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[BLACKBERRY]webkit crash in Source/WebKit/blackberry/WebKitSupport/ProximityDetector.cpp
[BLACKBERRY]webkit crash in Source/WebKit/blackberry/WebKitSupport/ProximityD...
2013-06-05 01:15:05 PDT
internal PR: 347257 internal Reviewed by Charles Wei.
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Comment 1
2013-06-05 01:16:05 PDT
Trunk release: OS version :, Build ID: 524298 Browser build: Latest trunk repos as of June 4, 2013, detail available in attachment. Backtrace: (gdb) bt full #0 0x798ee930 in BlackBerry::WebKit::ProximityDetector::findBestPoint (this=<optimized out>, documentPos=..., documentPaddingRect=..., strategy=BlackBerry::WebKit::ProximityDetector::Area) at /home/cswei/project/playbook/webkit/Source/WebKit/blackberry/WebKitSupport/ProximityDetector.cpp:125 block = {m_rect = {m_location = {m_x = 2017369673, m_y = 0}, m_size = {m_width = 0, m_height = 0}}, m_score = 2017368557, m_containedNodes = 2017368617} itr = <optimized out> hitTestRect = {m_location = {m_x = 2, m_y = 1915}, m_size = {m_width = <optimized out>, m_height = <optimized out>}} curNode = 0x783e9fc5 <BlackBerry::Platform::MethodDelegate4<void (BlackBerry::Platform::TimerCleaner::*)(BlackBerry::Platform::GuardedPointer<BlackBerry::Platform::GenericTimerClient>, void (*)(void*), void*, int), BlackBerry::Platform::TimerCleaner, BlackBerry::Platform::GuardedPointer<BlackBerry::Platform::GenericTimerClient>, void (*)(void*), void*, int>::~MethodDelegate4()> curRect = {m_location = {m_x = 27, m_y = 1952}, m_size = {m_width = 649, m_height = 40}} curBlock = <optimized out> isCurBlockContained = <optimized out> it = <optimized out> document = 0x1 left = 0 top = 102 bottom = 102 bestArea = 0 smartBlocks = {<std::_List_val<BlackBerry::WebKit::SmartBlock, std::allocator<BlackBerry::WebKit::SmartBlock> >> = {<std::_List_ptr<BlackBerry::WebKit::SmartBlock, std::allocator<BlackBerry::WebKit::SmartBlock> >> = {<std::_List_nod<BlackBerry::WebKit::SmartBlock, std::allocator<BlackBerry::WebKit::SmartBlock> >> = {<std::_Container_base> = {<No data fields>}, _Alnod = {<std::_Allocator_base<std::_List_nod<BlackBerry::WebKit::SmartBlock, std::allocator<BlackBerry::WebKit::SmartBlock> >::_Node>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}}, _Alptr = {<std::_Allocator_base<std::_List_nod<BlackBerry::WebKit::SmartBlock, std::allocator<BlackBerry::WebKit::SmartBlock> >::_Node*>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}}, _Alval = {<std::_Allocator_base<BlackBerry::WebKit::SmartBlock>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}}, _Myhead = 0x772426b8, _Mysize = <optimized out>} right = 542 frameContentPos = {m_x = 2, m_y = 2017} bestPoint = {m_x = 2, m_y = 2017} m_y = 1915}, m_size = {m_width = 543, m_height = 205}}, m_transformedPoint = {m_x = 2, m_y = 2017}, m_transformedRect = { m_p1 = {m_x = 2, m_y = 1915}, m_p2 = {m_x = 545, m_y = 1915}, m_p3 = {m_x = 545, m_y = 2120}, m_p4 = {m_x = 2, m_y = 2120}}, m_region = 0x0, m_isRectBased = true, m_isRectilinear = true}, m_innerNode = {m_ptr = 0x7fad8ad0}, m_innerNonSharedNode = { m_ptr = 0x7fad8ad0}, m_pointInInnerNodeFrame = {m_x = {m_value = 2}, m_y = {m_value = 2017}}, m_localPoint = {m_x = { m_value = -25}, m_y = {m_value = -70}}, m_innerURLElement = {m_ptr = 0x0}, m_scrollbar = {m_ptr = 0x0}, m_isOverWidget = false, m_rectBasedTestResult = {m_ptr = 0x77242910}} bestScore = -1 intersectedNodes = {m_impl = {static m_maxLoad = <optimized out>, static m_minLoad = <optimized out>, m_table = 0x7ce500e0, m_tableSize = 64, m_tableSizeMask = 63, m_keyCount = 28, m_deletedCount = 0}, m_head = 0x7e75e3e8, m_tail = 0x7e75e52c, m_allocator = {m_ptr = 0x7e75e3e0}} #1 0x798a7452 in BlackBerry::WebKit::WebPage::adjustDocumentScrollPosition (this=<optimized out>, documentScrollPosition=..., documentPaddingRect=...) at /home/cswei/project/playbook/webkit/Source/WebKit/blackberry/Api/WebPage.cpp:5289 No locals. #2 0x786da180 in WebPageClientImpl::adjustKineticScrollPosition (this=0x7dea44d0, pos=..., paddingRect=...) at /home/cswei/project/playbook/libwebview/WebPageClientImpl.cpp:852 viewportAccessor = 0x7d1fa080 newPos = {m_x = 1965658340, m_y = 0} #3 0x786d1686 in BlackBerry::Platform::MethodDelegate2<void (WebPageClientImpl::*)(BlackBerry::Platform::IntPoint const&, BlackBerry::Platform::IntRect const&), WebPageClientImpl, BlackBerry::Platform::IntPoint, BlackBerry::Platform::IntRect>::execute (this=0x77c024b0) at /home/cswei/project/playbook/staging/usr/include/browser/platform/BlackBerryPlatformMessageDelegate.h:934 bbTraceMethodHelper = {m_address = 0x794183e8} #4 0x78391c74 in BlackBerry::Platform::ExecutableMessage::execute (this=<optimized out>) at /home/cswei/project/playbook/platform/blackberryplatform/BlackBerryPlatformExecutableMessage.cpp:37 No locals. #5 0x783a3da6 in BlackBerry::Platform::MessageClientPrivate::executeMessage (this=<optimized out>, message=<optimized out>, returnCode=0) at /home/cswei/project/playbook/platform/blackberryplatform/BlackBerryPlatformMessageClient.cpp:1038 __FUNCTION__ = "executeMessage" #6 0x783a43c8 in BlackBerry::Platform::MessageClientPrivate::coalesceMessage (this=0x794183e8, message=0x77c021a0, returnCode=0) at /home/cswei/project/playbook/platform/blackberryplatform/BlackBerryPlatformMessageClient.cpp:988 newReturnCode = <optimized out> pulseMessageData = {pulseCode = -1, pulseValue = {sival_int = 2042460021, sival_ptr = 0x79bd7775 <WebCore::MemoryCache::lruListFor(WebCore::CachedResource*)+24>}, pid = 2090179080} newMessage = 0x0 #7 0x783a4512 in BlackBerry::Platform::MessageClientPrivate::receivePendingMessage (this=0x794183e8, timeout=<optimized out>) at /home/cswei/project/playbook/platform/blackberryplatform/BlackBerryPlatformMessageClient.cpp:955 message = 0x77c021a0 returnCode = 0 pulseMessageData = {pulseCode = -1, pulseValue = {sival_int = 2039057561, sival_ptr = 0x79898c99 <BlackBerry::WebKit::clearMemoryCaches()+176>}, pid = 0} #8 0x783a463e in BlackBerry::Platform::MessageClient::processNextMessage (this=0x794785b4, timeout=<optimized out>) at /home/cswei/project/playbook/platform/blackberryplatform/BlackBerryPlatformMessageClient.cpp:853 __FUNCTION__ = "processNextMessage" idleJobs = false success = <optimized out> #9 0x783a4878 in exec (this=0x794785b4) at /home/cswei/project/playbook/platform/blackberryplatform/BlackBerryPlatformMessageClient.cpp:899 No locals. #10 BlackBerry::Platform::MessageClient::exec (this=0x794785b4) at /home/cswei/project/playbook/platform/blackberryplatform/BlackBerryPlatformMessageClient.cpp:888 No locals. #11 0x783a07a2 in BlackBerry::Platform::MessageClientPrivate::run (context=<optimized out>) at /home/cswei/project/playbook/platform/blackberryplatform/BlackBerryPlatformMessageClient.cpp:872 thread = 0x794785b4 #12 0x01ac5308 in pthread_atfork (prepare=0x0, parent=0x0, child=0x0) at ../../pthread_atfork.c:79 fprepare = 0x0 fparent = <optimized out> fchild = <optimized out> #13 0x00d5b0b6 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #14 0x00d5b0b6 in ?? () No symbol table info available. Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
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