Calling scrollbyrecursively from a non scrollable recursively causes method to bail early and scroll the main document
Summary Calling scrollbyrecursively from a non scrollable recursively causes method t...
Roger Fong
Reported 2013-09-25 16:00:04 PDT
If the RenderLayer that calls scrollbyrecursively is not scrollable we end up not moving up the RenderLayer tree and we can skip layers that should have been scrolled. We should fix this so that if this method is not called on a scrollable RenderLayer it call's itself from the layer returned by enclosingScrollableLayer(), from there the method continues to walk up each of scrollable renderlayers as necessary. I'm not sure if the original early bail out was necessary for something though. In fact I'm not sure why the method bails early at all in any situation. Shouldn't the method always walk up the scrollable render layer tree before defaulting to scrolling the main document?
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