[GTK] fast/filter-image/filter-image-animation.html is failing
Summary [GTK] fast/filter-image/filter-image-animation.html is failing
Zan Dobersek
Reported 2013-09-04 02:31:44 PDT
The fast/filter-image/filter-image-animation.html layout test is failing since introduced in r154906. Diff: --- /home/slave/webkitgtk/gtk-linux-64-release/build/layout-test-results/fast/filter-image/filter-image-animation-expected.txt +++ /home/slave/webkitgtk/gtk-linux-64-release/build/layout-test-results/fast/filter-image/filter-image-animation-actual.txt @@ -1,12 +1,22 @@ +CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 254: Unexpected mismatch between CSS Image functions. +CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 254: Unexpected mismatch between CSS Image functions. +CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 254: Unexpected mismatch between CSS Image functions. +CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 254: Unexpected mismatch between CSS Image functions. +CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 254: Unexpected mismatch between CSS Image functions. +CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 254: Unexpected mismatch between CSS Image functions. +CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 254: Unexpected mismatch between CSS Image functions. +CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 254: Unexpected mismatch between CSS Image functions. +CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 254: Unexpected mismatch between CSS Image functions. +CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 254: Unexpected mismatch between CSS Image functions. -PASS - "backgroundImage" property for "brightness" element at 1s saw something close to: -webkit-filter(url(image.svg), brightness(0.5)) -PASS - "backgroundImage" property for "blur" element at 1s saw something close to: -webkit-filter(url(image.svg), blur(5px)) -PASS - "backgroundImage" property for "grayscale" element at 1s saw something close to: -webkit-filter(url(image.svg), grayscale(0.5)) -PASS - "backgroundImage" property for "sepia" element at 1s saw something close to: -webkit-filter(url(image.svg), sepia(0.5)) -PASS - "backgroundImage" property for "no" element at 1s saw something close to: -webkit-filter(url(blue.svg), sepia(0)) -PASS - "backgroundImage" property for "multiple1" element at 1s saw something close to: -webkit-filter(url(image.svg), sepia(0.5) blur(1.5px) hue-rotate(22.5deg)) -PASS - "backgroundImage" property for "multiple2" element at 1s saw something close to: -webkit-filter(url(image.svg), contrast(0.5) blur(1.5px) hue-rotate(22.5deg)) -PASS - "backgroundImage" property for "generated1" element at 1s saw something close to: -webkit-filter(-webkit-filter(url(image.svg), blur(3px)), sepia(0)) -PASS - "backgroundImage" property for "generated2" element at 1s saw something close to: -webkit-filter(-webkit-cross-fade(url(image.svg), url(image.svg), 50%), sepia(0)) -PASS - "backgroundImage" property for "urlfilter" element at 1s saw something close to: -webkit-filter(url(image.svg), sepia(0.5)) +FAIL - "backgroundImage" property for "brightness" element at 1s expected: -webkit-filter(url(image.svg), brightness(0.5)) but saw: none +FAIL - "backgroundImage" property for "blur" element at 1s expected: -webkit-filter(url(image.svg), blur(5px)) but saw: none +FAIL - "backgroundImage" property for "grayscale" element at 1s expected: -webkit-filter(url(image.svg), grayscale(0.5)) but saw: none +FAIL - "backgroundImage" property for "sepia" element at 1s expected: -webkit-filter(url(image.svg), sepia(0.5)) but saw: none +FAIL - "backgroundImage" property for "no" element at 1s expected: -webkit-filter(url(blue.svg), sepia(0)) but saw: none +FAIL - "backgroundImage" property for "multiple1" element at 1s expected: -webkit-filter(url(image.svg), sepia(0.5) blur(1.5px) hue-rotate(22.5deg)) but saw: none +FAIL - "backgroundImage" property for "multiple2" element at 1s expected: -webkit-filter(url(image.svg), contrast(0.5) blur(1.5px) hue-rotate(22.5deg)) but saw: none +FAIL - "backgroundImage" property for "generated1" element at 1s expected: -webkit-filter(-webkit-filter(url(image.svg), blur(3px)), sepia(0)) but saw: none +FAIL - "backgroundImage" property for "generated2" element at 1s expected: -webkit-filter(-webkit-cross-fade(url(image.svg), url(image.svg), 50%), sepia(0)) but saw: none +FAIL - "backgroundImage" property for "urlfilter" element at 1s expected: -webkit-filter(url(image.svg), sepia(0.5)) but saw: none
Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez
Comment 1 2017-03-22 19:26:20 PDT
This test pass now
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