Web Inspector: Flame Chart. OverviewPane should show JS cpu usage instead of callStack depth
Summary Web Inspector: Flame Chart. OverviewPane should show JS cpu usage instead of ...
Reported 2013-03-27 02:07:05 PDT
Currently, overview panel of FlameChart is drawn according to callstack depth(the deeper JS call, the higher point in canvas), which is a little misleading I think. I've thought the higher part is javascript hotspot. Can we use JS cpu usage instead of that? for example use non program/idle ticks to calculate usage. :) thanks Pan
Brian Burg
Comment 1 2014-12-12 13:29:15 PST
Closing as invalid, as this bug pertains to the old inspector UI and/or its tests. Please file a new bug ( if the bug/feature/issue is still relevant to WebKit trunk.
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