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overflow does not work on multicol containers
overflow does not work on multicol containers
Lea Verou
2013-05-18 15:33:18 PDT
Regardless of the specified overflow, it’s always treated as hidden. Bug present in the latest WebKit nightlies. Testcase works as expected in Firefox and Opera. (Sorry for the dabblet link, its raw HTML view doesn't work at the moment.)
test case
(2.08 KB, text/html)
2013-05-19 23:06 PDT
Philippe Wittenbergh
no flags
Safari 15.5 matches other browsers
(2.20 MB, image/png)
2022-06-16 16:28 PDT
Ahmad Saleem
no flags
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Sam Weinig
Comment 1
2013-05-19 13:17:05 PDT
(In reply to
comment #0
> Regardless of the specified overflow, it’s always treated as hidden. > > Bug present in the latest WebKit nightlies. Testcase works as expected in Firefox and Opera. > > (Sorry for the dabblet link, its raw HTML view doesn't work at the moment.)
The link goes to a test case about "column-span does not work if multicol container is floated". Is that what you meant to link to? Also, we generally prefer test cases attached to the bug, in case the site hosting your test goes down.
Lea Verou
Comment 2
2013-05-19 16:37:35 PDT
(In reply to
comment #1
> (In reply to
comment #0
) > > Regardless of the specified overflow, it’s always treated as hidden. > > > > Bug present in the latest WebKit nightlies. Testcase works as expected in Firefox and Opera. > > > > (Sorry for the dabblet link, its raw HTML view doesn't work at the moment.) > > The link goes to a test case about "column-span does not work if multicol container is floated". Is that what you meant to link to? Also, we generally prefer test cases attached to the bug, in case the site hosting your test goes down.
Sorry about that, updated the URL. I know it’s preferable to attach testcases but my time is limited too :) I hope it’s helpful this way as well, even if it’s not the perfect bug report. :)
Philippe Wittenbergh
Comment 3
2013-05-19 23:00:19 PDT
I don't think it has to do with the overflow property in the strict sense. The (individual) column clips the overflow on both left and right sides (LTR mode). Opera 12.1 and IE 10 don't do that (they only clip on the right side). I'll attach a test case next.
Philippe Wittenbergh
Comment 4
2013-05-19 23:06:32 PDT
attachment 202260
test case Test case per
comment 3
In all 3 boxes the headline has a negative left margin. The first box uses column-span: all; (and prefixed) and works correctly. The second and third box clip the headline (white-space: nowrap to force overflow). WebKit (
) clips the headline on both sides, while Opera 12.1 and IE 10 show the left part of the headline 'out of the box'. Adding overflow: visible (as in Lea's test case) makes no difference; with overflow: auto, Opera 12.1, IE 10 and WebKit agree on the rendering.
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 5
2022-06-16 16:28:50 PDT
attachment 460281
Safari 15.5 matches other browsers Based on URL "Dabbblet" link and also test case attached, I am unable to reproduce this bug in Safari 15.5 on macOS 12.4. It matches other browsers, I have attached screenshot based on one of the test case across all browsers and Safari is overflowing headlines same as other browsers. I think this can be closed as "RESOLVED CONFIGURATION CHANGED". Thanks! If I am testing incorrectly, please retest accordingly. Thanks!
Ryosuke Niwa
Comment 6
2022-06-16 22:58:39 PDT
Yup, configuration changed it is.
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