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HeapTimer lifetime should be less complicated
HeapTimer lifetime should be less complicated
Mark Hahnenberg
2013-04-12 13:21:23 PDT
Right now our HeapTimer lifetime is rather complicated. HeapTimers are "owned" by the JSGlobalData, but there's an issue in that there can be races between a thread that is trying to tear down a JSGlobalData and the HeapTimer's fire function. Our current code for tearing down HeapTimers is an intricate and delicate dance which probably contains subtle bugs. We can make our lives easier by changing things around a bit. (1) We should free the API lock from being solely owned by the JSGlobalData so we don't have to worry about grabbing the lock out of invalid memory when our HeapTimer callback fires. (2) We should also make it so that we deref the JSGlobalData first, then unlock the API lock so that when we have the lock, the JSGlobalData is in one of two states: fully valid or completely destroyed, and we know exactly which one. (3) The JSLock can tell us this information by keeping a back pointer to the JSGlobalData. When the JSGlobalData's destructor is called, it clears this pointer in the JSLock. Other clients of the API lock can then check this pointer to determine whether or not the JSGlobalData is still around. (4) The CFRunLoopTimer will use the API lock as its context rather than the HeapTimer itself. The only way the HeapTimer's callback can get to the HeapTimer is through the API lock's JSGlobalData pointer. (5) The CFRunLoopTimerContext struct has two fields for retain and release callbacks for the context's info field. We'll provide these callbacks to ref() and deref() the JSLock as necessary. Thus, the timer becomes the other owner of the JSLock apart from the JSGlobalData.
(18.88 KB, patch)
2013-04-12 13:39 PDT
Mark Hahnenberg
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(23.61 KB, patch)
2013-04-12 17:12 PDT
Mark Hahnenberg
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(23.63 KB, patch)
2013-04-13 16:36 PDT
Mark Hahnenberg
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(24.44 KB, patch)
2013-04-15 09:54 PDT
Mark Hahnenberg
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(24.49 KB, patch)
2013-04-15 13:45 PDT
Mark Hahnenberg
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Mark Hahnenberg
Comment 1
2013-04-12 13:39:08 PDT
attachment 197880
Darin Adler
Comment 2
2013-04-12 13:51:11 PDT
Comment on
attachment 197880
Patch View in context:
review- because I think you’ll want to make at least one of the changes I suggest
> Source/JavaScriptCore/jsc.cpp:765 > - RefPtr<JSGlobalData> globalData = JSGlobalData::create(LargeHeap); > - JSLockHolder lock(globalData.get()); > + JSGlobalData* globalData = JSGlobalData::create(LargeHeap).leakRef(); > + APIEntryShim shim(globalData);
I don’t understand this change. Change log does not make it clear. Per-function comments can sometimes help with this.
> Source/JavaScriptCore/testRegExp.cpp:504 > - RefPtr<JSGlobalData> globalData = JSGlobalData::create(LargeHeap); > - JSLockHolder lock(globalData.get()); > + JSGlobalData* globalData = JSGlobalData::create(LargeHeap).leakRef(); > + APIEntryShim shim(globalData);
I don’t understand this change.
> Source/JavaScriptCore/heap/Heap.cpp:266 > + , m_activityCallback(adoptPtr(DefaultGCActivityCallback::create(this))) > + , m_sweeper(adoptPtr(IncrementalSweeper::create(this)))
Instead of changing these call sites, the return types of the create functions should be changed to PassOwnPtr. We want the calls to adoptPtr to be right where the call to new is, not somewhere else.
> Source/JavaScriptCore/heap/Heap.cpp:816 > void Heap::setActivityCallback(GCActivityCallback* activityCallback) > { > - m_activityCallback = activityCallback; > + m_activityCallback = adoptPtr(activityCallback); > }
The argument type of setActivityCallback should be changed to PassOwnPtr. We want the calls to adoptPtr to be right where the call to new is, not somewhere else.
> Source/JavaScriptCore/heap/HeapTimer.cpp:56 > + m_context.retain = &retainAPILock; > + m_context.release = &releaseAPILock;
I don’t think these & operators are needed, and I normally prefer to omit them.
> Source/JavaScriptCore/heap/HeapTimer.h:29 > +#include "JSLock.h"
Why is this include needed? I don’t see any changes to the header below that seem to require it.
> Source/JavaScriptCore/heap/HeapTimer.h:73 > + static const void* retainAPILock(const void*); > + static void releaseAPILock(const void*);
Why do these need to be member functions? Can’t they just be free functions, private to the cpp file?
Mark Hahnenberg
Comment 3
2013-04-12 17:12:54 PDT
attachment 197912
Early Warning System Bot
Comment 4
2013-04-12 17:26:31 PDT
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attachment 197912
Attachment 197912
did not pass qt-ews (qt): Output:
Early Warning System Bot
Comment 5
2013-04-12 17:27:53 PDT
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attachment 197912
Attachment 197912
did not pass qt-wk2-ews (qt): Output:
Build Bot
Comment 6
2013-04-13 06:25:36 PDT
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attachment 197912
Attachment 197912
did not pass win-ews (win): Output:
Mark Hahnenberg
Comment 7
2013-04-13 16:36:51 PDT
attachment 197962
Early Warning System Bot
Comment 8
2013-04-13 16:45:26 PDT
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attachment 197962
Attachment 197962
did not pass qt-ews (qt): Output:
Early Warning System Bot
Comment 9
2013-04-14 01:47:53 PDT
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attachment 197962
Attachment 197962
did not pass qt-wk2-ews (qt): Output:
Mark Hahnenberg
Comment 10
2013-04-15 09:54:37 PDT
attachment 198131
Oliver Hunt
Comment 11
2013-04-15 10:54:40 PDT
Comment on
attachment 198131
Patch View in context:
> Source/JavaScriptCore/testRegExp.cpp:504 > - RefPtr<JSGlobalData> globalData = JSGlobalData::create(LargeHeap); > - JSLockHolder lock(globalData.get()); > + JSGlobalData* globalData = JSGlobalData::create(LargeHeap).leakRef(); > + APIEntryShim shim(globalData);
Why can't we use a refptr here anymore?
> Source/JavaScriptCore/API/APIShims.h:55 > JSGlobalData* m_globalData;
Just make m_globalData a RefPtr<> now
> Source/JavaScriptCore/API/APIShims.h:79 > + RefPtr<JSLock> apiLock = &m_globalData->apiLock(); > + m_globalData->deref(); > + apiLock->unlock();
Just make APIEntryShim have a JSLockHolder to hold on to apiLock, if it's still strictly necessary you can just do m_globalData.clear()
Mark Hahnenberg
Comment 12
2013-04-15 11:05:58 PDT
Comment on
attachment 198131
Patch View in context:
>> Source/JavaScriptCore/testRegExp.cpp:504 >> + APIEntryShim shim(globalData); > > Why can't we use a refptr here anymore?
Because we need to hold the lock when we destroy a JSGlobalData, but we destroy the JSLockHolder first (which releases the lock), then the RefPtr (which destroys the JSGlobalData).
Mark Hahnenberg
Comment 13
2013-04-15 11:08:16 PDT
> Because we need to hold the lock when we destroy a JSGlobalData, but we destroy the JSLockHolder first (which releases the lock), then the RefPtr (which destroys the JSGlobalData).
I guess we could continue to use a RefPtr, but explicitly clear it prior to releasing the API lock.
Oliver Hunt
Comment 14
2013-04-15 12:07:00 PDT
(In reply to
comment #12
> (From update of
attachment 198131
) > View in context:
> > >> Source/JavaScriptCore/testRegExp.cpp:504 > >> + APIEntryShim shim(globalData); > > > > Why can't we use a refptr here anymore? > > Because we need to hold the lock when we destroy a JSGlobalData, but we destroy the JSLockHolder first (which releases the lock), then the RefPtr (which destroys the JSGlobalData).
What happens if we just make the api lock object refcounted, the heap can reference it, the timer can reference it, etc, etc. Then the lock automatically becomes the last thing to die
Mark Hahnenberg
Comment 15
2013-04-15 13:45:46 PDT
attachment 198180
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 16
2013-04-15 16:16:33 PDT
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attachment 198180
Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 198180 Committed
: <
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 17
2013-04-15 16:16:35 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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