controlflow-recursive 481.3901+-5.5113 ? 483.9118+-1.2855 ? crypto-aes 704.6516+-7.1093 ? 709.2616+-7.1225 ? crypto-md5 529.5714+-6.5574 524.5315+-16.5021 crypto-sha1 599.2212+-8.7237 ? 600.6424+-6.6173 ? date-format-tofte 759.4425+-9.3877 ? 771.9830+-16.2254 ? might be 1.0165x slower date-format-xparb 776.7653+-15.7705 ? 794.3833+-23.2727 ? might be 1.0227x slower hash-map 222.9610+-3.0782 ^ 175.1215+-2.1986 ^ definitely 1.2732x faster math-cordic 590.6663+-1.9066 ? 593.9672+-7.2558 ? math-partial-sums 507.8475+-4.8448 505.7513+-4.2333 math-spectral-norm 567.0182+-5.3691 565.3840+-2.8638 string-base64 374.2023+-4.5871 ? 378.8295+-8.9716 ? might be 1.0124x slower string-fasta 442.3020+-2.4748 438.9292+-5.4332 string-tagcloud 201.7249+-3.3892 ? 202.1418+-3.0338 ? <geometric> 477.6542+-1.6085 ^ 453.8577+-0.7898 ^ definitely 1.0524x faster TipOfTree MoreContiguous V8Spider: crypto 55.3919+-2.4808 55.1911+-3.1391 deltablue 92.9568+-5.1698 ? 97.4315+-3.5538 ? might be 1.0481x slower earley-boyer 45.9108+-1.6637 44.7937+-0.7739 might be 1.0249x faster raytrace 41.3011+-3.7368 ? 42.2448+-2.9674 ? might be 1.0229x slower regexp 81.1961+-1.5399 ? 82.3695+-1.7575 ? might be 1.0145x slower richards 80.5929+-1.7450 79.9234+-2.2337 splay 41.1799+-1.8189 ? 42.2383+-1.9843 ? might be 1.0257x slower <geometric> 59.4206+-0.9651 ? 60.0509+-0.6714 ? might be 1.0106x slower TipOfTree MoreContiguous Octane: encrypt 0.20524+-0.00632 0.20356+-0.00190 decrypt 3.56053+-0.02716 ? 3.56117+-0.03582 ? deltablue x2 0.20783+-0.00162 ? 0.20835+-0.00146 ? earley 0.54004+-0.00498 0.53993+-0.00248 boyer 6.76241+-0.09031 6.70848+-0.03482 navier-stokes x2 5.22490+-0.08085 5.17449+-0.00677 raytrace x2 1.29120+-0.05856 1.26649+-0.04123 might be 1.0195x faster richards x2 0.12297+-0.00157 ? 0.12361+-0.00155 ? splay x2 0.40398+-0.00305 ? 0.40708+-0.00385 ? regexp x2 32.08092+-0.30188 ? 32.54659+-0.46333 ? might be 1.0145x slower pdfjs x2 43.95199+-0.22719 ? 44.53126+-0.63135 ? might be 1.0132x slower mandreel x2 50.86215+-1.31063 50.35387+-1.05227 might be 1.0101x faster gbemu x2 42.48585+-2.12887 41.52009+-0.40756 might be 1.0233x faster closure 0.56706+-0.00330 ! 0.57843+-0.00449 ! definitely 1.0201x slower jquery 7.19058+-0.04752 ? 7.28381+-0.08494 ? might be 1.0130x slower box2d x2 12.26534+-0.07006 ? 12.34652+-0.13517 ? zlib x2 386.61411+-14.04044 ? 394.67131+-3.11404 ? might be 1.0208x slower typescript x2 845.05428+-11.10455 840.26306+-9.00204 <geometric> 6.75742+-0.01944 ? 6.76312+-0.03636 ? might be 1.0008x slower TipOfTree MoreContiguous Kraken: ai-astar 271.760+-3.469 ? 275.377+-2.085 ? might be 1.0133x slower audio-beat-detection 107.123+-1.265 107.053+-0.395 audio-dft 151.027+-4.522 ^ 121.047+-1.400 ^ definitely 1.2477x faster audio-fft 86.167+-5.381 ? 88.068+-2.382 ? might be 1.0221x slower audio-oscillator 207.366+-1.721 ? 210.501+-3.708 ? might be 1.0151x slower imaging-darkroom 105.664+-2.697 104.694+-1.611 imaging-desaturate 64.545+-1.531 63.469+-1.230 might be 1.0170x faster imaging-gaussian-blur 112.460+-1.869 ? 114.009+-5.405 ? might be 1.0138x slower json-parse-financial 46.953+-2.757 45.511+-2.295 might be 1.0317x faster json-stringify-tinderbox 57.224+-1.818 ? 58.111+-1.383 ? might be 1.0155x slower stanford-crypto-aes 59.363+-1.192 ? 60.975+-1.616 ? might be 1.0272x slower stanford-crypto-ccm 60.578+-3.035 58.228+-1.792 might be 1.0404x faster stanford-crypto-pbkdf2 137.422+-1.523 ? 139.165+-3.857 ? might be 1.0127x slower stanford-crypto-sha256-iterative 55.270+-3.440 53.269+-4.178 might be 1.0376x faster <arithmetic> 108.780+-0.816 ^ 107.106+-0.635 ^ definitely 1.0156x faster TipOfTree MoreContiguous JSRegress: abs-boolean 2.6501+-0.0726 ? 2.7464+-0.1226 ? might be 1.0363x slower adapt-to-double-divide 17.1700+-0.9783 16.7246+-0.5220 might be 1.0266x faster aliased-arguments-getbyval 1.3042+-0.1743 1.2432+-0.0559 might be 1.0491x faster allocate-big-object 2.8277+-0.1995 ? 2.8722+-0.1102 ? might be 1.0157x slower arguments-named-and-reflective 12.7737+-0.3030 ? 13.0215+-0.7441 ? might be 1.0194x slower arguments-out-of-bounds 14.9041+-0.2902 ? 14.9282+-0.4792 ? arguments-strict-mode 12.4999+-0.9748 11.7915+-0.4721 might be 1.0601x faster arguments 11.3415+-1.4232 ? 11.6696+-1.2862 ? might be 1.0289x slower arity-mismatch-inlining 0.8047+-0.0192 ? 0.8185+-0.0348 ? might be 1.0172x slower array-access-polymorphic-structure 7.2664+-1.2766 6.8135+-0.1830 might be 1.0665x faster array-nonarray-polymorhpic-access 34.9694+-2.9004 34.5563+-0.5965 might be 1.0120x faster array-prototype-every 90.4080+-3.2729 88.3622+-1.4542 might be 1.0232x faster array-prototype-forEach 85.4364+-1.8417 ? 86.2231+-2.0076 ? array-prototype-map 94.6711+-3.0535 94.4213+-1.1874 array-prototype-some 87.1526+-2.4706 ? 87.7965+-2.4630 ? array-splice-contiguous 41.6617+-1.9165 ? 42.1752+-1.5729 ? might be 1.0123x slower array-with-double-add 4.3388+-0.4330 4.2255+-0.2880 might be 1.0268x faster array-with-double-increment 3.2393+-0.0750 3.2054+-0.0612 might be 1.0106x faster array-with-double-mul-add 5.1108+-0.0804 5.1044+-0.1072 array-with-double-sum 3.2548+-0.0594 3.2515+-0.0270 array-with-int32-add-sub 6.7611+-0.0177 ? 6.7646+-0.1678 ? array-with-int32-or-double-sum 3.3095+-0.0402 ? 3.3859+-0.0977 ? might be 1.0231x slower ArrayBuffer-DataView-alloc-large-long-lived 32.9135+-0.8688 ? 36.1412+-3.1751 ? might be 1.0981x slower ArrayBuffer-DataView-alloc-long-lived 14.9201+-1.8376 14.5940+-1.1433 might be 1.0223x faster ArrayBuffer-Int32Array-byteOffset 4.1930+-0.5488 4.1659+-0.4673 ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-large-long-lived 33.5788+-1.4469 ? 33.6593+-2.0526 ? ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-long-lived-buffer 23.7861+-2.1467 23.3998+-1.4222 might be 1.0165x faster ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-long-lived 12.8390+-0.2592 ! 16.1198+-2.2945 ! definitely 1.2555x slower ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc 11.1448+-0.8481 ? 12.9184+-2.1064 ? might be 1.1591x slower asmjs_bool_bug 7.6351+-0.0520 7.6243+-0.0734 assign-custom-setter-polymorphic 3.4672+-0.5963 3.1095+-0.1276 might be 1.1150x faster assign-custom-setter 4.5154+-0.1425 4.5005+-0.8009 basic-set 8.4713+-0.0988 ? 8.4883+-0.1646 ? big-int-mul 4.1860+-0.4780 3.9674+-0.1137 might be 1.0551x faster boolean-test 3.0872+-0.0423 ? 3.2072+-0.3774 ? might be 1.0389x slower branch-fold 3.7342+-0.0502 3.6929+-0.0242 might be 1.0112x faster branch-on-string-as-boolean 19.6793+-0.8839 19.3754+-1.0060 might be 1.0157x faster by-val-generic 8.8278+-0.7807 8.3361+-0.6907 might be 1.0590x faster call-spread-apply 31.7787+-2.6359 ? 33.4744+-2.1069 ? might be 1.0534x slower call-spread-call 25.8143+-1.3317 ! 28.7217+-1.2526 ! definitely 1.1126x slower captured-assignments 0.4296+-0.0103 ? 0.4428+-0.0190 ? might be 1.0307x slower cast-int-to-double 5.3449+-0.1814 ? 5.3808+-0.1893 ? cell-argument 8.6288+-0.2525 8.4317+-0.2783 might be 1.0234x faster cfg-simplify 3.0896+-0.1566 3.0538+-0.0820 might be 1.0117x faster chain-getter-access 10.1065+-0.3477 ? 10.1471+-0.1113 ? cmpeq-obj-to-obj-other 11.5184+-0.5782 11.1918+-1.0518 might be 1.0292x faster constant-test 4.9445+-0.0292 ? 5.1399+-0.3075 ? might be 1.0395x slower create-lots-of-functions 11.6709+-0.3015 ? 11.7301+-0.3950 ? DataView-custom-properties 38.5016+-2.4243 ? 39.4298+-1.8429 ? might be 1.0241x slower deconstructing-parameters-overridden-by-function 0.5110+-0.0681 ? 0.5265+-0.0791 ? might be 1.0303x slower delay-tear-off-arguments-strictmode 14.3843+-0.3498 14.1201+-0.2740 might be 1.0187x faster deltablue-varargs 204.7220+-3.7639 202.6405+-0.7358 might be 1.0103x faster destructuring-arguments 18.3259+-0.6706 ? 18.3833+-0.8618 ? destructuring-swap 5.1574+-0.2180 5.0752+-0.0981 might be 1.0162x faster direct-arguments-getbyval 1.2521+-0.0655 ? 1.3152+-0.2223 ? might be 1.0504x slower div-boolean-double 5.1894+-0.0444 ? 5.2249+-0.0610 ? div-boolean 7.8598+-0.1225 ? 7.8791+-0.2297 ? double-get-by-val-out-of-bounds 4.5227+-0.0860 ? 4.5264+-0.0884 ? double-pollution-getbyval 8.8144+-0.0453 ? 8.8421+-0.0687 ? double-pollution-putbyoffset 4.3930+-0.1509 ? 4.6360+-0.2966 ? might be 1.0553x slower double-to-int32-typed-array-no-inline 2.2590+-0.0798 ? 2.5445+-0.3095 ? might be 1.1264x slower double-to-int32-typed-array 2.0287+-0.1238 ? 2.1125+-0.2155 ? might be 1.0413x slower double-to-uint32-typed-array-no-inline 2.3435+-0.1325 ? 2.4958+-0.3081 ? might be 1.0650x slower double-to-uint32-typed-array 2.1536+-0.2803 2.0826+-0.0710 might be 1.0341x faster elidable-new-object-dag 44.8552+-2.3046 44.4521+-2.0983 elidable-new-object-roflcopter 46.5834+-1.9698 46.4515+-1.7835 elidable-new-object-then-call 39.9823+-1.4321 39.8495+-1.7209 elidable-new-object-tree 47.4401+-1.8581 46.3003+-2.0859 might be 1.0246x faster empty-string-plus-int 5.4089+-0.1125 ! 5.6292+-0.0552 ! definitely 1.0407x slower emscripten-cube2hash 39.6053+-1.4001 39.3867+-1.1924 exit-length-on-plain-object 15.7920+-2.2680 14.3921+-1.6161 might be 1.0973x faster external-arguments-getbyval 1.2660+-0.0543 ? 1.3818+-0.2057 ? might be 1.0915x slower external-arguments-putbyval 2.4094+-0.2615 2.3558+-0.0791 might be 1.0227x faster fixed-typed-array-storage-var-index 1.2491+-0.0799 1.2428+-0.0568 fixed-typed-array-storage 0.9329+-0.0402 ? 1.0306+-0.1332 ? might be 1.1047x slower Float32Array-matrix-mult 4.6794+-0.3934 4.5595+-0.1707 might be 1.0263x faster Float32Array-to-Float64Array-set 55.2214+-1.5438 ? 56.0462+-1.4418 ? might be 1.0149x slower Float64Array-alloc-long-lived 75.2608+-1.6644 ^ 70.9583+-1.3983 ^ definitely 1.0606x faster Float64Array-to-Int16Array-set 68.8653+-1.1754 ! 71.7477+-1.6564 ! definitely 1.0419x slower fold-double-to-int 13.6940+-0.3393 ? 13.7084+-0.4205 ? fold-get-by-id-to-multi-get-by-offset-rare-int 10.7682+-0.6319 10.3924+-1.3084 might be 1.0362x faster fold-get-by-id-to-multi-get-by-offset 10.7970+-0.9610 9.9921+-0.5140 might be 1.0805x faster fold-multi-get-by-offset-to-get-by-offset 10.2699+-1.0062 9.2372+-1.3931 might be 1.1118x faster fold-multi-get-by-offset-to-poly-get-by-offset 9.5518+-1.6340 8.8417+-1.0040 might be 1.0803x faster fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-poly-put-by-offset 10.0592+-1.2361 9.6772+-1.2367 might be 1.0395x faster fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-put-by-offset 4.7666+-0.0905 ! 7.8682+-1.3750 ! definitely 1.6507x slower fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-replace-or-transition-put-by-offset 9.6925+-0.3319 9.6322+-0.4869 fold-put-by-id-to-multi-put-by-offset 10.5265+-1.2696 10.1635+-0.9704 might be 1.0357x faster fold-put-structure 4.0600+-0.0451 ! 7.3849+-0.1473 ! definitely 1.8189x slower for-of-iterate-array-entries 4.8256+-0.3857 ? 4.8472+-0.1751 ? for-of-iterate-array-keys 3.9561+-0.3520 ? 4.0466+-0.1357 ? might be 1.0229x slower for-of-iterate-array-values 3.9410+-0.2405 ? 4.0113+-0.3194 ? might be 1.0178x slower fround 21.2818+-0.9514 21.1075+-0.6498 ftl-library-inlining-dataview 68.7347+-2.1373 ^ 64.8441+-1.5343 ^ definitely 1.0600x faster ftl-library-inlining 66.0472+-1.6609 ? 66.1025+-1.1654 ? function-dot-apply 2.2864+-0.1123 ? 2.3396+-0.1937 ? might be 1.0233x slower function-test 3.3993+-0.0285 3.3826+-0.0338 function-with-eval 104.5631+-3.1942 ? 105.4439+-4.4617 ? gcse-poly-get-less-obvious 18.5422+-0.8925 ? 19.1608+-1.1781 ? might be 1.0334x slower gcse-poly-get 23.5278+-2.3636 20.9838+-1.5971 might be 1.1212x faster gcse 4.4626+-0.3517 ? 4.5098+-0.5746 ? might be 1.0106x slower get-by-id-bimorphic-check-structure-elimination-simple 2.7224+-0.1085 ? 2.8363+-0.1313 ? might be 1.0419x slower get-by-id-bimorphic-check-structure-elimination 6.3700+-0.6037 6.0931+-0.1312 might be 1.0454x faster get-by-id-chain-from-try-block 6.5670+-0.1405 ? 7.4124+-1.0426 ? might be 1.1287x slower get-by-id-check-structure-elimination 5.4455+-0.6619 ? 5.6458+-0.5759 ? might be 1.0368x slower get-by-id-proto-or-self 17.1331+-0.8066 ? 17.2008+-0.6674 ? get-by-id-quadmorphic-check-structure-elimination-simple 3.3263+-0.4405 3.1971+-0.1139 might be 1.0404x faster get-by-id-self-or-proto 17.1873+-0.3528 ? 17.4268+-0.5552 ? might be 1.0139x slower get-by-val-out-of-bounds 4.5523+-0.3190 4.3314+-0.0244 might be 1.0510x faster get_callee_monomorphic 2.8426+-0.0778 ? 2.8923+-0.1909 ? might be 1.0175x slower get_callee_polymorphic 3.9594+-0.3297 ? 4.1008+-0.4563 ? might be 1.0357x slower getter-no-activation 5.2644+-0.2943 4.9917+-0.3064 might be 1.0546x faster getter-richards 129.0467+-4.7603 ? 129.3918+-5.8889 ? getter 6.1409+-0.9331 5.9330+-0.7694 might be 1.0350x faster global-var-const-infer-fire-from-opt 0.8912+-0.0507 ? 1.0255+-0.0884 ? might be 1.1507x slower global-var-const-infer 0.8040+-0.0571 0.7612+-0.0419 might be 1.0561x faster HashMap-put-get-iterate-keys 26.1392+-1.1862 ? 26.9169+-1.1750 ? might be 1.0298x slower HashMap-put-get-iterate 25.4892+-0.4640 ! 29.2601+-1.3400 ! definitely 1.1479x slower HashMap-string-put-get-iterate 27.9451+-1.3688 ? 28.4027+-1.3478 ? might be 1.0164x slower hoist-make-rope 11.9166+-0.6241 ? 12.6364+-1.0734 ? might be 1.0604x slower hoist-poly-check-structure-effectful-loop 5.0551+-0.0665 ? 5.2345+-0.2989 ? might be 1.0355x slower hoist-poly-check-structure 3.8660+-0.2576 3.7500+-0.1338 might be 1.0309x faster imul-double-only 8.8618+-0.1279 ^ 7.5210+-0.0693 ^ definitely 1.1783x faster imul-int-only 9.7742+-0.1784 ? 9.7973+-0.1321 ? imul-mixed 8.0490+-0.2937 ? 8.4051+-0.4400 ? might be 1.0442x slower in-four-cases 20.6967+-0.2272 ? 21.4410+-0.8624 ? might be 1.0360x slower in-one-case-false 10.6558+-0.3518 ^ 9.9272+-0.2960 ^ definitely 1.0734x faster in-one-case-true 10.4120+-0.3660 10.0463+-0.4312 might be 1.0364x faster in-two-cases 10.6497+-0.5361 10.3182+-0.4201 might be 1.0321x faster indexed-properties-in-objects 3.0466+-0.0440 ^ 2.8815+-0.0471 ^ definitely 1.0573x faster infer-closure-const-then-mov-no-inline 3.9060+-0.0442 ! 4.5306+-0.4389 ! definitely 1.1599x slower infer-closure-const-then-mov 20.2983+-0.4232 19.7559+-0.4658 might be 1.0275x faster infer-closure-const-then-put-to-scope-no-inline 15.7356+-2.1344 13.9840+-0.3084 might be 1.1253x faster infer-closure-const-then-put-to-scope 22.1195+-0.6921 ? 23.7399+-1.8801 ? might be 1.0733x slower infer-closure-const-then-reenter-no-inline 63.4714+-1.7848 63.1740+-1.2629 infer-closure-const-then-reenter 22.8204+-0.7063 ? 23.3158+-1.6969 ? might be 1.0217x slower infer-constant-global-property 30.8745+-1.7873 30.2427+-0.9865 might be 1.0209x faster infer-constant-property 2.8024+-0.1754 2.7174+-0.0734 might be 1.0313x faster infer-one-time-closure-ten-vars 13.5298+-1.4173 13.1294+-1.7608 might be 1.0305x faster infer-one-time-closure-two-vars 12.3816+-0.8781 12.2787+-0.1277 infer-one-time-closure 12.1328+-0.2642 ? 12.7151+-1.3647 ? might be 1.0480x slower infer-one-time-deep-closure 22.0520+-1.7198 ? 22.3328+-1.3281 ? might be 1.0127x slower inline-arguments-access 4.7694+-0.3487 4.5918+-0.0433 might be 1.0387x faster inline-arguments-aliased-access 4.7465+-0.1521 ? 4.7906+-0.3392 ? inline-arguments-local-escape 4.7665+-0.1808 4.7609+-0.1524 inline-get-scoped-var 4.8094+-0.2051 ? 4.8342+-0.2608 ? inlined-put-by-id-transition 11.5942+-0.7925 11.2152+-0.6313 might be 1.0338x faster int-or-other-abs-then-get-by-val 4.7479+-0.1562 4.7275+-0.0444 int-or-other-abs-zero-then-get-by-val 18.6551+-1.5623 18.1880+-1.8769 might be 1.0257x faster int-or-other-add-then-get-by-val 4.3169+-0.0724 ? 4.3293+-0.1035 ? int-or-other-add 5.3123+-0.0285 ? 5.4205+-0.1759 ? might be 1.0204x slower int-or-other-div-then-get-by-val 4.2490+-0.0762 ? 4.3964+-0.2345 ? might be 1.0347x slower int-or-other-max-then-get-by-val 4.3428+-0.0585 ? 4.4722+-0.1215 ? might be 1.0298x slower int-or-other-min-then-get-by-val 4.4147+-0.0120 ? 4.5133+-0.1862 ? might be 1.0223x slower int-or-other-mod-then-get-by-val 3.9541+-0.1593 ? 4.0054+-0.0493 ? might be 1.0130x slower int-or-other-mul-then-get-by-val 3.9583+-0.0825 ? 4.0755+-0.1521 ? might be 1.0296x slower int-or-other-neg-then-get-by-val 4.4436+-0.0324 ? 4.4803+-0.0410 ? int-or-other-neg-zero-then-get-by-val 17.3543+-0.8419 ? 17.8503+-0.9357 ? might be 1.0286x slower int-or-other-sub-then-get-by-val 4.5907+-0.1579 4.5317+-0.0307 might be 1.0130x faster int-or-other-sub 3.5299+-0.0263 ? 3.5394+-0.0619 ? int-overflow-local 4.5747+-0.1492 4.5708+-0.0944 Int16Array-alloc-long-lived 54.1247+-1.1662 ^ 51.1766+-0.8826 ^ definitely 1.0576x faster Int16Array-bubble-sort-with-byteLength 21.3372+-1.6809 ? 21.5047+-1.6161 ? Int16Array-bubble-sort 20.2310+-0.9032 19.8497+-0.5397 might be 1.0192x faster Int16Array-load-int-mul 1.5767+-0.2003 ? 1.6031+-0.1453 ? might be 1.0168x slower Int16Array-to-Int32Array-set 53.9047+-3.8650 ? 55.3427+-3.2419 ? might be 1.0267x slower Int32Array-alloc-large 24.0466+-1.3053 ? 24.8381+-1.1618 ? might be 1.0329x slower Int32Array-alloc-long-lived 60.1217+-1.8694 ^ 56.7277+-1.3081 ^ definitely 1.0598x faster Int32Array-alloc 3.7216+-0.1837 ? 3.7662+-0.4411 ? might be 1.0120x slower Int32Array-Int8Array-view-alloc 7.2631+-0.8854 ? 8.3357+-1.1811 ? might be 1.1477x slower int52-spill 6.4333+-0.2536 ? 6.6459+-0.2430 ? might be 1.0330x slower Int8Array-alloc-long-lived 49.5846+-1.2873 ^ 45.9976+-1.4350 ^ definitely 1.0780x faster Int8Array-load-with-byteLength 3.3175+-0.0343 ? 3.6525+-0.5266 ? might be 1.1010x slower Int8Array-load 3.4204+-0.0961 3.3949+-0.1093 integer-divide 11.3833+-0.2957 11.1829+-0.1144 might be 1.0179x faster integer-modulo 2.1768+-0.2054 2.0558+-0.1010 might be 1.0589x faster is-boolean-fold-tricky 4.6702+-0.5673 4.5062+-0.2041 might be 1.0364x faster is-boolean-fold 2.8571+-0.0899 ? 2.9080+-0.1279 ? might be 1.0178x slower is-function-fold-tricky-internal-function 9.7693+-0.0784 ! 10.4424+-0.5250 ! definitely 1.0689x slower is-function-fold-tricky 4.6283+-0.1225 4.5847+-0.2342 is-function-fold 3.0507+-0.3234 2.9296+-0.1314 might be 1.0413x faster is-number-fold-tricky 4.5528+-0.0464 4.4668+-0.1056 might be 1.0193x faster is-number-fold 3.0605+-0.4143 2.9082+-0.0995 might be 1.0524x faster is-object-or-null-fold-functions 3.0044+-0.2613 2.9012+-0.0338 might be 1.0355x faster is-object-or-null-fold-less-tricky 4.6037+-0.1565 ? 4.8720+-0.4587 ? might be 1.0583x slower is-object-or-null-fold-tricky 10.6608+-1.2649 10.2041+-0.0702 might be 1.0447x faster is-object-or-null-fold 2.8642+-0.0492 ? 2.8878+-0.1196 ? is-object-or-null-trickier-function 4.5681+-0.0584 ? 4.6066+-0.0982 ? is-object-or-null-trickier-internal-function 12.2628+-0.4314 12.1610+-0.1118 is-object-or-null-tricky-function 4.6140+-0.0994 ? 4.7240+-0.3713 ? might be 1.0238x slower is-object-or-null-tricky-internal-function 10.9078+-0.7557 10.6544+-0.0749 might be 1.0238x faster is-string-fold-tricky 4.6377+-0.1883 4.5870+-0.4164 might be 1.0110x faster is-string-fold 2.9878+-0.3482 2.8615+-0.0269 might be 1.0441x faster is-undefined-fold-tricky 3.7477+-0.0744 3.6890+-0.0656 might be 1.0159x faster is-undefined-fold 2.8780+-0.1451 ? 2.9258+-0.1473 ? might be 1.0166x slower large-int-captured 4.7516+-0.2372 4.6498+-0.0684 might be 1.0219x faster large-int-neg 17.8549+-2.0426 16.9277+-0.7167 might be 1.0548x faster large-int 15.4990+-1.4016 15.2605+-0.9233 might be 1.0156x faster logical-not 4.5917+-0.0986 ? 4.7432+-0.2786 ? might be 1.0330x slower lots-of-fields 13.1956+-0.2371 ? 13.6794+-0.6256 ? might be 1.0367x slower make-indexed-storage 3.2168+-0.3294 2.9823+-0.3144 might be 1.0786x faster make-rope-cse 4.7973+-0.0991 ? 4.8990+-0.4057 ? might be 1.0212x slower marsaglia-larger-ints 36.5059+-1.0656 ? 36.5491+-1.4022 ? marsaglia-osr-entry 23.3242+-0.3278 ? 24.3902+-1.5271 ? might be 1.0457x slower max-boolean 2.4677+-0.0104 ? 2.4900+-0.0336 ? method-on-number 17.1327+-0.3400 ? 17.4175+-0.6843 ? might be 1.0166x slower min-boolean 2.4886+-0.0268 ? 2.5177+-0.0413 ? might be 1.0117x slower minus-boolean-double 3.3692+-0.3427 3.2908+-0.3458 might be 1.0238x faster minus-boolean 2.4670+-0.2920 2.3914+-0.0894 might be 1.0316x faster misc-strict-eq 38.2176+-1.1012 37.3161+-0.4074 might be 1.0242x faster mod-boolean-double 11.0337+-0.2180 10.9633+-0.3153 mod-boolean 7.9065+-0.1690 7.8253+-0.0379 might be 1.0104x faster mul-boolean-double 3.7623+-0.1083 ? 3.8231+-0.2916 ? might be 1.0162x slower mul-boolean 2.9102+-0.0850 2.8770+-0.1084 might be 1.0115x faster neg-boolean 3.3532+-0.3684 3.1613+-0.0480 might be 1.0607x faster negative-zero-divide 0.3444+-0.0134 ? 0.3724+-0.0341 ? might be 1.0812x slower negative-zero-modulo 0.3500+-0.0264 ? 0.3733+-0.0252 ? might be 1.0664x slower negative-zero-negate 0.3365+-0.0191 ? 0.3413+-0.0148 ? might be 1.0141x slower nested-function-parsing 39.8082+-1.4500 ? 40.0496+-1.3848 ? new-array-buffer-dead 112.7081+-2.3954 ? 113.3539+-3.1892 ? new-array-buffer-push 6.8611+-0.0699 ? 7.4465+-0.9758 ? might be 1.0853x slower new-array-dead 19.5033+-0.6321 19.1084+-0.6449 might be 1.0207x faster new-array-push 4.0328+-0.2338 3.8494+-0.0356 might be 1.0476x faster no-inline-constructor 126.2435+-3.0336 125.5250+-2.1300 number-test 3.0813+-0.1137 3.0755+-0.0851 object-closure-call 5.9255+-0.6142 5.7793+-0.2122 might be 1.0253x faster object-test 3.1584+-0.0521 3.1317+-0.0377 obvious-sink-pathology-taken 140.9318+-2.1531 140.0677+-2.3033 obvious-sink-pathology 130.6925+-3.2613 ? 131.1231+-1.6621 ? obviously-elidable-new-object 35.2340+-0.9591 ? 36.0698+-1.9242 ? might be 1.0237x slower plus-boolean-arith 2.5620+-0.1961 ? 2.6228+-0.3266 ? might be 1.0237x slower plus-boolean-double 3.1836+-0.0678 ? 3.3272+-0.1174 ? might be 1.0451x slower plus-boolean 2.4246+-0.1099 ? 2.4420+-0.1105 ? poly-chain-access-different-prototypes-simple 3.2747+-0.0524 ? 3.3343+-0.1505 ? might be 1.0182x slower poly-chain-access-different-prototypes 2.6046+-0.1046 ? 2.6293+-0.1461 ? poly-chain-access-simpler 3.3024+-0.0593 3.2937+-0.0339 poly-chain-access 2.7637+-0.3937 2.6984+-0.3052 might be 1.0242x faster poly-stricteq 62.6534+-0.6079 62.4565+-0.8048 polymorphic-array-call 1.4395+-0.1172 1.3041+-0.0713 might be 1.1038x faster polymorphic-get-by-id 3.2858+-0.3690 3.1666+-0.0569 might be 1.0376x faster polymorphic-put-by-id 30.9922+-3.2258 ? 31.1428+-1.5208 ? polymorphic-structure 15.4581+-1.5601 ? 15.6654+-1.2756 ? might be 1.0134x slower polyvariant-monomorphic-get-by-id 8.6719+-0.2067 8.5400+-0.1047 might be 1.0154x faster proto-getter-access 10.0412+-0.1277 ? 10.1429+-0.2514 ? might be 1.0101x slower put-by-id-replace-and-transition 9.0136+-0.0778 ? 9.4312+-0.3600 ? might be 1.0463x slower put-by-id-slightly-polymorphic 2.8650+-0.0691 ? 2.9419+-0.2337 ? might be 1.0268x slower put-by-id 12.5975+-0.2781 12.5283+-0.3873 put-by-val-direct 0.4208+-0.0211 0.4121+-0.0190 might be 1.0211x faster put-by-val-large-index-blank-indexing-type 6.2288+-0.4481 ? 6.4093+-1.0992 ? might be 1.0290x slower put-by-val-machine-int 2.7937+-0.0500 ? 2.8536+-0.0989 ? might be 1.0214x slower rare-osr-exit-on-local 16.0055+-0.7500 15.2010+-0.6382 might be 1.0529x faster register-pressure-from-osr 21.4800+-0.1417 ? 21.6744+-0.4374 ? setter 6.1018+-0.7033 ^ 5.2645+-0.0901 ^ definitely 1.1590x faster simple-activation-demo 24.8003+-0.2890 ? 25.3175+-0.7645 ? might be 1.0209x slower simple-getter-access 12.8585+-0.2857 ? 13.2382+-0.5982 ? might be 1.0295x slower simple-poly-call-nested 8.3831+-0.4899 8.2844+-0.2115 might be 1.0119x faster simple-poly-call 1.3372+-0.0954 1.3024+-0.0382 might be 1.0267x faster sin-boolean 23.0273+-0.9542 ? 23.1317+-1.0363 ? singleton-scope 67.0205+-0.7758 ? 67.5812+-1.0025 ? sink-function 12.6301+-0.9092 12.4038+-0.3671 might be 1.0182x faster sinkable-new-object-dag 71.7736+-2.8624 69.8967+-1.5630 might be 1.0269x faster sinkable-new-object-taken 51.4017+-2.7555 ? 53.2157+-2.6095 ? might be 1.0353x slower sinkable-new-object 39.1752+-1.0394 39.0607+-1.5128 slow-array-profile-convergence 2.8586+-0.1739 ? 2.9787+-0.4064 ? might be 1.0420x slower slow-convergence 2.8804+-0.3631 2.7864+-0.1042 might be 1.0337x faster sorting-benchmark 20.9266+-0.7486 ? 20.9731+-0.3448 ? sparse-conditional 1.1344+-0.0808 ? 1.1523+-0.0663 ? might be 1.0158x slower splice-to-remove 17.0200+-0.3813 ? 17.5205+-0.8074 ? might be 1.0294x slower string-char-code-at 17.2075+-0.5691 ? 17.9261+-1.4283 ? might be 1.0418x slower string-concat-object 2.8219+-0.3207 2.6626+-0.1171 might be 1.0598x faster string-concat-pair-object 2.5936+-0.2128 ? 2.5948+-0.1032 ? string-concat-pair-simple 12.0952+-1.1104 11.6756+-0.3389 might be 1.0359x faster string-concat-simple 12.6032+-1.1768 ? 13.0687+-1.0111 ? might be 1.0369x slower string-cons-repeat 8.3725+-0.7884 8.2157+-0.8129 might be 1.0191x faster string-cons-tower 8.9882+-1.0731 7.9448+-0.1320 might be 1.1313x faster string-equality 17.7662+-1.4138 ? 18.2210+-0.8105 ? might be 1.0256x slower string-get-by-val-big-char 7.1493+-0.1137 ! 7.3383+-0.0606 ! definitely 1.0264x slower string-get-by-val-out-of-bounds-insane 3.8024+-0.0604 ? 3.9332+-0.5340 ? might be 1.0344x slower string-get-by-val-out-of-bounds 5.2869+-0.1897 ? 5.3257+-0.2222 ? string-get-by-val 3.4008+-0.0779 3.3914+-0.0258 string-hash 2.0427+-0.0378 ? 2.1380+-0.1621 ? might be 1.0467x slower string-long-ident-equality 15.1040+-0.1601 ? 15.8271+-0.9809 ? might be 1.0479x slower string-out-of-bounds 14.9458+-0.3333 14.9019+-0.1790 string-repeat-arith 35.6300+-2.6124 33.8952+-1.9429 might be 1.0512x faster string-sub 66.0225+-4.8152 ? 69.7011+-1.9270 ? might be 1.0557x slower string-test 2.9293+-0.0294 ? 2.9439+-0.0585 ? string-var-equality 32.8712+-1.2104 31.9210+-0.3893 might be 1.0298x faster structure-hoist-over-transitions 2.7470+-0.1675 2.6286+-0.1673 might be 1.0450x faster substring-concat-weird 39.6422+-0.6064 ? 40.7181+-2.0572 ? might be 1.0271x slower substring-concat 42.1106+-1.6515 41.6064+-1.3326 might be 1.0121x faster substring 47.7675+-2.0867 47.0080+-1.6682 might be 1.0162x faster switch-char-constant 2.7316+-0.0577 ? 2.7561+-0.1030 ? switch-char 6.4019+-0.8536 ? 6.6479+-0.6684 ? might be 1.0384x slower switch-constant 8.5650+-0.3397 8.3582+-0.0966 might be 1.0247x faster switch-string-basic-big-var 18.0952+-0.4432 ? 18.9166+-0.7594 ? might be 1.0454x slower switch-string-basic-big 15.1300+-0.9829 14.5828+-0.2572 might be 1.0375x faster switch-string-basic-var 14.9099+-0.5459 ? 15.1759+-1.2317 ? might be 1.0178x slower switch-string-basic 13.6796+-0.4165 13.6250+-0.1637 switch-string-big-length-tower-var 21.4414+-1.2231 20.6513+-1.4621 might be 1.0383x faster switch-string-length-tower-var 15.3040+-0.1699 15.2735+-0.2783 switch-string-length-tower 12.8699+-0.2532 ? 12.9859+-0.1529 ? switch-string-short 12.8198+-0.1438 ? 12.9264+-0.1147 ? switch 12.7591+-0.2912 12.7367+-0.2653 tear-off-arguments-simple 3.7465+-0.3362 3.4753+-0.1207 might be 1.0780x faster tear-off-arguments 4.8756+-0.3001 ? 4.9015+-0.2638 ? temporal-structure 12.1994+-0.0614 ? 12.3112+-0.2179 ? to-int32-boolean 13.5200+-0.1211 ? 14.4574+-1.1276 ? might be 1.0693x slower try-catch-get-by-val-cloned-arguments 14.5040+-0.1079 ? 15.0992+-1.5531 ? might be 1.0410x slower try-catch-get-by-val-direct-arguments 6.8255+-0.8604 6.5403+-0.2303 might be 1.0436x faster try-catch-get-by-val-scoped-arguments 8.7947+-1.4280 7.9851+-0.9564 might be 1.1014x faster typed-array-get-set-by-val-profiling 33.0471+-3.6861 ? 33.3977+-2.1332 ? might be 1.0106x slower undefined-property-access 359.0500+-4.0426 358.8743+-5.9870 undefined-test 3.1605+-0.3547 3.0040+-0.0383 might be 1.0521x faster unprofiled-licm 23.1676+-0.6661 ? 23.6561+-0.8007 ? might be 1.0211x slower varargs-call 16.1403+-1.0940 15.9808+-0.9152 varargs-construct-inline 23.1110+-1.3852 22.7297+-0.2630 might be 1.0168x faster varargs-construct 32.5328+-0.4809 32.2319+-0.7970 varargs-inline 9.5499+-0.1391 ? 9.6461+-0.3671 ? might be 1.0101x slower varargs-strict-mode 10.2897+-0.2343 10.2717+-0.1638 varargs 10.6200+-0.5910 10.2454+-0.1487 might be 1.0366x faster weird-inlining-const-prop 2.3887+-0.0966 2.3010+-0.1387 might be 1.0381x faster <geometric> 8.6257+-0.0462 ? 8.6579+-0.0205 ? might be 1.0037x slower TipOfTree MoreContiguous AsmBench: bigfib.cpp 499.0017+-6.9327 ? 499.6385+-7.3868 ? cray.c 425.8257+-3.4337 ? 426.0557+-5.4046 ? dry.c 487.8049+-8.3093 487.6383+-7.3018 FloatMM.c 733.3719+-11.0231 ? 737.8465+-21.0527 ? gcc-loops.cpp 4518.9675+-609.3180 4272.0263+-9.8271 might be 1.0578x faster n-body.c 986.6908+-9.8873 981.2976+-6.1296 Quicksort.c 420.1909+-4.1494 419.1851+-4.2653 stepanov_container.cpp 3632.9393+-42.1251 3620.7932+-29.9688 Towers.c 260.3874+-0.9016 259.6245+-0.6120 <geometric> 799.8150+-11.1199 794.7190+-2.3529 might be 1.0064x faster TipOfTree MoreContiguous CompressionBench: huffman 371.2688+-1.9484 364.7447+-8.7541 might be 1.0179x faster arithmetic-simple 397.9051+-9.9740 393.3864+-4.7753 might be 1.0115x faster arithmetic-precise 303.8306+-5.6079 297.5702+-5.5244 might be 1.0210x faster arithmetic-complex-precise 300.7327+-3.5432 300.0023+-6.6560 arithmetic-precise-order-0 426.2111+-10.2010 ? 432.3674+-8.5352 ? might be 1.0144x slower arithmetic-precise-order-1 329.9871+-5.8803 ? 333.0349+-9.4745 ? arithmetic-precise-order-2 363.8460+-5.1471 360.2196+-6.2842 might be 1.0101x faster arithmetic-simple-order-1 422.3760+-1.7509 ? 422.5983+-5.1418 ? arithmetic-simple-order-2 466.3583+-2.6591 466.2340+-5.3304 lz-string 325.7708+-8.1882 ? 335.5986+-21.4023 ? might be 1.0302x slower <geometric> 366.9642+-2.2455 366.5834+-3.0920 might be 1.0010x faster TipOfTree MoreContiguous Geomean of preferred means: <scaled-result> 63.9012+-0.2493 63.5008+-0.1605 might be 1.0063x faster
Filip Pizlo
Comment 2
2015-05-04 18:58:21 PDT
attachment 252363
the patch
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 3
2015-05-04 19:21:06 PDT
Comment on
attachment 252363
the patch r=me
Mark Lam
Comment 4
2015-05-04 19:22:18 PDT
(In reply to
comment #3
> Comment on
attachment 252363
> the patch > > r=me
Bummer. grain beat me to it.
Mark Lam
Comment 5
2015-05-04 19:22:57 PDT
(In reply to
comment #4
> (In reply to
comment #3
) > > Comment on
attachment 252363
> > the patch > > > > r=me > > Bummer. grain beat me to it.
Filip Pizlo
Comment 6
2015-05-04 19:42:37 PDT
Landed in
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 7
2015-05-04 20:27:47 PDT
** The following Mozilla test failures have been introduced: js1_5/Array/regress-101964.js
Filip Pizlo
Comment 8
2015-05-04 20:28:43 PDT
(In reply to
comment #7
> ** The following Mozilla test failures have been introduced: > js1_5/Array/regress-101964.js
Details? I don't see it locally.
Filip Pizlo
Comment 9
2015-05-04 20:31:18 PDT
(In reply to
comment #8
> (In reply to
comment #7
) > > ** The following Mozilla test failures have been introduced: > > js1_5/Array/regress-101964.js > > Details? I don't see it locally.
I think I see it. It appears to be asserting the performance of exotic operations. I believe we should either skip the test or edit it. Looking now.
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 10
2015-05-04 20:45:53 PDT
Filip Pizlo
Comment 11
2015-05-04 20:53:11 PDT
(In reply to
comment #10
> Apple%20Mavericks%20LLINT%20CLoop%20%28BuildAndTest%29
I think I fixed it:
Filip Pizlo
Comment 12
2015-05-04 21:21:49 PDT
Fixed even harder in
Michael Saboff
Comment 13
2015-05-05 09:27:12 PDT
It appears that this broke mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js on iOS. That test now appears to be flakey. Here are some of the test outputs since <
>. Note that these are 64 bit results, but the failure is seen on 32 bit systems as well. Failures 183786 183787 mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-dfg-eager-no-cjit-validate-phases Passed Failed Failures 183787 183788 mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla Passed Failed mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-baseline Passed Failed mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-dfg-eager-no-cjit-validate-phases Failed Failed mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-llint Passed Failed Failures 183796 183797 mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla Passed Failed mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-dfg-eager-no-cjit-validate-phases Passed Failed mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-ftl Failed Passed mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-ftl-eager-no-cjit-validate-phases Failed Passed mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-llint Failed Failed Failures 183797 183798 mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla Failed Passed mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-baseline Passed Failed mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-dfg-eager-no-cjit-validate-phases Failed Passed mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-llint Failed Failed Failures 183798 183801 mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla Passed Failed mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-baseline Failed Failed mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-ftl Passed Failed mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-ftl-eager-no-cjit-validate-phases Passed Failed mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js.mozilla-llint Failed Passed
Mark Lam
Comment 14
2015-05-05 09:39:57 PDT
(In reply to
comment #13
> It appears that this broke mozilla-tests.yaml/js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js > on iOS. That test now appears to be flakey. …
I’ll try to address this with
Chris Dumez
Comment 15
2015-05-06 16:42:08 PDT
Looks like a 2.9% progression on Kraken on the bots.
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