WebKit fails to load XHTML files with mime type application/x-extension-xhtml
Summary WebKit fails to load XHTML files with mime type application/x-extension-xhtml
Martin Robinson
Reported 2013-05-19 10:08:17 PDT
For some reason, on my system XHTML file are assigned the application/x-extension-xhtml MIME type. Since it's not on the list of supported MIME types, it seems that WebKit should grow support for this MIME type or translate it to a more typical XHTML mime type. I'm still investigating what Linux package is causing this setting.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1 2013-05-20 09:33:32 PDT
This doesn't look like a correct XHTML MIME type to me, see <>. A workaround in platform specific loader code seems OK if limited to local files, but I don't think that simply extending the set of XHTML types would be.
Martin Robinson
Comment 2 2013-05-20 09:36:39 PDT
Sounds reasonable to me. I'm still not sure what package forced the bogus MIME type, but depending on how common it is, we can either do a work-around in the soup backend or inform whatever project that they are polluting the MIME type tools.
John A. Bilicki III
Comment 3 2021-05-22 17:27:35 PDT
This bug report is confusing. The correct mime for example.xhtml is application/xhtml+xml. The title of this bug suggests that XHTML files should be served as application/x-extension-xhtml. While the first post conflicts with that. I just filed a bug report with an XHTML test case which Safari is clearly using the HTML parser (uppercase nodeName, e.g. DIV) instead of the XML parser (lowercase nodeName, e.g. div):
Martin Robinson
Comment 4 2021-05-24 01:16:14 PDT
I haven't seen this bug again in 8 years, so I'm going to close this. :)
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