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[iOS] Erratic keyboard behavior after tapping a CSS triangle over Bootstrap input group
[iOS] Erratic keyboard behavior after tapping a CSS triangle over Bootstrap i...
Jack O'Connor
2015-02-19 20:15:13 PST
I have a Bootstrap input group with an input on the left and a button on the right, except I want to overlay an arrow on the left of the input, so I wrap the input in a container div, and give it a sibling arrow div (which is used to display a CSS triangle). For some reason, this now causes Mobile Safari to crash if you tap on the triangle! You can reproduce the issue in [this codepen](
) - or here's a [mobile friendly link](
). Just type something into the input and then tap the triangle - Safari crashes and you can't type anything else! Tested with an iPhone 5S and an iPhone 6. UPDATE: I have now managed to extract the 2 lines from Bootstrap required to reproduce the issue.
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Chris Rebert
Comment 1
2015-02-19 20:40:32 PST
I can reproduce this bug in iOS 8.1 on my iPhone 5S. (Though, to clarify, the Safari app doesn't spontaneously quit, so it's not a crash in that sense.)
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 2
2015-02-22 23:54:46 PST
I can reproduce that the iOS keyboard becomes mostly unresponsive after tapping the triangle. The tab has to be closed to restore correct behavior.
Chris Rebert
Comment 3
2015-10-07 19:27:05 PDT
Bug still reproduces in iOS 9.0.2.
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