NEW 125343
AX: Null is not an object when calling body.role field.
Summary AX: Null is not an object when calling body.role field.
Lukasz Gajowy
Reported 2013-12-06 04:55:34 PST
Recently i was working on another bug and noticed a problem in accessibilityControler.getAccessibleElementById() method. The "problematic" LayoutTest body: <html> <head> <script src="../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> </head> <body id="body"> <p id="description"></p> <div id="console"></div> <script> description("This tests that each of these ARIA roles have appropriate mappings."); if (window.testRunner) { testRunner.dumpAsText(); if (window.accessibilityController) { var body = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("body"); debug("Role for 'body' is: " + body.role); } } </script> <script src="../resources/js-test-post.js"></script> </body> </html> It turned out that when i invoke debug("Role for 'body' is: " + body.role); method, the body.role field is NULL (i get an error in layout test output - "null is not an object"). Should it be like that? What is more, when i explicitly declare the role for body (eg. <body id="body" role="alert">), the body.role field is alert, not NULL anymore. So this method doesn't work properly in my opinion.
David Kilzer (:ddkilzer)
Comment 1 2016-09-08 14:50:54 PDT
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