Test added in http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/143541 fails. The circles has no sharp edges, it seems like a very low resolution circle. http://build.webkit.sed.hu/results/x86-64%20Linux%20Qt%20Release/r143573%20%2848385%29/svg/as-background-image/svg-transformed-background-diffs.html
Thanks for filing this Zoltan. This is the core change that was made: http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/143541/trunk/Source/WebCore/svg/graphics/SVGImage.cpp I'm wondering if the context's CTM is different on Cario?
Apologies to the Qt port! Qt uses QPainter, not Cairo. It looks like Skia and CG use the total transform in Image->drawPattern whereas ImageQT only uses the pattern transform. This seems different, if nothing else. http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/qt/ImageQt.cpp#L134 QT port maintainers: is this a known difference in the drawPattern code?
=== Bulk closing of Qt bugs === If you believe that this bug report is still relevant for a non-Qt port of webkit.org, please re-open it and remove [Qt] from the summary. If you believe that this is still an important QtWebKit bug, please fill a new report at https://bugreports.qt-project.org and add a link to this issue. See http://qt-project.org/wiki/ReportingBugsInQt for additional guidelines.