NEW 119814
Play button should set playbackRate to defaultPlaybackRate
Summary Play button should set playbackRate to defaultPlaybackRate
Eric Carlson
Reported 2013-08-14 14:09:07 PDT says: The "play" function in the user agent's interface must set the playbackRate attribute to the value of the defaultPlaybackRate attribute before invoking the play() method. When a media element has a current media controller, the attributes and method with those names on that MediaController object must be used. Otherwise, the attributes and method with those names on the media element itself must be used.
Show how @defaultPlaybackRate has influence on @playbackRate (1.71 KB, text/html)
2014-07-12 21:13 PDT, Silvia Pfeiffer
no flags
Silvia Pfeiffer
Comment 1 2014-07-12 21:12:27 PDT
Actually, I just tested @defaultPlaybackRate and it sets the @playbackRate, but once the video reaches loadedmetadata, it's reset to 1. None of the other browsers do so and I think that's what is keeping Safari from being listed as a supporting browser in . I'll attach my test case.
Silvia Pfeiffer
Comment 2 2014-07-12 21:13:38 PDT
Created attachment 234823 [details] Show how @defaultPlaybackRate has influence on @playbackRate
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 3 2023-10-12 16:34:12 PDT
Updated test case: ** Safari Technology Preview 180 ** Default/PlaybackRate on start:0.5, 0.5. Default/PlaybackRate as set: 0.5, 0.5. Default/PlaybackRate after timeupdate:0.5, -2. ** Chrome Canary 120 *** Default/PlaybackRate on start:0.5, 0.5. Default/PlaybackRate as set: 0.5, 0.5. Default/PlaybackRate after timeupdate: Console Errors: "<a class='gotoLine' href='#68:36'>68:36</a> Uncaught NotSupportedError: Failed to set the 'playbackRate' property on 'HTMLMediaElement': The provided playback rate (-2) is not in the supported playback range." ** Firefox Nightly 120 ** Same as 'Chrome'. ______ Adding 'BrowserCompat' since we differ from both other browsers.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 5 2024-02-08 15:30:21 PST
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