NEW 141599
Web Inspector: CSS Report: Unused / dead code
Summary Web Inspector: CSS Report: Unused / dead code
Joseph Pecoraro
Reported Saturday, February 14, 2015 5:53:51 AM UTC
* SUMMARY CSS Report: Unused / dead code. When we do Reports, a useful CSS report feature to have would be warning about unused rules, or dead code within stylesheets. Examples: - warn about unused rules (could be dead code, or could just not be affecting this page) - warn about explicitly dead code, overruled within the styles: "b{color:red} b{color:blue}" => the first rule is dead code and can be eliminated ".a.b{...} .b.a{...}" => more complex, but these two selectors match, possible dead code Doing a quick web search, there are tools that do similar things: - css-eliminator <> - uncss - <> - unused-css - <> (I think this actually checks on multiple pages to essentially get code-coverage of a stylesheet across many pages) - cssess - <> - helium-css - <> - deadweight - <> - CSS Scanner - <>
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 Saturday, February 14, 2015 5:54:04 AM UTC
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