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[JSC] Add a node for Math.log()
[JSC] Add a node for Math.log()
Benjamin Poulain
2015-02-27 20:51:05 PST
[JSC] Add a node for Math.log()
(20.54 KB, patch)
2015-02-27 21:32 PST
Benjamin Poulain
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Benjamin Poulain
Comment 1
2015-02-27 21:32:37 PST
attachment 247588
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 2
2015-02-27 21:33:19 PST
Conf#1 Conf#2 SunSpider: 3d-cube 6.5220+-0.0996 6.3915+-0.3365 might be 1.0204x faster 3d-morph 8.0886+-0.2036 ? 8.0891+-0.4363 ? 3d-raytrace 8.6156+-0.0441 ? 8.9665+-1.1624 ? might be 1.0407x slower access-binary-trees 2.5700+-0.0828 ? 2.6570+-0.1419 ? might be 1.0339x slower access-fannkuch 8.5308+-0.2095 ^ 8.1528+-0.1607 ^ definitely 1.0464x faster access-nbody 4.3582+-0.4077 4.1049+-0.3043 might be 1.0617x faster access-nsieve 4.9737+-0.0502 ? 4.9748+-0.3169 ? bitops-3bit-bits-in-byte 1.8008+-0.1376 1.7573+-0.0859 might be 1.0248x faster bitops-bits-in-byte 5.4790+-0.0975 5.4112+-0.1951 might be 1.0125x faster bitops-bitwise-and 2.6442+-0.2386 ? 2.6493+-0.1228 ? bitops-nsieve-bits 5.1390+-0.3066 4.9823+-0.2079 might be 1.0314x faster controlflow-recursive 2.8864+-0.0705 ? 2.9053+-0.0882 ? crypto-aes 5.3669+-0.0850 ? 5.4149+-0.1649 ? crypto-md5 3.4172+-0.2176 3.4037+-0.2407 crypto-sha1 3.1124+-0.0984 3.0376+-0.0390 might be 1.0246x faster date-format-tofte 11.4540+-0.5573 ? 11.6235+-0.9903 ? might be 1.0148x slower date-format-xparb 6.6380+-0.4279 ? 6.6636+-0.3358 ? math-cordic 4.2235+-0.0582 ? 4.2349+-0.2191 ? math-partial-sums 9.1614+-0.4832 ? 9.2336+-0.8551 ? math-spectral-norm 2.8318+-0.2543 2.7492+-0.0310 might be 1.0301x faster regexp-dna 9.9025+-0.4536 ? 9.9814+-0.4507 ? string-base64 5.6255+-0.4437 ? 5.6260+-0.4198 ? string-fasta 8.7644+-0.3870 8.5490+-0.2547 might be 1.0252x faster string-tagcloud 13.1974+-0.2337 ? 13.5187+-0.6818 ? might be 1.0243x slower string-unpack-code 26.3327+-1.1799 ? 27.0172+-0.8647 ? might be 1.0260x slower string-validate-input 6.2272+-0.1518 ? 6.2863+-0.1533 ? <arithmetic> * 6.8409+-0.0445 ? 6.8608+-0.0672 ? might be 1.0029x slower <geometric> 5.6830+-0.0291 5.6631+-0.0522 might be 1.0035x faster <harmonic> 4.8182+-0.0646 4.7858+-0.0388 might be 1.0068x faster Conf#1 Conf#2 LongSpider: 3d-cube 1134.5073+-15.2671 1133.5551+-19.0398 3d-morph 1872.0867+-1.8819 ? 1872.7399+-2.2905 ? 3d-raytrace 1058.3339+-4.7253 ? 1064.5392+-5.1710 ? access-binary-trees 1329.5137+-8.2257 ? 1329.8868+-7.2007 ? access-fannkuch 468.9998+-26.8544 440.5605+-27.9734 might be 1.0646x faster access-nbody 999.7190+-1.3270 ! 1003.5740+-0.6260 ! definitely 1.0039x slower access-nsieve 1299.0258+-6.8548 ? 1299.8193+-14.1169 ? bitops-3bit-bits-in-byte 50.2980+-2.0257 49.8900+-0.8801 bitops-bits-in-byte 340.2212+-3.8127 ? 343.6884+-3.9875 ? might be 1.0102x slower bitops-nsieve-bits 960.9437+-10.5289 959.6738+-2.9331 controlflow-recursive 705.1190+-1.7681 ^ 699.6778+-0.7450 ^ definitely 1.0078x faster crypto-aes 902.9736+-1.3432 902.8912+-6.7016 crypto-md5 793.8038+-4.8391 ? 797.0118+-10.9572 ? crypto-sha1 928.7280+-28.1815 ? 936.2685+-33.1138 ? date-format-tofte 1004.4027+-17.5158 1003.5051+-7.3941 date-format-xparb 961.0859+-14.0488 ? 966.6346+-16.3808 ? math-cordic 672.6143+-0.6848 ? 674.4796+-8.3493 ? math-partial-sums 1065.3601+-3.5846 ? 1065.7049+-1.2979 ? math-spectral-norm 1074.1318+-0.9014 ? 1074.7282+-1.6652 ? string-base64 470.7989+-8.8943 467.5620+-1.5256 string-fasta 598.3575+-20.1140 576.6747+-13.7074 might be 1.0376x faster string-tagcloud 302.1868+-1.1501 ? 303.3538+-5.8962 ? <arithmetic> 863.3278+-0.3626 862.1100+-1.6177 might be 1.0014x faster <geometric> * 726.5778+-3.0108 723.9780+-2.6136 might be 1.0036x faster <harmonic> 456.0224+-8.7714 453.0934+-3.8571 might be 1.0065x faster Conf#1 Conf#2 V8Spider: crypto 71.3605+-0.5749 71.2034+-1.2419 deltablue 90.4469+-2.9347 ? 91.2162+-3.3478 ? earley-boyer 61.8198+-1.6940 60.8521+-1.0313 might be 1.0159x faster raytrace 36.9830+-1.6778 36.8395+-1.1427 regexp 93.0665+-0.7147 92.2351+-0.3261 richards 97.5127+-1.3524 96.9448+-1.9972 splay 46.5630+-4.1512 ? 47.1910+-1.9620 ? might be 1.0135x slower <arithmetic> 71.1075+-1.2974 70.9260+-0.5216 might be 1.0026x faster <geometric> * 67.2599+-1.4233 67.1239+-0.5116 might be 1.0020x faster <harmonic> 63.1666+-1.5455 63.0879+-0.6444 might be 1.0012x faster Conf#1 Conf#2 Octane: encrypt 0.31657+-0.00560 ? 0.31820+-0.00726 ? decrypt 5.66902+-0.02524 5.66120+-0.02539 deltablue x2 0.26938+-0.01312 0.26409+-0.00632 might be 1.0200x faster earley 0.95279+-0.01712 ? 0.95640+-0.02358 ? boyer 9.67756+-0.03252 9.67359+-0.05255 navier-stokes x2 6.40201+-0.00665 ? 6.40456+-0.00602 ? raytrace x2 1.76561+-0.01450 1.73530+-0.08705 might be 1.0175x faster richards x2 0.16450+-0.00414 ? 0.16517+-0.00128 ? splay x2 0.52171+-0.00725 ? 0.53375+-0.01195 ? might be 1.0231x slower regexp x2 44.49092+-0.74731 44.41886+-0.16187 pdfjs x2 70.27724+-0.14192 70.15565+-0.61340 mandreel x2 71.33048+-1.56881 ? 72.14918+-0.93571 ? might be 1.0115x slower gbemu x2 61.72200+-1.82824 ? 65.48837+-8.15408 ? might be 1.0610x slower closure 0.74013+-0.00083 ? 0.74120+-0.00356 ? jquery 9.43827+-0.08929 ? 9.46175+-0.03156 ? box2d x2 17.98106+-0.07192 17.97010+-0.05751 zlib x2 545.39081+-46.75136 544.92216+-47.85658 typescript x2 1110.62250+-25.37353 ? 1131.45477+-2.98330 ? might be 1.0188x slower <arithmetic> 129.62236+-4.26597 ? 131.27121+-3.61728 ? might be 1.0127x slower <geometric> * 9.43887+-0.10551 ? 9.48811+-0.11288 ? might be 1.0052x slower <harmonic> 0.96580+-0.01631 0.96561+-0.00711 might be 1.0002x faster Conf#1 Conf#2 Kraken: ai-astar 470.160+-0.700 462.022+-14.302 might be 1.0176x faster audio-beat-detection 162.269+-4.485 161.631+-1.210 audio-dft 208.558+-1.554 207.199+-3.608 audio-fft 113.059+-7.873 111.871+-9.474 might be 1.0106x faster audio-oscillator 297.657+-1.213 ! 300.787+-1.554 ! definitely 1.0105x slower imaging-darkroom 172.990+-2.765 ^ 139.829+-0.342 ^ definitely 1.2372x faster imaging-desaturate 94.952+-0.600 94.743+-0.276 imaging-gaussian-blur 158.327+-3.839 157.039+-0.610 json-parse-financial 65.017+-0.622 ! 66.046+-0.397 ! definitely 1.0158x slower json-stringify-tinderbox 81.382+-1.233 80.937+-0.574 stanford-crypto-aes 82.644+-0.994 ? 84.757+-5.231 ? might be 1.0256x slower stanford-crypto-ccm 66.154+-2.061 66.033+-2.703 stanford-crypto-pbkdf2 224.378+-0.993 ? 224.812+-1.861 ? stanford-crypto-sha256-iterative 73.052+-1.809 71.742+-0.839 might be 1.0183x faster <arithmetic> * 162.186+-0.469 ^ 159.246+-1.353 ^ definitely 1.0185x faster <geometric> 134.879+-0.672 ^ 132.638+-0.890 ^ definitely 1.0169x faster <harmonic> 115.731+-0.776 114.398+-0.900 might be 1.0116x faster Conf#1 Conf#2 JSRegress: abs-boolean 3.6747+-0.0886 3.6292+-0.0858 might be 1.0125x faster adapt-to-double-divide 17.8411+-0.3511 17.8360+-0.6105 aliased-arguments-getbyval 1.2009+-0.1641 1.1735+-0.2273 might be 1.0234x faster allocate-big-object 3.1147+-0.4407 3.0526+-0.3175 might be 1.0203x faster arity-mismatch-inlining 1.0071+-0.1269 ? 1.0410+-0.0673 ? might be 1.0337x slower array-access-polymorphic-structure 8.9191+-0.0905 8.8932+-0.5301 array-nonarray-polymorhpic-access 47.8041+-0.5740 47.3826+-0.3116 array-prototype-every 118.5533+-1.0515 ? 119.0820+-2.5610 ? array-prototype-forEach 117.1758+-1.6192 ? 117.4006+-1.9515 ? array-prototype-map 145.8627+-3.9978 144.6328+-3.2957 array-prototype-some 116.8468+-1.5638 116.4711+-1.7704 array-splice-contiguous 57.7742+-1.3515 57.0441+-0.8190 might be 1.0128x faster array-with-double-add 5.5010+-0.2099 ? 5.5252+-0.1259 ? array-with-double-increment 4.0491+-0.0768 4.0042+-0.0959 might be 1.0112x faster array-with-double-mul-add 7.0897+-0.0973 6.9935+-0.2358 might be 1.0137x faster array-with-double-sum 4.2980+-0.1370 ? 4.3121+-0.2570 ? array-with-int32-add-sub 9.5971+-0.3611 9.4646+-0.4134 might be 1.0140x faster array-with-int32-or-double-sum 4.3029+-0.1134 ? 4.3700+-0.0764 ? might be 1.0156x slower ArrayBuffer-DataView-alloc-large-long-lived 46.7504+-0.7007 46.6875+-2.1339 ArrayBuffer-DataView-alloc-long-lived 19.4352+-2.2091 ? 20.1116+-6.2382 ? might be 1.0348x slower ArrayBuffer-Int32Array-byteOffset 4.7502+-0.0919 4.5904+-0.1676 might be 1.0348x faster ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-large-long-lived 49.6699+-3.3010 49.5796+-2.0967 ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-long-lived-buffer 30.5935+-1.0080 ? 31.0673+-0.5800 ? might be 1.0155x slower ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-long-lived 17.6619+-1.0265 ? 17.7589+-0.2435 ? ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc 14.9244+-0.5203 14.7352+-0.7533 might be 1.0128x faster asmjs_bool_bug 9.0129+-0.2208 ? 9.2090+-0.3987 ? might be 1.0218x slower assign-custom-setter-polymorphic 4.0303+-0.1085 ? 4.1090+-0.2153 ? might be 1.0195x slower assign-custom-setter 5.6335+-0.3872 5.4056+-0.1718 might be 1.0421x faster basic-set 13.2945+-1.4487 ? 13.5512+-0.2093 ? might be 1.0193x slower big-int-mul 5.7160+-0.1132 ? 5.9920+-0.9259 ? might be 1.0483x slower boolean-test 4.2770+-0.1517 4.2547+-0.1724 branch-fold 4.6037+-0.0943 4.5582+-0.1127 by-val-generic 10.5117+-0.2543 ? 10.6606+-0.1665 ? might be 1.0142x slower call-spread-apply 17.4433+-0.5543 ? 17.5362+-0.3083 ? call-spread-call 7.3006+-0.5413 ? 7.3459+-0.1424 ? captured-assignments 0.6034+-0.1283 0.5967+-0.1403 might be 1.0111x faster cast-int-to-double 7.9997+-0.1982 ? 8.0933+-0.1734 ? might be 1.0117x slower cell-argument 10.0621+-0.4024 ? 10.2444+-0.5775 ? might be 1.0181x slower cfg-simplify 3.6242+-0.1734 ? 3.6794+-0.1651 ? might be 1.0152x slower chain-getter-access 12.5887+-0.2630 ? 12.8070+-0.4647 ? might be 1.0173x slower cmpeq-obj-to-obj-other 12.1703+-0.1567 ? 12.3469+-0.3613 ? might be 1.0145x slower constant-test 7.5880+-0.1328 ? 7.6479+-0.3224 ? DataView-custom-properties 53.9955+-0.7911 53.6469+-1.9907 delay-tear-off-arguments-strictmode 27.8857+-1.8582 27.6113+-1.2433 destructuring-arguments 7.9932+-0.4871 ? 8.0097+-0.1991 ? destructuring-swap 7.5989+-0.3160 7.5308+-0.3101 direct-arguments-getbyval 1.1960+-0.2362 1.1953+-0.1422 div-boolean-double 5.4319+-0.1325 5.3835+-0.1642 div-boolean 9.6458+-0.2713 ? 9.7291+-0.1946 ? double-get-by-val-out-of-bounds 6.2791+-2.5405 5.6110+-0.0888 might be 1.1191x faster double-pollution-getbyval 9.5148+-0.3385 ? 9.5363+-0.2162 ? double-pollution-putbyoffset 5.4475+-0.1626 5.2504+-0.0952 might be 1.0375x faster double-to-int32-typed-array-no-inline 2.8646+-0.0745 2.7955+-0.1049 might be 1.0247x faster double-to-int32-typed-array 2.6707+-0.0059 2.5860+-0.1507 might be 1.0328x faster double-to-uint32-typed-array-no-inline 2.8254+-0.1295 ? 2.8594+-0.1193 ? might be 1.0120x slower double-to-uint32-typed-array 2.6981+-0.1589 2.6562+-0.1768 might be 1.0158x faster elidable-new-object-dag 53.9650+-0.9964 53.5323+-2.6119 elidable-new-object-roflcopter 199.1367+-0.6279 198.1289+-1.5141 elidable-new-object-then-call 53.4644+-4.7599 ? 54.0285+-5.3884 ? might be 1.0106x slower elidable-new-object-tree 62.7905+-2.6935 61.6533+-2.5110 might be 1.0184x faster empty-string-plus-int 7.1674+-0.2961 ? 7.4043+-0.3943 ? might be 1.0331x slower emscripten-cube2hash 46.4141+-0.6869 46.0182+-1.2966 external-arguments-getbyval 1.8930+-0.2002 1.8719+-0.0957 might be 1.0112x faster external-arguments-putbyval 2.8184+-0.2567 ? 2.8719+-0.4720 ? might be 1.0190x slower fixed-typed-array-storage-var-index 1.5295+-0.0986 ? 1.5297+-0.1556 ? fixed-typed-array-storage 1.1156+-0.0995 ? 1.1354+-0.1105 ? might be 1.0178x slower Float32Array-matrix-mult 5.7381+-0.1549 ? 5.8739+-0.1413 ? might be 1.0237x slower Float32Array-to-Float64Array-set 77.2402+-6.6532 75.4887+-2.6006 might be 1.0232x faster Float64Array-alloc-long-lived 85.7006+-0.4031 ? 85.7178+-0.4791 ? Float64Array-to-Int16Array-set 92.1924+-1.2404 ? 93.9808+-3.3064 ? might be 1.0194x slower fold-double-to-int 21.2925+-0.2557 21.2779+-0.4089 fold-get-by-id-to-multi-get-by-offset-rare-int 10.0005+-0.2714 ? 10.5319+-0.3177 ? might be 1.0531x slower fold-get-by-id-to-multi-get-by-offset 8.7477+-0.4145 8.6622+-0.3428 fold-multi-get-by-offset-to-get-by-offset 8.0860+-0.8521 7.5858+-0.7834 might be 1.0659x faster fold-multi-get-by-offset-to-poly-get-by-offset 8.3013+-0.8772 8.0865+-0.8799 might be 1.0266x faster fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-poly-put-by-offset 7.6379+-0.7502 7.6365+-0.8538 fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-put-by-offset 6.0704+-0.8083 ? 6.3484+-0.6938 ? might be 1.0458x slower fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-replace-or-transition-put-by-offset 11.6492+-1.1295 11.0167+-0.5919 might be 1.0574x faster fold-put-by-id-to-multi-put-by-offset 8.4652+-0.7802 8.2802+-0.6206 might be 1.0223x faster fold-put-structure 6.0735+-1.0709 ? 6.1895+-0.9507 ? might be 1.0191x slower for-of-iterate-array-entries 7.5454+-0.6095 ? 7.5925+-0.2612 ? for-of-iterate-array-keys 3.7493+-0.2060 3.6177+-0.1897 might be 1.0364x faster for-of-iterate-array-values 3.2361+-0.1964 ? 3.3391+-0.5756 ? might be 1.0318x slower fround 22.9906+-0.9185 21.5929+-0.8339 might be 1.0647x faster ftl-library-inlining-dataview 91.2850+-7.0672 ? 92.8546+-1.8107 ? might be 1.0172x slower ftl-library-inlining 90.4918+-12.0433 84.0895+-0.6050 might be 1.0761x faster function-dot-apply 2.3182+-0.1630 2.2463+-0.1225 might be 1.0320x faster function-test 4.8297+-0.1906 4.7812+-0.1313 might be 1.0101x faster function-with-eval 163.5040+-1.2300 ? 164.3433+-1.6703 ? gcse-poly-get-less-obvious 24.9211+-0.3938 24.6510+-0.2087 might be 1.0110x faster gcse-poly-get 24.5190+-0.2365 ? 24.8833+-0.3794 ? might be 1.0149x slower gcse 6.4375+-0.3256 ? 6.4517+-0.1127 ? get-by-id-bimorphic-check-structure-elimination-simple 3.2864+-0.1205 ? 3.2974+-0.0738 ? get-by-id-bimorphic-check-structure-elimination 8.2070+-0.2108 8.1563+-0.2335 get-by-id-chain-from-try-block 15.8486+-0.2651 15.3743+-0.3115 might be 1.0308x faster get-by-id-check-structure-elimination 7.4697+-0.1747 7.4552+-0.3222 get-by-id-proto-or-self 22.8228+-2.8191 22.7040+-0.6591 get-by-id-quadmorphic-check-structure-elimination-simple 3.9921+-0.1625 3.9153+-0.0516 might be 1.0196x faster get-by-id-self-or-proto 23.0773+-3.1690 ? 23.2311+-2.4370 ? get-by-val-out-of-bounds 5.1325+-0.3474 ? 5.4078+-0.3374 ? might be 1.0536x slower get_callee_monomorphic 5.1228+-0.1290 4.9769+-0.4104 might be 1.0293x faster get_callee_polymorphic 4.2639+-0.1357 4.1897+-0.1168 might be 1.0177x faster getter-no-activation 5.6923+-0.0703 5.6245+-0.1135 might be 1.0121x faster getter-richards 133.0340+-4.2090 ? 136.4860+-5.6382 ? might be 1.0259x slower getter 6.6177+-0.1407 6.5657+-0.3809 global-var-const-infer-fire-from-opt 1.1810+-0.2530 ? 1.2056+-0.2646 ? might be 1.0208x slower global-var-const-infer 1.0656+-0.2350 ? 1.1530+-0.2095 ? might be 1.0820x slower HashMap-put-get-iterate-keys 35.6431+-1.2730 35.5135+-1.1642 HashMap-put-get-iterate 34.6339+-0.8920 ? 35.0992+-0.9091 ? might be 1.0134x slower HashMap-string-put-get-iterate 34.1024+-0.3727 33.8381+-1.5463 hoist-make-rope 13.4523+-1.1296 ? 14.2827+-1.5771 ? might be 1.0617x slower hoist-poly-check-structure-effectful-loop 6.6908+-0.2674 ? 6.7139+-0.2389 ? hoist-poly-check-structure 4.8240+-0.1640 4.7341+-0.0684 might be 1.0190x faster imul-double-only 10.2167+-0.2990 10.0547+-0.2896 might be 1.0161x faster imul-int-only 11.9835+-0.7486 ? 12.4701+-1.2104 ? might be 1.0406x slower imul-mixed 9.2562+-1.1580 ? 9.9597+-0.8865 ? might be 1.0760x slower in-four-cases 23.7211+-0.1071 23.6798+-0.1384 in-one-case-false 12.4078+-0.2732 ? 12.4737+-0.2046 ? in-one-case-true 12.5193+-0.1373 12.3958+-0.1381 in-two-cases 12.8317+-0.2517 ? 12.9422+-0.2600 ? indexed-properties-in-objects 3.7360+-0.1582 3.6655+-0.1140 might be 1.0192x faster infer-closure-const-then-mov-no-inline 4.4127+-0.1623 4.3713+-0.0731 infer-closure-const-then-mov 24.6403+-0.3610 24.3852+-0.1423 might be 1.0105x faster infer-closure-const-then-put-to-scope-no-inline 14.2224+-0.1863 ? 14.2573+-0.3382 ? infer-closure-const-then-put-to-scope 27.8505+-0.2762 27.7809+-0.3832 infer-closure-const-then-reenter-no-inline 67.2892+-0.3745 ? 68.5824+-1.7406 ? might be 1.0192x slower infer-closure-const-then-reenter 27.8602+-0.1981 ? 29.0210+-2.2242 ? might be 1.0417x slower infer-constant-global-property 37.2982+-0.4657 ? 37.3185+-1.6162 ? infer-constant-property 3.2523+-0.0980 ? 3.2729+-0.1326 ? infer-one-time-closure-ten-vars 14.9412+-0.3790 14.8022+-0.3057 infer-one-time-closure-two-vars 14.2898+-0.7952 14.0137+-0.2146 might be 1.0197x faster infer-one-time-closure 14.0966+-0.4507 ? 14.1162+-0.5026 ? infer-one-time-deep-closure 24.5854+-0.2910 24.4135+-0.3403 inline-arguments-access 2.1538+-0.1159 ? 2.1811+-0.2494 ? might be 1.0127x slower inline-arguments-aliased-access 2.4995+-0.2265 2.4035+-0.1744 might be 1.0399x faster inline-arguments-local-escape 16.6115+-0.3009 16.3920+-0.2535 might be 1.0134x faster inline-get-scoped-var 5.6407+-0.1552 5.5863+-0.1299 inlined-put-by-id-transition 13.3802+-0.2150 ? 14.5045+-1.5830 ? might be 1.0840x slower int-or-other-abs-then-get-by-val 6.8694+-0.1409 ? 6.8984+-0.0764 ? int-or-other-abs-zero-then-get-by-val 26.9090+-0.2944 ? 27.0420+-0.3104 ? int-or-other-add-then-get-by-val 6.0540+-0.9838 5.8043+-0.2917 might be 1.0430x faster int-or-other-add 7.9039+-0.1765 ? 7.9198+-0.1024 ? int-or-other-div-then-get-by-val 5.2909+-0.0783 5.2367+-0.1283 might be 1.0103x faster int-or-other-max-then-get-by-val 5.2549+-0.1654 5.2238+-0.2367 int-or-other-min-then-get-by-val 5.2025+-0.2031 5.1873+-0.1303 int-or-other-mod-then-get-by-val 5.1452+-0.1094 5.1127+-0.1819 int-or-other-mul-then-get-by-val 5.1537+-0.1076 5.0807+-0.1885 might be 1.0144x faster int-or-other-neg-then-get-by-val 6.2035+-0.0828 ? 6.2838+-0.1943 ? might be 1.0129x slower int-or-other-neg-zero-then-get-by-val 26.7652+-0.3055 ? 26.9903+-0.2830 ? int-or-other-sub-then-get-by-val 6.3963+-0.7871 6.1889+-0.1124 might be 1.0335x faster int-or-other-sub 4.6515+-0.1330 4.6175+-0.2413 int-overflow-local 5.5959+-0.1902 ? 5.6656+-0.2743 ? might be 1.0124x slower Int16Array-alloc-long-lived 62.5900+-1.8245 62.2396+-1.0774 Int16Array-bubble-sort-with-byteLength 38.7550+-0.4592 38.5664+-0.0549 Int16Array-bubble-sort 37.6658+-0.2291 ? 38.4088+-1.5402 ? might be 1.0197x slower Int16Array-load-int-mul 2.0164+-0.0397 1.9460+-0.1571 might be 1.0362x faster Int16Array-to-Int32Array-set 76.7258+-1.9801 ? 76.8633+-3.0369 ? Int32Array-alloc-large 33.9001+-1.0686 ? 34.1972+-0.5637 ? Int32Array-alloc-long-lived 68.3960+-0.9428 ? 68.8387+-1.2152 ? Int32Array-alloc 4.1189+-0.2121 4.0208+-0.2317 might be 1.0244x faster Int32Array-Int8Array-view-alloc 9.9101+-1.0181 9.6154+-1.1080 might be 1.0306x faster int52-spill 8.6395+-0.3674 ? 8.7462+-0.3458 ? might be 1.0123x slower Int8Array-alloc-long-lived 57.0508+-1.3462 56.4332+-1.0979 might be 1.0109x faster Int8Array-load-with-byteLength 4.7523+-0.2481 4.7515+-0.1058 Int8Array-load 4.6605+-0.1665 ? 4.7119+-0.1016 ? might be 1.0110x slower integer-divide 14.3857+-0.2304 14.3480+-0.2212 integer-modulo 2.6938+-0.2351 2.6660+-0.1171 might be 1.0104x faster large-int-captured 10.5858+-0.9618 ? 10.7032+-0.1639 ? might be 1.0111x slower large-int-neg 20.5865+-0.5382 20.3026+-0.3300 might be 1.0140x faster large-int 18.1209+-0.1260 ? 18.5925+-1.6358 ? might be 1.0260x slower logical-not 6.4485+-0.5656 6.2885+-0.2460 might be 1.0254x faster lots-of-fields 18.9684+-0.8798 18.4410+-0.2855 might be 1.0286x faster make-indexed-storage 4.1109+-0.0204 ^ 4.0333+-0.0436 ^ definitely 1.0192x faster make-rope-cse 5.3525+-0.3006 ? 5.3548+-0.3381 ? marsaglia-larger-ints 56.6404+-2.5754 55.6656+-0.7031 might be 1.0175x faster marsaglia-osr-entry 27.9982+-0.0895 27.8488+-0.4215 max-boolean 3.2922+-0.1893 ? 3.3467+-0.0979 ? might be 1.0166x slower method-on-number 23.4440+-1.1186 ? 23.9248+-1.1939 ? might be 1.0205x slower min-boolean 3.2363+-0.1049 3.1478+-0.1361 might be 1.0281x faster minus-boolean-double 4.1782+-0.1117 4.1440+-0.0918 minus-boolean 3.2358+-0.2456 3.2026+-0.1975 might be 1.0104x faster misc-strict-eq 51.3934+-1.0164 51.1189+-0.6822 mod-boolean-double 11.6069+-0.1929 ? 11.6642+-0.1782 ? mod-boolean 8.7985+-0.2659 ? 8.8923+-0.2962 ? might be 1.0107x slower mul-boolean-double 4.8027+-0.0994 4.7762+-0.2533 mul-boolean 3.4928+-0.0937 ? 3.5657+-0.3150 ? might be 1.0209x slower neg-boolean 4.2095+-0.2674 ? 4.2924+-0.0788 ? might be 1.0197x slower negative-zero-divide 0.5053+-0.0625 0.4538+-0.1134 might be 1.1135x faster negative-zero-modulo 0.4768+-0.0973 ? 0.4837+-0.0978 ? might be 1.0145x slower negative-zero-negate 0.4643+-0.0860 0.4565+-0.0786 might be 1.0170x faster nested-function-parsing 29.4877+-0.2981 ? 29.5384+-0.3823 ? new-array-buffer-dead 3.7152+-0.0554 ? 3.7800+-0.1446 ? might be 1.0174x slower new-array-buffer-push 9.3502+-0.4045 9.2048+-0.2259 might be 1.0158x faster new-array-dead 15.5920+-0.4855 15.3129+-0.5008 might be 1.0182x faster new-array-push 6.3737+-0.5780 6.3508+-0.2912 number-test 4.2207+-0.1501 4.2126+-0.1305 object-closure-call 7.5201+-0.1890 ? 7.7142+-0.6224 ? might be 1.0258x slower object-test 4.4016+-0.1712 ? 4.4710+-0.0839 ? might be 1.0158x slower obvious-sink-pathology-taken 170.2067+-4.8555 169.5800+-1.6939 obvious-sink-pathology 160.7463+-2.6860 158.8027+-1.4671 might be 1.0122x faster obviously-elidable-new-object 46.5445+-4.3240 ? 47.8333+-1.1356 ? might be 1.0277x slower plus-boolean-arith 3.3029+-0.1238 ? 3.3110+-0.0982 ? plus-boolean-double 4.3110+-0.8203 4.2262+-0.1160 might be 1.0201x faster plus-boolean 3.1133+-0.1148 ? 3.1444+-0.0977 ? poly-chain-access-different-prototypes-simple 3.8460+-0.1769 3.8294+-0.1087 poly-chain-access-different-prototypes 2.8491+-0.4053 ? 2.8513+-0.4812 ? poly-chain-access-simpler 3.8248+-0.1387 3.8138+-0.0911 poly-chain-access 3.2195+-0.1577 3.1976+-0.2174 poly-stricteq 68.3892+-0.6573 ? 68.6841+-1.0660 ? polymorphic-array-call 2.2936+-0.1980 2.2213+-0.1277 might be 1.0326x faster polymorphic-get-by-id 4.1590+-0.1192 4.1275+-0.1154 polymorphic-put-by-id 40.2913+-6.6957 38.2324+-5.3730 might be 1.0539x faster polymorphic-structure 21.4756+-0.4406 ? 21.6693+-0.6152 ? polyvariant-monomorphic-get-by-id 11.4995+-0.2123 11.4138+-0.1452 proto-getter-access 12.8760+-0.4400 12.8382+-0.4171 put-by-id-replace-and-transition 10.9247+-0.1040 10.7192+-0.7952 might be 1.0192x faster put-by-id-slightly-polymorphic 3.4863+-0.1196 3.4645+-0.1763 put-by-id 17.2957+-0.3406 17.0233+-0.3144 might be 1.0160x faster put-by-val-direct 0.9012+-0.0122 0.8696+-0.1105 might be 1.0363x faster put-by-val-large-index-blank-indexing-type 7.9482+-0.3544 ? 8.1636+-0.3184 ? might be 1.0271x slower put-by-val-machine-int 3.1297+-0.2755 3.0665+-0.4626 might be 1.0206x faster rare-osr-exit-on-local 18.1379+-0.4245 ? 18.5580+-0.7147 ? might be 1.0232x slower register-pressure-from-osr 26.2038+-0.1663 ? 26.4341+-0.4081 ? setter 6.4360+-0.1870 ? 6.4935+-0.1364 ? simple-activation-demo 32.1646+-0.2042 ! 33.2589+-0.4165 ! definitely 1.0340x slower simple-getter-access 17.9093+-1.1888 17.8050+-0.6535 simple-poly-call-nested 10.1358+-0.2116 10.1017+-0.0503 simple-poly-call 1.6611+-0.0698 ? 1.7105+-0.2578 ? might be 1.0298x slower sin-boolean 25.0165+-3.8033 23.8282+-3.1889 might be 1.0499x faster sinkable-new-object-dag 91.2798+-1.6139 ? 93.7160+-2.0467 ? might be 1.0267x slower sinkable-new-object-taken 68.2957+-0.7379 67.8597+-1.8368 sinkable-new-object 51.3275+-2.1449 ? 51.5098+-2.3869 ? slow-array-profile-convergence 3.8543+-0.0485 ? 3.9236+-0.3083 ? might be 1.0180x slower slow-convergence 4.6364+-0.1800 4.5875+-0.0461 might be 1.0107x faster sparse-conditional 1.4971+-0.0441 ? 1.5772+-0.1561 ? might be 1.0535x slower splice-to-remove 20.7817+-0.7064 ? 21.1777+-1.1981 ? might be 1.0191x slower string-char-code-at 19.5248+-0.3722 ? 19.6171+-0.2961 ? string-concat-object 2.6743+-0.3030 ? 2.6751+-0.3231 ? string-concat-pair-object 2.6866+-0.2221 2.6013+-0.3306 might be 1.0328x faster string-concat-pair-simple 14.8406+-0.5177 ? 14.8674+-0.2351 ? string-concat-simple 15.6113+-0.7364 15.5604+-0.5984 string-cons-repeat 9.5069+-0.1164 ? 9.7828+-0.8702 ? might be 1.0290x slower string-cons-tower 9.1549+-0.4158 ? 9.3858+-0.3722 ? might be 1.0252x slower string-equality 22.6934+-0.4486 ! 25.3059+-0.8777 ! definitely 1.1151x slower string-get-by-val-big-char 9.4265+-0.4743 ? 9.4554+-0.3364 ? string-get-by-val-out-of-bounds-insane 5.4891+-0.3238 ? 5.5512+-0.2912 ? might be 1.0113x slower string-get-by-val-out-of-bounds 6.6288+-0.2696 ? 6.7150+-0.2578 ? might be 1.0130x slower string-get-by-val 4.7342+-0.1196 ? 4.7642+-0.2533 ? string-hash 2.6584+-0.1251 ? 2.7020+-0.1096 ? might be 1.0164x slower string-long-ident-equality 18.4013+-0.1179 ^ 17.1936+-0.4447 ^ definitely 1.0702x faster string-repeat-arith 39.5032+-0.4064 ? 39.8365+-1.5374 ? string-sub 77.3779+-1.4552 ? 78.0052+-1.9896 ? string-test 4.2910+-0.1077 4.2180+-0.1999 might be 1.0173x faster string-var-equality 43.3842+-0.4895 ? 43.5080+-1.1447 ? structure-hoist-over-transitions 3.2438+-0.2014 ? 3.2633+-0.1922 ? substring-concat-weird 52.9222+-1.5122 52.4628+-0.5840 substring-concat 55.0312+-0.9223 54.6160+-0.6237 substring 61.2625+-0.4183 61.1802+-0.1495 switch-char-constant 3.3320+-0.1327 ? 3.3510+-0.1638 ? switch-char 7.8353+-0.1340 ? 8.0259+-0.5492 ? might be 1.0243x slower switch-constant 12.7565+-1.4336 10.8495+-2.5522 might be 1.1758x faster switch-string-basic-big-var 26.0828+-0.6970 25.7248+-2.1432 might be 1.0139x faster switch-string-basic-big 18.0333+-1.7539 17.6769+-0.9192 might be 1.0202x faster switch-string-basic-var 28.7164+-2.3007 27.1993+-1.6290 might be 1.0558x faster switch-string-basic 20.0025+-1.0765 19.6236+-0.4943 might be 1.0193x faster switch-string-big-length-tower-var 25.5057+-1.5226 25.0994+-0.6437 might be 1.0162x faster switch-string-length-tower-var 19.9339+-0.3349 19.9228+-0.2991 switch-string-length-tower 19.8012+-1.4134 17.4393+-3.4921 might be 1.1354x faster switch-string-short 14.3256+-0.1404 ? 14.6667+-0.3731 ? might be 1.0238x slower switch 14.6938+-1.0498 14.5535+-1.5988 tear-off-arguments-simple 2.4216+-0.1114 2.3423+-0.1061 might be 1.0339x faster tear-off-arguments 3.5765+-0.0822 3.5186+-0.1877 might be 1.0165x faster temporal-structure 16.3616+-0.8671 15.8803+-0.3201 might be 1.0303x faster to-int32-boolean 20.6698+-0.2082 ? 20.7473+-0.2820 ? undefined-property-access 471.8516+-14.7402 ? 475.4438+-15.3231 ? undefined-test 4.4207+-0.1452 4.3339+-0.0727 might be 1.0200x faster unprofiled-licm 27.4747+-0.6895 27.2425+-0.5313 weird-inlining-const-prop 2.5165+-0.1363 ? 2.6725+-0.4138 ? might be 1.0620x slower <arithmetic> 22.7039+-0.1070 22.6821+-0.0667 might be 1.0010x faster <geometric> * 10.4531+-0.0381 10.4276+-0.0394 might be 1.0024x faster <harmonic> 5.3497+-0.0830 5.3171+-0.0372 might be 1.0061x faster Conf#1 Conf#2 AsmBench: bigfib.cpp 674.2424+-7.8573 ? 677.8242+-16.5421 ? cray.c 626.6818+-2.0885 ? 629.6423+-3.6065 ? dry.c 649.4912+-14.3020 ? 653.3289+-0.8533 ? FloatMM.c 950.1825+-2.0089 949.4398+-3.3852 gcc-loops.cpp 5835.2590+-13.1766 5829.4885+-9.8924 n-body.c 1666.7138+-4.2643 1665.5029+-1.4899 Quicksort.c 583.7784+-1.7311 583.1193+-1.5415 stepanov_container.cpp 4830.1855+-30.9372 ? 4834.5573+-50.0291 ? Towers.c 392.7509+-1.8877 ^ 382.7705+-3.6328 ^ definitely 1.0261x faster <arithmetic> 1801.0317+-5.7281 1800.6304+-7.6532 might be 1.0002x faster <geometric> * 1121.5741+-3.1488 1120.0081+-3.7420 might be 1.0014x faster <harmonic> 825.0259+-2.2755 821.6203+-2.7122 might be 1.0041x faster Conf#1 Conf#2 CompressionBench: huffman 655.1619+-1.5132 642.7457+-24.7199 might be 1.0193x faster arithmetic-simple 557.3434+-2.4009 555.1948+-0.5684 arithmetic-precise 431.4813+-4.4166 430.5002+-1.8156 arithmetic-complex-precise 428.5267+-2.9287 428.0981+-1.7794 arithmetic-precise-order-0 612.0167+-7.9948 601.3146+-3.7435 might be 1.0178x faster arithmetic-precise-order-1 457.1146+-2.4693 ? 458.2452+-3.1862 ? arithmetic-precise-order-2 514.8254+-5.0041 ? 519.5406+-17.3771 ? arithmetic-simple-order-1 563.5138+-4.5173 561.9077+-5.5510 arithmetic-simple-order-2 630.2811+-3.9630 629.2794+-7.0581 lz-string 431.1390+-17.5835 427.7583+-11.3183 <arithmetic> 528.1404+-0.4334 ^ 525.4585+-2.0161 ^ definitely 1.0051x faster <geometric> * 521.5278+-0.8061 519.1945+-1.8210 might be 1.0045x faster <harmonic> 514.9926+-1.1871 512.9710+-1.8373 might be 1.0039x faster Conf#1 Conf#2 All benchmarks: <arithmetic> 135.4305+-0.3115 135.2898+-0.3858 might be 1.0010x faster <geometric> 17.5159+-0.0578 17.4718+-0.0644 might be 1.0025x faster <harmonic> 4.4626+-0.0568 4.4445+-0.0256 might be 1.0041x faster Conf#1 Conf#2 Geomean of preferred means: <scaled-result> 86.4817+-0.1971 86.2220+-0.3542 might be 1.0030x faster
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 3
2015-03-04 14:22:05 PST
Comment on
attachment 247588
Patch r=me Should we try to turn log with a base of 2 into a shift?
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 4
2015-03-04 14:39:48 PST
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attachment 247588
Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 247588 Committed
: <
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 5
2015-03-04 14:39:52 PST
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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