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fast/frames/sandboxed-iframe-scripting is flakey
fast/frames/sandboxed-iframe-scripting is flakey
Simon Fraser (smfr)
2013-03-15 17:12:43 PDT
The ordering of "ALERT: PASS: Executed script in data URL" and "CONSOLE MESSAGE: Blocked script execution in 'data:text/html,<script> alert('FAIL: Executed script without allow-scripts in data URL'); </script>' because the document's frame is sandboxed and the 'allow-scripts' permission is not set." seems unpredictable.
(14.72 KB, patch)
2013-03-16 04:14 PDT
Mike West
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Mike West
Comment 1
2013-03-16 01:32:51 PDT
I love iframes. *sigh* I suspect this is due to the iframes loading in an unpredictable order. We shouldn't have multiple iframes in a test if we're not chaining them onload. I'll take a look at this shortly, thanks for filing the bug!
Mike West
Comment 2
2013-03-16 04:14:34 PDT
attachment 193435
Mike West
Comment 3
2013-03-16 09:36:37 PDT
Comment on
attachment 193435
Patch Thanks for the review!
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 4
2013-03-16 09:45:57 PDT
Comment on
attachment 193435
Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 193435 Committed
: <
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 5
2013-03-16 09:46:00 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 6
2013-03-16 12:05:26 PDT
fast/frames/sandboxed-iframe-navigation-allowed.html is asserting now:
Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000000bbadbeef VM Regions Near 0xbbadbeef: --> __TEXT 0000000104bb5000-0000000104c50000 [ 620K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Volumes/VOLUME/* Application Specific Information: CRASHING TEST: fast/frames/sandboxed-iframe-navigation-allowed.html objc[12207]: garbage collection is OFF Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000107ce2a04 WebCore::ResourceHandle::setDefersLoading(bool) + 196 (ResourceHandle.cpp:202) 1 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000107ceec51 WebCore::ResourceLoader::setDefersLoading(bool) + 113 (ResourceLoader.cpp:179) 2 com.apple.WebCore 0x000000010783e6f6 WebCore::MainResourceLoader::setDefersLoading(bool) + 86 (MainResourceLoader.cpp:478) 3 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000106ae283d WebCore::DocumentLoader::setDefersLoading(bool) + 93 (DocumentLoader.cpp:1039) 4 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000106dbd72d WebCore::FrameLoader::setDefersLoading(bool) + 93 (FrameLoader.cpp:277) 5 com.apple.WebCore 0x000000010792fa1a WebCore::Page::setDefersLoading(bool) + 490 (Page.cpp:691) 6 com.apple.WebKit 0x0000000105fdddd0 -[WebBaseNetscapePluginView start] + 448 (WebBaseNetscapePluginView.mm:404) 7 com.apple.WebKit 0x0000000105fde726 -[WebBaseNetscapePluginView viewDidMoveToWindow] + 262 (WebBaseNetscapePluginView.mm:559) 8 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff878923a5 -[NSView _setWindow:] + 2618 9 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff878905bd -[NSView addSubview:] + 405 10 com.apple.WebKit 0x0000000106067a79 -[WebHTMLView addSubview:] + 73 (WebHTMLView.mm:3004) 11 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000107d976e4 WebCore::ScrollView::platformAddChild(WebCore::Widget*) + 356 (ScrollViewMac.mm:73) 12 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000107d8df53 WebCore::ScrollView::addChild(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Widget>) + 259 (ScrollView.cpp:77) 13 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000107ccdc06 _ZN7WebCoreL22moveWidgetToParentSoonEPNS_6WidgetEPNS_9FrameViewE + 102 (RenderWidget.cpp:80) 14 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000107ccdb88 WebCore::RenderWidget::setWidget(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Widget>) + 552 (RenderWidget.cpp:214) 15 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000107ba58c3 WebCore::RenderPart::setWidget(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Widget>) + 99 (RenderPart.cpp:57) 16 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000107f0a1c7 WebCore::SubframeLoader::loadPlugin(WebCore::HTMLPlugInImageElement*, WebCore::KURL const&, WTF::String const&, WTF::Vector<WTF::String, 0ul> const&, WTF::Vector<WTF::String, 0ul> const&, bool) + 695 (SubframeLoader.cpp:465) 17 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000107f09e19 WebCore::SubframeLoader::requestPlugin(WebCore::HTMLPlugInImageElement*, WebCore::KURL const&, WTF::String const&, WTF::Vector<WTF::String, 0ul> const&, WTF::Vector<WTF::String, 0ul> const&, bool) + 297 (SubframeLoader.cpp:160) 18 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000107f0a3e9 WebCore::SubframeLoader::requestObject(WebCore::HTMLPlugInImageElement*, WTF::String const&, WTF::AtomicString const&, WTF::String const&, WTF::Vector<WTF::String, 0ul> const&, WTF::Vector<WTF::String, 0ul> const&) + 473 (SubframeLoader.cpp:235) 19 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000106fcfcc8 WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::updateWidget(WebCore::PluginCreationOption) + 760 (HTMLObjectElement.cpp:324) 20 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000106df293c WebCore::FrameView::updateWidget(WebCore::RenderObject*) + 588 (FrameView.cpp:2544) 21 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000106df2b89 WebCore::FrameView::updateWidgets() + 489 (FrameView.cpp:2582) 22 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000106decf7d WebCore::FrameView::performPostLayoutTasks() + 749 (FrameView.cpp:2657) 23 com.apple.WebCore 0x0000000106dec729 WebCore::FrameView::layout(bool) + 4169 (FrameView.cpp:1332) ...
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 7
2013-03-16 22:14:28 PDT
bug 111902
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