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Unmatched CSS selector crashes tab.
Unmatched CSS selector crashes tab.
Jeroen Bensch
2014-10-10 04:59:47 PDT
Whenever we try to load this in Safari on iOS 8.0.2 the tab crashes. The CSS won't match the HTML it seems and crashes.
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Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1
2014-10-13 22:59:49 PDT
This seems like it may be fixed in trunk WebKit already. Ben?
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 2
2014-10-13 23:58:06 PDT
After the branch, I did some big refactoring of style resolution. WebKit trunk uses a completely different algorithm for adjacent relations so it is not ideal for testing. The branch of iOS 8-8.0.2 has a silly bug on 32bits device when :nth-child() is used inside a backtracking chain. The patch was integrated here:
Jeroen, what device have you tested?
Jeroen Bensch
Comment 3
2014-10-14 00:58:36 PDT
Benjamin, I've tested it on an iPhone 5 and iPad mini (non-retina). A colleague of mine tested it on iPhone 5s and iPad 3. iPhone 5 and iPad mini are running iOS 8.0.2. iPhone 5s and iPad 3 were running iOS 8.0.1.
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 4
2014-10-14 14:41:49 PDT
Ok. The crash on 5S is really odd, I can't think of a reason why that would happen. I tried the test case on an iPhone 6 just in case. The CPU architecture is close enough for testing, the JIT is exactly the same for 5S and 6. I updated an iPhone 5 to the latest seed and the test page does not crash. All the data I have seems to show this is fixed by
, I close this bug since there is nothing else to do.
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