RSS filter by date issue
Summary RSS filter by date issue
joel Mendel
Reported 2007-03-09 03:27:03 PST
When go at feed:// Select "By Date" and "Today" There is a other dates in the page.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1 2007-03-09 09:53:25 PST
I'm only seeing one article that is not from today - but that's because the site sends a "Sat, 22 Dec 2007 15:25:00 +0200" date for it. Attributing future dates to today may be seen as a minor bug or a feature, but it's not in open source WebKit anyway, so it should be reported via <>. Reporter, please clarify if this was the issue that you were reporting, or there are more problems.
joel Mendel
Comment 2 2007-03-09 13:59:38 PST
Personnaly i have 3 articles. Yes you see the problem what i report. I report it to Thanks
David Kilzer (:ddkilzer)
Comment 3 2007-03-09 15:47:16 PST
(In reply to comment #2) > I report it to Hi Joel! Please report the "Radar" bug number here after you file it, and add the "InRadar" keyword to this bug. Thanks!
Gavin Sherlock
Comment 4 2008-08-18 10:27:39 PDT
Not sure if this is the same bug or not, but am adding here for now. Go to: feed: (which is the RSS feed for webkit bugzilla). There should be a number of bugs when you select to see "All recent articles". However, applying any other date filter says that there are no articles in that date range, when clearly those that are shown when all are viewed fall within the selected date range.
David Kilzer (:ddkilzer)
Comment 5 2008-08-18 10:52:35 PDT
I don't see any issues with the original feed <feed://>, but the feed in Comment #4 does have issues when you filter by today's date.
David Kilzer (:ddkilzer)
Comment 6 2008-08-18 10:52:58 PDT
David Kilzer (:ddkilzer)
Comment 7 2008-08-18 10:54:01 PDT
Marking this as RESOLVED/INVALID now that it's in Radar. This bug is in the Safari application, so it can't be fixed in WebKit itself.
David Kilzer (:ddkilzer)
Comment 8 2008-08-18 10:54:21 PDT
(In reply to comment #3) > (In reply to comment #2) > > I report it to > > Hi Joel! Please report the "Radar" bug number here after you file it, and add > the "InRadar" keyword to this bug. Thanks! BTW, I never could find this radar.
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