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div.classList.add('a', 'a') creates duplicate entries
div.classList.add('a', 'a') creates duplicate entries
Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek
2013-03-04 05:56:32 PST
div.classList.add('a', 'a') should IMHO add only one instance of 'a' to div.classList.
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Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek
Comment 1
2013-03-04 13:20:48 PST
One result of this issue is that results of invoking: div.classList.add(sth1, sth2); and: div.classList.add(sth1); div.classList.add(sth2); are different, which is unintuitive.
Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek
Comment 2
2013-03-04 13:23:39 PST
(In reply to
comment #1
> One result of this issue is that results of invoking: > > div.classList.add(sth1, sth2); > > and: > > div.classList.add(sth1); > div.classList.add(sth2); > > are different, which is unintuitive.
Correction: results CAN be different, not ARE different, of course.
Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek
Comment 3
2013-03-05 00:18:29 PST
OK, this is not only my view, this is what spec dictates:
"A DOMTokenList object has an associated list of unique tokens, which is initially empty." So it's clearly WebKit's bug.
Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek
Comment 4
2013-04-17 10:37:17 PDT
Chromium ticket:
Andrea Giammarchi
Comment 5
2013-10-08 18:42:41 PDT
confirmed and fixed/verified through the test 74 in here:
The check is basically this one: div.classList.add('a', 'b', 'a'); assert(div.className === 'a b'); the test against to verify it works is the one showed here: div.classList.add('a', 'a'); assert(div.className === 'a'); Very weird this bus hasn't been confirmed yet since it's clearly stated about being unique tokens. What would be the reason to have twice the same class otherwise, having an `!important` effect ? Thanks for fixing this, I don't really want to rely on JS to fix such simple CSS classList core gotcha. Best Regards
Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek
Comment 6
2013-12-29 14:17:34 PST
The issue has been fixed in Chrome over two months ago, I also got some feedback in a sensible time after reporting. Meanwhile, here no one seems to bother. Could sb at least triage this? Important, not important, some milestone? This lack of response is disheartening.
Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek
Comment 7
2015-08-28 11:20:17 PDT
I wish someone looked at those bug reports. :( Thankfully, this has been fixed in Safari 8.
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