Get rid of two silly static null Strings
Summary Get rid of two silly static null Strings
Benjamin Poulain
Reported 2013-03-01 00:35:32 PST
Get rid of two silly static null Strings
Patch (2.00 KB, patch)
2013-03-01 00:40 PST, Benjamin Poulain
no flags
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 1 2013-03-01 00:40:55 PST
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 2 2013-03-01 00:43:08 PST
Before: __ZNK7WebCore4Page9groupNameEv: 0000000000001750 pushq %rbp 0000000000001751 movq %rsp,%rbp 0000000000001754 pushq %rbx 0000000000001755 pushq %rax 0000000000001756 movq %rdi,%rbx 0000000000001759 movb __ZGVZNK7WebCore4Page9groupNameEvE10nullString.b(%rip),%al 000000000000175f cmpb $0x01,%al 0000000000001761 jne 0x0000176c 0000000000001763 movq __ZZNK7WebCore4Page9groupNameEvE10nullString(%rip),%rax 000000000000176a jmp 0x0000178b 000000000000176c movl $0x00000008,%edi 0000000000001771 callq __ZN3WTF10fastMallocEm 0000000000001776 movq $__ZN7WebCore17deviceScaleFactorEPNS_5FrameE,(%rax) 000000000000177d movq %rax,__ZZNK7WebCore4Page9groupNameEvE10nullString(%rip) 0000000000001784 movb $0x01,__ZGVZNK7WebCore4Page9groupNameEvE10nullString.b+0xffffffff(%rip) 000000000000178b movq 0x00000110(%rbx),%rcx 0000000000001792 testq %rcx,%rcx 0000000000001795 leaq 0x18(%rcx),%rcx 0000000000001799 cmoveq %rax,%rcx 000000000000179d movq %rcx,%rax 00000000000017a0 addq $0x08,%rsp 00000000000017a4 popq %rbx 00000000000017a5 popq %rbp 00000000000017a6 ret After (I like that Clang made is jmp free :)): __ZNK7WebCore4Page9groupNameEv: 0000000000001820 pushq %rbp 0000000000001821 movq %rsp,%rbp 0000000000001824 movq 0x00000110(%rdi),%rax 000000000000182b testq %rax,%rax 000000000000182e leaq 0x18(%rax),%rax 0000000000001832 cmoveq __ZN3WTF8nullAtomE(%rip),%rax 000000000000183a popq %rbp 000000000000183b ret
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 3 2013-03-01 02:11:18 PST
Comment on attachment 190901 [details] Patch LGTM.
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 4 2013-03-01 02:15:21 PST
Comment on attachment 190901 [details] Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 190901 Committed r144432: <>
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 5 2013-03-01 02:15:24 PST
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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