fourthTier: DFG IR dumps should be easier to read
Summary fourthTier: DFG IR dumps should be easier to read
Filip Pizlo
Reported 2013-07-24 11:42:59 PDT
Patch forthcoming
the patch (78.25 KB, patch)
2013-07-24 11:54 PDT, Filip Pizlo
mhahnenberg: review+
Filip Pizlo
Comment 1 2013-07-24 11:50:00 PDT
DFG for DrawLine#DciOyf:[0x7fecbb847e00->0x10e9dfef0, DFGFunctionCall]: Fixpoint state: FixpointConverged; Form: ThreadedCPS; Unification state: GloballyUnified; Ref count state: ExactRefCount Block #0 (bc#0): (OSR target) Predecessors: Dominated by: #0 Dominates: #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 vars before: arg2:(Cell, TOP, TOP, TOP) arg1:(Cell, TOP, TOP, TOP) arg0:(Top, TOP, TOP, TOP) var links: arg2:@2 arg1:@1 arg0:@0 0: skipped < 0:-> SetArgument(arg0(a), W:SideState, bc#0) 1: < 3:-> SetArgument(arg1(B<Final>), W:SideState, bc#0) predicting Final 348: < 7:17> GetLocal(@1, JS|PureInt, arg1(B<Final>), R:Variables(-8), bc#0) predicting Final 349: <!0:-> CheckStructure(Cell:@348<Final>, MustGen|CanExit, [%DK:Object], R:JSCell_structure, bc#0) 2: < 3:-> SetArgument(arg2(C<Final>), W:SideState, bc#0) predicting Final 350: < 7:18> GetLocal(@2, JS|PureInt, arg2(C<Final>), R:Variables(-9), bc#0) predicting Final 351: <!0:-> CheckStructure(Cell:@350<Final>, MustGen|CanExit, [%DK:Object], R:JSCell_structure, bc#0) 3: <!0:-> Phantom(MustGen|CanExit, bc#0) 4: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r0(D~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 5: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r1(E~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 6: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r2(F~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 7: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r3(G~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 8: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r4(H~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 9: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r5(I~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 10: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r6(J~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 11: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r7(K~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 12: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r8(L~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 13: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r9(M~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 14: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r10(N~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 15: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r11(O~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 16: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r12(P~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 17: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r13(Q~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 18: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r14(R~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 19: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r15(S~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 20: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r16(T~<Other>), W:SideState, bc#0) 21: skipped < 0:-> GetLocal(@1, JS|UseAsOther, arg1(B<Final>), R:Variables(-8), bc#1) 22: <!0:-> Phantom(Cell:@348<Final>, MustGen, bc#1) 23: < 6:19> GetByOffset(KnownCell:@348<Final>, KnownCell:@348<Final>, JS|UseAsOther, id0{V}, 0, R:NamedProperties(0), bc#1) predicting Array 24: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@23<Array>, r17(U~<Array>), W:SideState, bc#1) 25: < 2:20> JSConstant(JS|PureNum|UseAsOther|UseAsInt, $0 = Int32: 0, bc#10) 333: <!0:-> CheckStructure(Check:Cell:@23<Array>, MustGen|CanExit, [%AJ:Array], R:JSCell_structure, bc#10) 334: < 2:21> GetButterfly(Cell:@23<Array>, Storage|PureInt, R:JSObject_butterfly, bc#10) 26: <!3:22> GetByVal(KnownCell:@23<Array>, Int32:@25<Int32>, @334, JS|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|CanExit, DoubleOriginalArrayInBoundsAsIs, R:Butterfly_publicLength,Butterfly_vectorLength,IndexedDoubleProperties, bc#10) predicting Doublereal 27: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@26<Double>, r0(V~<Double>), W:SideState, bc#10) 28: skipped < 0:-> GetLocal(@2, JS|UseAsOther, arg2(C<Final>), R:Variables(-9), bc#16) 29: <!0:-> Phantom(Cell:@350<Final>, MustGen, bc#16) 30: < 6:23> GetByOffset(KnownCell:@350<Final>, KnownCell:@350<Final>, JS|UseAsOther, id0{V}, 0, R:NamedProperties(0), bc#16) predicting Array 31: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@30<Array>, r17(W~<Array>), W:SideState, bc#16) 335: <!0:-> CheckStructure(Check:Cell:@30<Array>, MustGen|CanExit, [%AJ:Array], R:JSCell_structure, bc#25) 336: < 2:24> GetButterfly(Cell:@30<Array>, Storage|PureInt, R:JSObject_butterfly, bc#25) 32: <!2:20> GetByVal(KnownCell:@30<Array>, Int32:@25<Int32>, @336, JS|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|CanExit, DoubleOriginalArrayInBoundsAsIs, R:Butterfly_publicLength,Butterfly_vectorLength,IndexedDoubleProperties, bc#25) predicting Doublereal 33: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@32<Double>, r1(X~<Double>), W:SideState, bc#25) 34: <!0:-> Phantom(Cell:@348<Final>, MustGen, bc#31) 35: <!0:-> Phantom(KnownCell:@348<Final>, KnownCell:@348<Final>, MustGen, bc#31) 36: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@23<Array>, r17(Y~<Array>), W:SideState, bc#31) 37: < 2:17> JSConstant(JS|PureNum|UseAsOther|UseAsInt, $1 = Int32: 1, bc#40) 337: <!0:-> Phantom(Cell:@23<Array>, MustGen, bc#40) 338: <!0:-> Phantom(Cell:@23<Array>, MustGen, bc#40) 38: <!3:21> GetByVal(KnownCell:@23<Array>, Int32:@37<Int32>, @334, JS|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|CanExit, DoubleOriginalArrayInBoundsAsIs, R:Butterfly_publicLength,Butterfly_vectorLength,IndexedDoubleProperties, bc#40) predicting Doublereal 39: < 2:-> SetLocal(Number:@38<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r2(Z<Double>), W:Variables(2), bc#40) predicting Double, forcing double 40: <!0:-> Phantom(Cell:@350<Final>, MustGen, bc#46) 41: <!0:-> Phantom(KnownCell:@350<Final>, KnownCell:@350<Final>, MustGen, bc#46) 42: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@30<Array>, r17(AB~<Array>), W:SideState, bc#46) 339: <!0:-> Phantom(Cell:@30<Array>, MustGen, bc#55) 340: <!0:-> Phantom(Cell:@30<Array>, MustGen, bc#55) 43: <!2:24> GetByVal(KnownCell:@30<Array>, Int32:@37<Int32>, @336, JS|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|CanExit, DoubleOriginalArrayInBoundsAsIs, R:Butterfly_publicLength,Butterfly_vectorLength,IndexedDoubleProperties, bc#55) predicting Doublereal 44: < 2:-> SetLocal(Number:@43<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r3(BB<Double>), W:Variables(3), bc#55) predicting Double, forcing double 45: < 6:17> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x10e93f970 (%BC:global), bc#61) 46: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@45<Object>, r19(CB~<Object>), W:SideState, bc#61) 47: <!0:-> StructureTransitionWatchpoint(Cell:@45<Object>, MustGen|CanExit, %BC:global, R:JSCell_structure, bc#66) 48: < 1:23> GetButterfly(Cell:@45<Object>, Storage|UseAsOther, R:JSObject_butterfly, bc#66) 49: < 8:23> GetByOffset(@48<Other>, KnownCell:@45<Object>, JS|UseAsOther, id1{Math}, 117, R:NamedProperties(1), bc#66) predicting Otherobj 50: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@49<Object>, r19(DB~<Object>), W:SideState, bc#66) 51: <!0:-> CheckStructure(Check:Cell:@49<Object>, MustGen|CanExit, [%BY:Math], R:JSCell_structure, bc#74) 52: <!0:-> Phantom(@49<Object>, MustGen, bc#74) 53: < 4:18> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x10e98f2b0 (%D3:Function), bc#74) 54: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@53<Function>, r17(EB~<Function>), W:SideState, bc#74) 55: <!2:19> ArithSub(Number:@32<Double>, Number:@26<Double>, Number|MustGen|UseAsOther, bc#83) 56: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@55<Double>, r18(FB~<Double>), W:SideState, bc#83) 57: <!0:-> Phantom(@53<Function>, @49<Object>, MustGen, bc#88) 58: <!1:25> ArithAbs(Number:@55<Double>, Number|MustGen|UseAsOther, bc#88) 59: < 2:-> SetLocal(Number:@58<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r4(GB<Double>), W:Variables(4), bc#88) predicting Double, forcing double 60: <!0:-> Phantom(@53<Function>, MustGen, bc#88) 61: <!0:-> Phantom(@49<Object>, MustGen, bc#88) 62: <!0:-> Phantom(@55<Double>, MustGen, bc#88) 63: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@45<Object>, r19(HB~<Object>), W:SideState, bc#96) 64: <!0:-> Phantom(Cell:@45<Object>, MustGen, bc#101) 65: <!0:-> Phantom(Cell:@45<Object>, MustGen, bc#101) 66: <!0:-> Phantom(KnownCell:@45<Object>, MustGen, bc#101) 67: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@49<Object>, r19(IB~<Object>), W:SideState, bc#101) 68: <!0:-> Phantom(Cell:@49<Object>, MustGen, bc#109) 69: <!0:-> Phantom(@49<Object>, MustGen, bc#109) 70: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@53<Function>, r17(JB~<Function>), W:SideState, bc#109) 71: <!2:24> ArithSub(Number:@43<Double>, Number:@38<Double>, Number|MustGen|UseAsOther, bc#118) 72: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@71<Double>, r18(KB~<Double>), W:SideState, bc#118) 73: <!0:-> Phantom(@53<Function>, @49<Object>, MustGen, bc#123) 74: <!1:17> ArithAbs(Number:@71<Double>, Number|MustGen|UseAsOther, bc#123) 75: < 2:-> SetLocal(Number:@74<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r5(LB<Double>), W:Variables(5), bc#123) predicting Double, forcing double 76: <!0:-> Phantom(@53<Function>, MustGen, bc#123) 77: <!0:-> Phantom(@49<Object>, MustGen, bc#123) 78: <!0:-> Phantom(@71<Double>, MustGen, bc#123) 79: < 2:-> SetLocal(Number:@26<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r6(MB<Double>), W:Variables(6), bc#131) predicting Double, forcing double 80: < 2:-> SetLocal(Number:@38<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r7(NB<Double>), W:Variables(7), bc#134) predicting Double, forcing double 81: <!1:22> CompareGreaterEq(Number:@32<Double>, Number:@26<Double>, Boolean|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|CanExit, bc#137) 82: <!0:-> Branch(Boolean:@81<Boolean>, MustGen|CanExit, T:#1, F:#2, W:SideState, bc#137) vars after: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg0:(Top, TOP, TOP, TOP) r0:(Doublereal) r1:(Doublereal) r2:(Double) r3:(Double) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Other, Undefined) r9:(Other, Undefined) r10:(Other, Undefined) r11:(Other, Undefined) r12:(Other, Undefined) r13:(Other, Undefined) r14:(Other, Undefined) r15:(Other, Undefined) r16:(Other, Undefined) r17:(Function, TOP, TOP, [%D3:Function], Cell: 0x10e98f2b0 (%D3:Function)) r18:(Double) r19:(Otherobj, NonArray, [%BY:Math], [%BY:Math]) var links: arg2:@350<Final> arg1:@348<Final> arg0:@0 r0:@27 r1:@33 r2:@39 r3:@44 r4:@59 r5:@75 r6:@79 r7:@80 r8:@12 r9:@13 r10:@14 r11:@15 r12:@16 r13:@17 r14:@18 r15:@19 r16:@20 r17:@70 r18:@72 r19:@67 Block #1 (bc#141): Predecessors: #0 Dominated by: #0 #1 Dominates: #1 Phi Nodes: @239<1>->(@39), @241<1>->(@44), @246<1>->(@75), @251<1>->(@59), @273<1>->(@80), @291<1>->(@79), @318<1>->(@1), @330<1>->(@2) vars before: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r2:(Double) r3:(Double) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) var links: arg2:@330 arg1:@318 r2:@239 r3:@241 r4:@251 r5:@246 r6:@291 r7:@273 83: < 2:22> JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $1 = Int32: 1, bc#141) 84: < 1:-> SetLocal(@83<Int32>, NodeExitsForward, r8(OB~<Int32>), W:Variables(8), bc#141) predicting Int 85: < 1:-> SetLocal(@83<Int32>, NodeExitsForward, r10(PB~<Int32>), W:Variables(10), bc#144) predicting Int 86: <!0:-> Jump(MustGen, T:#3, W:SideState, bc#147) vars after: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r2:(Double) r3:(Double) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int, Int32: 1) r10:(Int, Int32: 1) var links: arg2:@330 arg1:@318 r2:@239 r3:@241 r4:@251 r5:@246 r6:@291 r7:@273 r8:@84 r10:@85 Block #2 (bc#149): Predecessors: #0 Dominated by: #0 #2 Dominates: #2 Phi Nodes: @238<1>->(@39), @240<1>->(@44), @245<1>->(@75), @250<1>->(@59), @272<1>->(@80), @290<1>->(@79), @317<1>->(@1), @329<1>->(@2) vars before: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r2:(Double) r3:(Double) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) var links: arg2:@329 arg1:@317 r2:@238 r3:@240 r4:@250 r5:@245 r6:@290 r7:@272 87: < 2:22> JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $2 = Int32: -1, bc#149) 88: < 1:-> SetLocal(@87<Int32>, NodeExitsForward, r8(OB~<Int32>), W:Variables(8), bc#149) predicting Int 89: < 1:-> SetLocal(@87<Int32>, NodeExitsForward, r10(PB~<Int32>), W:Variables(10), bc#152) predicting Int 90: <!0:-> Jump(MustGen, T:#3, W:SideState, bc#155) vars after: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r2:(Double) r3:(Double) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int, Int32: -1) r10:(Int, Int32: -1) var links: arg2:@329 arg1:@317 r2:@238 r3:@240 r4:@250 r5:@245 r6:@290 r7:@272 r8:@88 r10:@89 Block #3 (bc#155): Predecessors: #1 #2 Dominated by: #0 #3 Dominates: #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 Phi Nodes: @236<1>->(@240, @241), @237<1>->(@238, @239), @244<2>->(@245, @246), @249<2>->(@250, @251), @271<2>->(@272, @273), @281<2>->(@88, @84), @289<2>->(@290, @291), @308<2>->(@89, @85), @316<2>->(@317, @318), @328<2>->(@329, @330) vars before: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r2:(Double) r3:(Double) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r10:(Int) var links: arg2:@328 arg1:@316 r2:@237 r3:@236 r4:@249 r5:@244 r6:@289 r7:@271 r8:@281 r10:@308 91: < 1:22> GetLocal(@236, JS|UseAsOther, r3(BB<Double>), R:Variables(3), bc#155) predicting Double, forcing double 92: < 1:20> GetLocal(@237, JS|UseAsOther, r2(Z<Double>), R:Variables(2), bc#155) predicting Double, forcing double 93: <!1:20> CompareGreaterEq(Number:@91<Double>, Number:@92<Double>, Boolean|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|CanExit, bc#155) 94: <!0:-> Branch(Boolean:@93<Boolean>, MustGen|CanExit, T:#4, F:#5, W:SideState, bc#155) vars after: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r2:(Double) r3:(Double) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r10:(Int) var links: arg2:@328 arg1:@316 r2:@92<Double> r3:@91<Double> r4:@249 r5:@244 r6:@289 r7:@271 r8:@281 r10:@308 Block #4 (bc#159): Predecessors: #3 Dominated by: #0 #3 #4 Dominates: #4 Phi Nodes: @243<1>->(@244), @248<1>->(@249), @270<1>->(@271), @280<1>->(@281), @288<1>->(@289), @307<1>->(@308), @315<1>->(@316), @327<1>->(@328) vars before: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r10:(Int) var links: arg2:@327 arg1:@315 r4:@248 r5:@243 r6:@288 r7:@270 r8:@280 r10:@307 95: < 2:20> JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $1 = Int32: 1, bc#159) 96: < 1:-> SetLocal(@95<Int32>, NodeExitsForward, r9(UB~<Int32>), W:Variables(9), bc#159) predicting Int 97: < 1:-> SetLocal(@95<Int32>, NodeExitsForward, r11(VB~<Int32>), W:Variables(11), bc#162) predicting Int 98: <!0:-> Jump(MustGen, T:#6, W:SideState, bc#165) vars after: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r9:(Int, Int32: 1) r10:(Int) r11:(Int, Int32: 1) var links: arg2:@327 arg1:@315 r4:@248 r5:@243 r6:@288 r7:@270 r8:@280 r9:@96 r10:@307 r11:@97 Block #5 (bc#167): Predecessors: #3 Dominated by: #0 #3 #5 Dominates: #5 Phi Nodes: @242<1>->(@244), @247<1>->(@249), @269<1>->(@271), @279<1>->(@281), @287<1>->(@289), @306<1>->(@308), @314<1>->(@316), @326<1>->(@328) vars before: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r10:(Int) var links: arg2:@326 arg1:@314 r4:@247 r5:@242 r6:@287 r7:@269 r8:@279 r10:@306 99: < 2:20> JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $2 = Int32: -1, bc#167) 100: < 1:-> SetLocal(@99<Int32>, NodeExitsForward, r9(UB~<Int32>), W:Variables(9), bc#167) predicting Int 101: < 1:-> SetLocal(@99<Int32>, NodeExitsForward, r11(VB~<Int32>), W:Variables(11), bc#170) predicting Int 102: <!0:-> Jump(MustGen, T:#6, W:SideState, bc#173) vars after: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r9:(Int, Int32: -1) r10:(Int) r11:(Int, Int32: -1) var links: arg2:@326 arg1:@314 r4:@247 r5:@242 r6:@287 r7:@269 r8:@279 r9:@100 r10:@306 r11:@101 Block #6 (bc#173): Predecessors: #4 #5 Dominated by: #0 #3 #6 Dominates: #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 Phi Nodes: @234<3>->(@247, @248), @235<3>->(@242, @243), @263<1>->(@100, @96), @268<2>->(@269, @270), @278<1>->(@279, @280), @286<2>->(@287, @288), @300<1>->(@101, @97), @305<1>->(@306, @307), @313<2>->(@314, @315), @325<2>->(@326, @327) vars before: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r9:(Int) r10:(Int) r11:(Int) var links: arg2:@325 arg1:@313 r4:@234 r5:@235 r6:@286 r7:@268 r8:@278 r9:@263 r10:@305 r11:@300 103: < 1:20> GetLocal(@234, JS|UseAsOther, r4(GB<Double>), R:Variables(4), bc#173) predicting Double, forcing double 104: < 1:22> GetLocal(@235, JS|UseAsOther, r5(LB<Double>), R:Variables(5), bc#173) predicting Double, forcing double 105: <!1:22> CompareGreaterEq(Number:@103<Double>, Number:@104<Double>, Boolean|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|CanExit, bc#173) 106: <!0:-> Branch(Boolean:@105<Boolean>, MustGen|CanExit, T:#7, F:#8, W:SideState, bc#173) vars after: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r9:(Int) r10:(Int) r11:(Int) var links: arg2:@325 arg1:@313 r4:@103<Double> r5:@104<Double> r6:@286 r7:@268 r8:@278 r9:@263 r10:@305 r11:@300 Block #7 (bc#177): Predecessors: #6 Dominated by: #0 #3 #6 #7 Dominates: #7 Phi Nodes: @232<1>->(@234), @233<1>->(@235), @262<1>->(@263), @267<1>->(@268), @285<1>->(@286), @304<1>->(@305), @312<1>->(@313), @324<1>->(@325) vars before: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r9:(Int) r10:(Int) var links: arg2:@324 arg1:@312 r4:@232 r5:@233 r6:@285 r7:@267 r9:@262 r10:@304 107: < 2:22> JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $0 = Int32: 0, bc#177) 108: < 1:-> SetLocal(@107<Int32>, NodeExitsForward, r8(OB~<Int32>), W:Variables(8), bc#177) predicting Int 109: < 1:-> SetLocal(@107<Int32>, NodeExitsForward, r11(VB~<Int32>), W:Variables(11), bc#180) predicting Int 110: < 3:22> GetLocal(@232, JS|UseAsOther, r4(GB<Double>), R:Variables(4), bc#183) predicting Double, forcing double 111: < 1:-> SetLocal(Number:@110<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r12(DC<Double>), W:Variables(12), bc#183) predicting Double, forcing double 112: < 1:20> JSConstant(JS, $3 = Int32: 2, bc#186) 352: <!0:-> Phantom(Number:@112<Int32>, MustGen, bc#186) 341: < 1:20> JSConstant(Number|PureInt, $5 = Double: 4611686018427387904, 2.000000, bc#186) 113: <!1:20> ArithDiv(Number:@110<Double>, Number:@341<Double>, Number|MustGen|UseAsOther|MayOverflow|MayNegZero, bc#186) 114: < 1:-> SetLocal(Number:@113<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r13(EC<Double>), W:Variables(13), bc#186) predicting Double, forcing double 115: < 1:20> GetLocal(@233, JS|UseAsOther, r5(LB<Double>), R:Variables(5), bc#191) predicting Double, forcing double 116: < 1:-> SetLocal(Number:@115<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r14(GC<Double>), W:Variables(14), bc#191) predicting Double, forcing double 117: < 1:-> SetLocal(Number:@110<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r15(HC<Double>), W:Variables(15), bc#194) predicting Double, forcing double 118: <!0:-> Jump(MustGen, T:#9, W:SideState, bc#197) vars after: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int, Int32: 0) r9:(Int) r10:(Int) r11:(Int, Int32: 0) r12:(Double) r13:(Double) r14:(Double) r15:(Double) var links: arg2:@324 arg1:@312 r4:@110<Double> r5:@115<Double> r6:@285 r7:@267 r8:@108 r9:@262 r10:@304 r11:@109 r12:@111 r13:@114 r14:@116 r15:@117 Block #8 (bc#199): Predecessors: #6 Dominated by: #0 #3 #6 #8 Dominates: #8 Phi Nodes: @230<1>->(@235), @231<1>->(@234), @266<1>->(@268), @277<1>->(@278), @284<1>->(@286), @299<1>->(@300), @311<1>->(@313), @323<1>->(@325) vars before: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r11:(Int) var links: arg2:@323 arg1:@311 r4:@231 r5:@230 r6:@284 r7:@266 r8:@277 r11:@299 119: < 2:22> JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $0 = Int32: 0, bc#199) 120: < 1:-> SetLocal(@119<Int32>, NodeExitsForward, r10(PB~<Int32>), W:Variables(10), bc#199) predicting Int 121: < 1:-> SetLocal(@119<Int32>, NodeExitsForward, r9(UB~<Int32>), W:Variables(9), bc#202) predicting Int 122: < 3:22> GetLocal(@230, JS|UseAsOther, r5(LB<Double>), R:Variables(5), bc#205) predicting Double, forcing double 123: < 1:-> SetLocal(Number:@122<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r12(DC<Double>), W:Variables(12), bc#205) predicting Double, forcing double 124: < 1:20> JSConstant(JS, $3 = Int32: 2, bc#208) 353: <!0:-> Phantom(Number:@124<Int32>, MustGen, bc#208) 342: < 1:20> JSConstant(Number|PureInt, $5 = Double: 4611686018427387904, 2.000000, bc#208) 125: <!1:20> ArithDiv(Number:@122<Double>, Number:@342<Double>, Number|MustGen|UseAsOther|MayOverflow|MayNegZero, bc#208) 126: < 1:-> SetLocal(Number:@125<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r13(EC<Double>), W:Variables(13), bc#208) predicting Double, forcing double 127: < 1:20> GetLocal(@231, JS|UseAsOther, r4(GB<Double>), R:Variables(4), bc#213) predicting Double, forcing double 128: < 1:-> SetLocal(Number:@127<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r14(GC<Double>), W:Variables(14), bc#213) predicting Double, forcing double 129: < 1:-> SetLocal(Number:@122<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r15(HC<Double>), W:Variables(15), bc#216) predicting Double, forcing double 130: <!0:-> Jump(MustGen, T:#9, W:SideState, bc#219) vars after: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r4:(Double) r5:(Double) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r9:(Int, Int32: 0) r10:(Int, Int32: 0) r11:(Int) r12:(Double) r13:(Double) r14:(Double) r15:(Double) var links: arg2:@323 arg1:@311 r4:@127<Double> r5:@122<Double> r6:@284 r7:@266 r8:@277 r9:@121 r10:@120 r11:@299 r12:@123 r13:@126 r14:@128 r15:@129 Block #9 (bc#219): Predecessors: #7 #8 Dominated by: #0 #3 #6 #9 Dominates: #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 Phi Nodes: @229<1>->(@129, @117), @253<1>->(@123, @111), @255<1>->(@128, @116), @258<1>->(@126, @114), @261<1>->(@121, @262), @265<1>->(@266, @267), @276<1>->(@277, @108), @283<1>->(@284, @285), @298<1>->(@299, @109), @303<1>->(@120, @304), @310<2>->(@311, @312), @322<2>->(@323, @324) vars before: arg2:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, NonArray, [%DK:Object], [%DK:Object]) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r9:(Int) r10:(Int) r11:(Int) r12:(Double) r13:(Double) r14:(Double) r15:(Double) var links: arg2:@322 arg1:@310 r6:@283 r7:@265 r8:@276 r9:@261 r10:@303 r11:@298 r12:@253 r13:@258 r14:@255 r15:@229 131: < 3:22> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x10e93f970 (%BC:global), bc#219) 132: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@131<Object>, r19(QC~<Object>), W:SideState, bc#219) 133: <!0:-> StructureTransitionWatchpoint(Cell:@131<Object>, MustGen|CanExit, %BC:global, R:JSCell_structure, bc#224) 134: < 1:20> GetButterfly(Cell:@131<Object>, Storage|UseAsOther, R:JSObject_butterfly, bc#224) 135: < 4:22> GetByOffset(@134<Other>, KnownCell:@131<Object>, JS|UseAsOther, id1{Math}, 117, R:NamedProperties(1), bc#224) predicting Otherobj 136: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@135<Object>, r19(RC~<Object>), W:SideState, bc#224) 137: <!0:-> CheckStructure(Check:Cell:@135<Object>, MustGen|CanExit, [%BY:Math], R:JSCell_structure, bc#232) 138: <!0:-> Phantom(@135<Object>, MustGen, bc#232) 139: < 2:20> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x10e98ef30 (%D3:Function), bc#232) 140: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@139<Function>, r17(SC~<Function>), W:SideState, bc#232) 141: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@131<Object>, r20(TC~<Object>), W:SideState, bc#241) 142: < 3:21> GetGlobalVar(JS|UseAsOther, global18(0x7fecbb5040a8), R:Absolute(140654731608232), bc#246) predicting Array 143: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@142<Array>, r21(UC~<Array>), W:SideState, bc#246) 144: <!0:-> CheckStructure(Check:Cell:@142<Array>, MustGen|CanExit, [%B4:Array], R:JSCell_structure, bc#254) 145: < 1:24> GetButterfly(Cell:@142<Array>, Storage|UseAsOther, R:JSObject_butterfly, bc#254) 146: < 1:21> GetByOffset(@145<Other>, KnownCell:@142<Array>, JS|UseAsOther, id5{LastPx}, 104, R:NamedProperties(5), bc#254) predicting Int 147: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@146<Int32>, r20(VC~<Int32>), W:SideState, bc#254) 148: < 1:24> GetLocal(@229, JS|UseAsOther, r15(HC<Double>), R:Variables(15), bc#263) predicting Double, forcing double 343: < 1:21> Int32ToDouble(Check:Number:@146<Int32>, Number|PureInt|CanExit, bc#263) 149: <!1:24> ValueAdd(Number:@343<Double>, Number:@148<Double>, JS|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther, bc#263) 150: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@149<Double>, r18(XC~<Double>), W:SideState, bc#263) 151: <!0:-> Phantom(@139<Function>, @135<Object>, MustGen, bc#268) 152: <!2:24> Call(@139<Function>, @135<Object>, @149<Double>, JS|MustGen|VarArgs|Clobbers|UseAsOther|CanExit, R:World, W:World, bc#268) predicting Int 153: < 2:-> SetLocal(Check:Int32:@152<Int32>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r15(YC<Int32>), W:Variables(15), bc#268) predicting Int 154: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@131<Object>, r17(ZC~<Object>), W:SideState, bc#276) 155: < 3:22> GetGlobalVar(JS|UseAsOther, global18(0x7fecbb5040a8), R:Absolute(140654731608232), bc#281) predicting Array 156: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@155<Array>, r18(AD~<Array>), W:SideState, bc#281) 157: <!0:-> CheckStructure(Check:Cell:@155<Array>, MustGen|CanExit, [%B4:Array], R:JSCell_structure, bc#289) 158: < 1:20> GetButterfly(Cell:@155<Array>, Storage|UseAsOther, R:JSObject_butterfly, bc#289) 159: < 2:22> GetByOffset(@158<Other>, KnownCell:@155<Array>, JS|UseAsOther, id5{LastPx}, 104, R:NamedProperties(5), bc#289) predicting Int 160: < 1:-> SetLocal(Check:Int32:@159<Int32>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r16(BD<Int32>), W:Variables(16), bc#289) predicting Int 161: <!1:24> CompareLess(Int32:@159<Int32>, Int32:@152<Int32>, Boolean|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|CanExit, bc#298) 162: <!0:-> Branch(Boolean:@161<Boolean>, MustGen|CanExit, T:#10, F:#13, W:SideState, bc#298) vars after: arg2:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r9:(Int) r10:(Int) r11:(Int) r12:(Double) r13:(Double) r14:(Double) r15:(Int) r16:(Int) r17:(Otherobj, TOP, TOP, [%BC:global], Cell: 0x10e93f970 (%BC:global)) r18:(Array, ArrayWithContiguous, [%B4:Array], [%B4:Array]) r19:(Otherobj, TOP, TOP, [%BY:Math]) r20:(IntDouble) r21:(Array, TOP, TOP, [%B4:Array]) var links: arg2:@322 arg1:@310 r6:@283 r7:@265 r8:@276 r9:@261 r10:@303 r11:@298 r12:@253 r13:@258 r14:@255 r15:@153 r16:@160 r17:@154 r18:@156 r19:@136 r20:@147 r21:@143 Block #10 (bc#303): (OSR target) Predecessors: #9 #12 Dominated by: #0 #3 #6 #9 #10 Dominates: #10 #11 #12 Loop header, contains: #10 #11 #12 Containing loop headers: #10 Phi Nodes: @226<1>->(@257, @258), @227<3>->(@254, @255), @228<3>->(@252, @253), @259<2>->(@260, @261), @264<2>->(@191, @265), @274<2>->(@275, @276), @282<2>->(@187, @283), @293<2>->(@219, @153), @295<2>->(@195, @160), @297<2>->(@217, @298), @302<2>->(@215, @303), @320<2>->(@309, @310), @332<2>->(@321, @322) vars before: arg2:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) arg0:(Otherobj, NonArray, [%BC:global], [%BC:global], Cell: 0x10e93f970 (%BC:global)) r0:(Doublereal, Double: 4639342159172064522, 146.034796) r1:(Doublereal, Double: 4640571429092064255, 180.972749) r2:(Doublereal, Double: 4638361214191237942, 123.077331) r3:(Doublereal, Double: 4639132401904757561, 140.073136) r4:(Doublereal, Double: 4630113896989498324, 34.937952) r5:(Doublereal, Double: 4625477111388794096, 16.995805) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r9:(Int) r10:(Int) r11:(Int) r12:(Double) r13:(Double) r14:(Double) r15:(Int) r16:(Int) var links: arg2:@332 arg1:@320 r6:@282 r7:@264 r8:@274 r9:@259 r10:@302 r11:@297 r12:@228 r13:@226 r14:@227 r15:@293 r16:@295 164: < 1:24> GetLocal(@226, JS|UseAsOther, r13(EC<Double>), R:Variables(13), bc#303) predicting Double, forcing double 165: < 1:22> GetLocal(@227, JS|UseAsOther, r14(GC<Double>), R:Variables(14), bc#303) predicting Double, forcing double 166: <!2:22> ValueAdd(Number:@164<Double>, Number:@165<Double>, JS|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|MayOverflow, bc#303) 167: < 2:-> SetLocal(Number:@166<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r13(EC<Double>), W:Variables(13), bc#303) predicting Double, forcing double 168: < 1:24> GetLocal(@228, JS|UseAsOther, r12(DC<Double>), R:Variables(12), bc#308) predicting Double, forcing double 169: <!1:24> CompareGreaterEq(Number:@166<Double>, Number:@168<Double>, Boolean|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|CanExit, bc#308) 170: <!0:-> Branch(Boolean:@169<Boolean>, MustGen|CanExit, T:#11, F:#12, W:SideState, bc#308) vars after: arg2:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r9:(Int) r10:(Int) r11:(Int) r12:(Double) r13:(Double) r14:(Double) r15:(Int) r16:(Int) var links: arg2:@332 arg1:@320 r6:@282 r7:@264 r8:@274 r9:@259 r10:@302 r11:@297 r12:@168<Double> r13:@167 r14:@165<Double> r15:@293 r16:@295 Block #11 (bc#312): Predecessors: #10 Dominated by: #0 #3 #6 #9 #10 #11 Dominates: #11 Containing loop headers: #10 Phi Nodes: @220<1>->(@167), @221<2>->(@228), @222<1>->(@282), @223<2>->(@274), @224<1>->(@264), @225<2>->(@259), @256<1>->(@227), @292<1>->(@293), @294<1>->(@295), @296<1>->(@297), @301<1>->(@302), @319<1>->(@320), @331<1>->(@332) vars before: arg2:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r9:(Int) r10:(Int) r11:(Int) r12:(Double) r13:(Double) r14:(Double) r15:(Int) r16:(Int) var links: arg2:@331 arg1:@319 r6:@222 r7:@224 r8:@223 r9:@225 r10:@301 r11:@296 r12:@221 r13:@220 r14:@256 r15:@292 r16:@294 171: < 1:24> GetLocal(@220, JS|UseAsOther, r13(EC<Double>), R:Variables(13), bc#312) predicting Double, forcing double 172: < 1:22> GetLocal(@221, JS|UseAsOther, r12(DC<Double>), R:Variables(12), bc#312) predicting Double, forcing double 173: <!1:22> ArithSub(Number:@171<Double>, Number:@172<Double>, Number|MustGen|UseAsOther|MayOverflow, bc#312) 174: < 1:-> SetLocal(Number:@173<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r13(EC<Double>), W:Variables(13), bc#312) predicting Double, forcing double 175: < 1:22> GetLocal(@222, JS|UseAsOther, r6(MB<Double>), R:Variables(6), bc#317) predicting Double, forcing double 176: < 1:24> GetLocal(@223, JS|UseAsOther, r8(OB~<Int32>), R:Variables(8), bc#317) predicting Int 344: < 1:24> Int32ToDouble(Number:@176<Int32>, Number|PureInt, bc#317) 177: <!1:24> ValueAdd(Number:@175<Double>, Number:@344<Double>, JS|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|MayOverflow, bc#317) 178: < 1:-> SetLocal(Number:@177<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r6(MB<Double>), W:Variables(6), bc#317) predicting Double, forcing double 179: < 1:24> GetLocal(@224, JS|UseAsOther, r7(NB<Double>), R:Variables(7), bc#322) predicting Double, forcing double 180: < 1:22> GetLocal(@225, JS|UseAsOther, r9(UB~<Int32>), R:Variables(9), bc#322) predicting Int 345: < 1:22> Int32ToDouble(Number:@180<Int32>, Number|PureInt, bc#322) 181: <!1:22> ValueAdd(Number:@179<Double>, Number:@345<Double>, JS|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|MayOverflow, bc#322) 182: < 1:-> SetLocal(Number:@181<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r7(NB<Double>), W:Variables(7), bc#322) predicting Double, forcing double 183: <!0:-> Jump(MustGen, T:#12, W:SideState, bc#327) vars after: arg2:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r9:(Int) r10:(Int) r11:(Int) r12:(Double) r13:(Double) r14:(Double) r15:(Int) r16:(Int) var links: arg2:@331 arg1:@319 r6:@178 r7:@182 r8:@176<Int32> r9:@180<Int32> r10:@301 r11:@296 r12:@172<Double> r13:@174 r14:@256 r15:@292 r16:@294 Block #12 (bc#327): Predecessors: #10 #11 Dominated by: #0 #3 #6 #9 #10 #12 Dominates: #12 Containing loop headers: #10 Phi Nodes: @214<1>->(@178, @282), @215<2>->(@301, @302), @216<1>->(@182, @264), @217<2>->(@296, @297), @218<1>->(@294, @295), @219<3>->(@292, @293), @252<1>->(@221, @228), @254<1>->(@256, @227), @257<1>->(@174, @167), @260<1>->(@225, @259), @275<1>->(@223, @274), @309<2>->(@319, @320), @321<2>->(@331, @332) vars before: arg2:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r9:(Int) r10:(Int) r11:(Int) r12:(Double) r13:(Double) r14:(Double) r15:(Int) r16:(Int) var links: arg2:@321 arg1:@309 r6:@214 r7:@216 r8:@275 r9:@260 r10:@215 r11:@217 r12:@252 r13:@257 r14:@254 r15:@219 r16:@218 184: < 1:22> GetLocal(@214, JS|UseAsOther, r6(MB<Double>), R:Variables(6), bc#327) predicting Double, forcing double 185: < 1:24> GetLocal(@215, JS|UseAsOther, r10(PB~<Int32>), R:Variables(10), bc#327) predicting Int 346: < 1:24> Int32ToDouble(Number:@185<Int32>, Number|PureInt, bc#327) 186: <!1:24> ValueAdd(Number:@184<Double>, Number:@346<Double>, JS|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|MayOverflow, bc#327) 187: < 1:-> SetLocal(Number:@186<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r6(MB<Double>), W:Variables(6), bc#327) predicting Double, forcing double 188: < 1:24> GetLocal(@216, JS|UseAsOther, r7(NB<Double>), R:Variables(7), bc#332) predicting Double, forcing double 189: < 1:22> GetLocal(@217, JS|UseAsOther, r11(VB~<Int32>), R:Variables(11), bc#332) predicting Int 347: < 1:22> Int32ToDouble(Number:@189<Int32>, Number|PureInt, bc#332) 190: <!1:22> ValueAdd(Number:@188<Double>, Number:@347<Double>, JS|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|MayOverflow, bc#332) 191: < 1:-> SetLocal(Number:@190<Double>, NodeExitsForward, r7(NB<Double>), W:Variables(7), bc#332) predicting Double, forcing double 192: < 1:22> GetLocal(@218, JS|UseAsOther, r16(BD<Int32>), R:Variables(16), bc#337) predicting Int 193: < 1:24> JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $1 = Int32: 1, bc#337) 194: <!2:24> ArithAdd(Int32:@192<Int32>, Int32:@193<Int32>, Number|MustGen|UseAsOther|CanExit, bc#337) 195: < 1:-> SetLocal(Int32:@194<Int32>, NodeExitsForward, r16(BD<Int32>), W:Variables(16), bc#337) predicting Int 196: < 1:22> GetLocal(@219, JS|UseAsOther, r15(YC<Int32>), R:Variables(15), bc#339) predicting Int 197: <!1:22> CompareLess(Int32:@194<Int32>, Int32:@196<Int32>, Boolean|MustGen|MightClobber|UseAsOther|CanExit, bc#339) 198: <!0:-> Branch(Boolean:@197<Boolean>, MustGen|CanExit, T:#10, F:#13, W:SideState, bc#339) vars after: arg2:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) r6:(Double) r7:(Double) r8:(Int) r9:(Int) r10:(Int) r11:(Int) r12:(Double) r13:(Double) r14:(Double) r15:(Int) r16:(Int) var links: arg2:@321 arg1:@309 r6:@187 r7:@191 r8:@275 r9:@260 r10:@185<Int32> r11:@189<Int32> r12:@252 r13:@257 r14:@254 r15:@196<Int32> r16:@195 Block #13 (bc#343): Predecessors: #9 #12 Dominated by: #0 #3 #6 #9 #13 Dominates: #13 Phi Nodes: @211<1>->(@219, @153), @212<1>->(@321, @322), @213<1>->(@309, @310) vars before: arg2:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) arg1:(Final, TOP, TOP, [%DK:Object]) r15:(Int) var links: arg2:@207 arg1:@208 r15:@211 199: <!0:-> Phantom(MustGen|CanExit, bc#343) 200: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r17(YD~<Object>), W:SideState, bc#343) 201: < 3:22> GetGlobalVar(JS|UseAsOther, global18(0x7fecbb5040a8), R:Absolute(140654731608232), bc#348) predicting Array 202: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@201<Array>, r18(ZD~<Array>), W:SideState, bc#348) 203: < 1:24> GetLocal(@211, JS|UseAsOther, r15(YC<Int32>), R:Variables(15), bc#356) predicting Int 204: <!0:-> CheckStructure(Check:Cell:@201<Array>, MustGen|CanExit, [%B4:Array], R:JSCell_structure, bc#356) 205: < 1:20> GetButterfly(Cell:@201<Array>, Storage|UseAsOther, R:JSObject_butterfly, bc#356) 206: <!0:-> PutByOffset(@205<Other>, KnownCell:@201<Array>, @203<Int32>, MustGen, id5{LastPx}, 104, W:NamedProperties(5), bc#356) 207: <!0:-> Flush(@212, MustGen, arg2(C<Final>), W:SideState, bc#365) predicting Final 208: <!0:-> Flush(@213, MustGen, arg1(B<Final>), W:SideState, bc#365) predicting Final 209: < 1:24> JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $4 = Undefined, bc#365) 210: <!0:-> Return(@209<Other>, MustGen, W:SideState, bc#365) vars after: var links: arg2:@207 arg1:@208 r15:@203<Int32> r17:@200 r18:@202 Structures: %AJ:Array = 0x10e91e5c0:[Array, {}, ArrayWithDouble, Proto:0x10e99ffe0] %B4:Array = 0x10e91a180:[Array, {Edge:100, Normal:101, Line:102, NumPx:103, LastPx:104}, ArrayWithContiguous, Proto:0x10e99ffe0] %BC:global = 0x10e91a1f0:[global, {Object:100, Function:101, Array:102, Boolean:103, String:104, Number:105, Date:106, RegExp:107, Error:108, EvalError:109, RangeError:110, ReferenceError:111, SyntaxError:112, TypeError:113, URIError:114, eval:115, JSON:116, Math:117, Name:118, debug:119, describe:120, print:121, quit:122, gc:123, dumpCallFrame:124, releaseExecutableMemory:125, version:126, run:127, load:128, checkSyntax:129, jscStack:130, readline:131, preciseTime:132, Uint8Array:133, Uint8ClampedArray:134, Uint16Array:135, Uint32Array:136, Int8Array:137, Int16Array:138, Int32Array:139, Float32Array:140, Float64Array:141, arguments:142, V:143}, NonArray, Proto:0x10e99fff0] %BY:Math = 0x10e91bf40:[Math, {E:100, LN2:101, LN10:102, LOG2E:103, LOG10E:104, PI:105, SQRT1_2:106, SQRT2:107, abs:108, acos:109, asin:110, atan:111, atan2:112, ceil:113, cos:114, exp:115, floor:116, log:117, max:118, min:119, pow:120, random:121, round:122, sin:123, sqrt:124, tan:125}, NonArray, Proto:0x10e99fff0] %D3:Function = 0x10e91f190:[Function, {name:100, length:101}, NonArray, Proto:0x10e95ffe0] %DK:Object = 0x10e91a420:[Object, {V:0}, NonArray, Proto:0x10ea2fef0]
Filip Pizlo
Comment 2 2013-07-24 11:54:40 PDT
Created attachment 207408 [details] the patch
Mark Hahnenberg
Comment 3 2013-07-24 12:31:39 PDT
Comment on attachment 207408 [details] the patch r=me
Filip Pizlo
Comment 4 2013-07-24 14:46:58 PDT
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