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bug 11931
Hit testing for polylines fails
Hit testing for polylines fails
Rob Buis
2006-09-30 05:10:01 PDT
When using the default pointer-events value, polylines should react to hit testing if filled with paint. In ToT this fails atm. Will append a testcase soon.
First attempt
(8.85 KB, patch)
2006-09-30 06:15 PDT
Rob Buis
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Rob Buis
Comment 1
2006-09-30 06:15:01 PDT
attachment 10846
First attempt Fix for
bug 11096
:) Cheers, Rob.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 2
2006-09-30 06:21:32 PDT
Comment on
attachment 10846
First attempt Looks good. But you need a better comment. Here is a suggestion: // CGPathContainsPoint returns false for non-closed paths, as a work-around, we copy and close the path first. Radar 4758998 asks for a better CG API to use We could also consider only ever copying the path if CGPathContainsPoint returns false. I'm just not sure how expensive CGPathContainsPoint is relative to a malloc.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 3
2006-09-30 06:28:21 PDT
I was just discussing this with rob again in the channel. This code is run on mousemove (if you're mousing over an SVG, so the malloc could be a significant problem. Another optimization could be to first check the bbox, only if it's in the bbox check CGPathContainsPoint, then only if that returned false, do we copy the path close it, and check again. Not sure all that optimization is necessary. We'd have to shark it.
Anders Carlsson
Comment 4
2006-11-02 19:31:26 PST
Comment on
attachment 10846
First attempt Marking this r- until a solution is found, so this won't show up in the commit queue.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 5
2007-06-05 13:01:33 PDT
This is fixed on TOT. I fixed this when fixing an earlier related bug (in way which also causes copy/mallocs, unfortunately. :( *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of
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