Web Inspector: Flame Chart. Provide Overview pane for better user expirience
Summary Web Inspector: Flame Chart. Provide Overview pane for better user expirience
Ilya Tikhonovsky
Reported 2013-03-16 02:49:09 PDT
Patch (6.72 KB, patch)
2013-03-16 02:59 PDT, Ilya Tikhonovsky
no flags
screenshot with overview grid and curtains (127.82 KB, image/png)
2013-03-16 03:08 PDT, Ilya Tikhonovsky
no flags
Patch (15.91 KB, patch)
2013-03-20 08:22 PDT, Ilya Tikhonovsky
no flags
new screenshot (64.71 KB, image/png)
2013-03-20 08:24 PDT, Ilya Tikhonovsky
no flags
Patch (15.24 KB, patch)
2013-03-20 08:53 PDT, Ilya Tikhonovsky
yurys: review+
Ilya Tikhonovsky
Comment 1 2013-03-16 02:59:46 PDT
Ilya Tikhonovsky
Comment 2 2013-03-16 03:08:13 PDT
Created attachment 193434 [details] screenshot with overview grid and curtains
Ilya Tikhonovsky
Comment 3 2013-03-16 03:12:45 PDT
Looks like need to have overview grid on top of the chart and second grid on bottom. Otherwise it might confuse the web developer. I'll do that in the next patch.
Pavel Feldman
Comment 4 2013-03-16 03:24:10 PDT
Comment on attachment 193433 [details] Patch View in context: > Source/WebCore/inspector/front-end/FlameChart.js:442 > + = this._overviewContainer.clientHeight; width = height? > Source/WebCore/inspector/front-end/FlameChart.js:444 > + this._overviewTimelineGrid.showCurtains(this._overviewCalculator._gapOffset, this._overviewCalculator._gapWidth); Curtains should be removed from that component. They are for a different thing. You should add draggable window here. > Source/WebCore/inspector/front-end/flameChart.css:30 > + left: 0px; timeline-cpu style is private to timeline. it should load lazily with timeline panel so it won't apply here.
Ilya Tikhonovsky
Comment 5 2013-03-20 08:22:35 PDT
Ilya Tikhonovsky
Comment 6 2013-03-20 08:24:31 PDT
Created attachment 194065 [details] new screenshot
Ilya Tikhonovsky
Comment 7 2013-03-20 08:53:13 PDT
Ilya Tikhonovsky
Comment 8 2013-03-20 08:54:37 PDT
it is the first patch from the set. See meta bug:
Yury Semikhatsky
Comment 9 2013-03-20 09:08:11 PDT
Comment on attachment 194069 [details] Patch View in context: > Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:13 > + Drive by change: fix the drag window & drag resizer mechancs for the case when parent element has zero offsetLeft. mechancs ? > Source/WebCore/inspector/front-end/FlameChart.js:62 > + this._canvas.onmousemove = this._onMouseMove.bind(this); Why not addEventListener?
Ilya Tikhonovsky
Comment 10 2013-03-20 09:21:39 PDT
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