NEW 109219
LocalMediaStream wrapped as a MediaStream despite having IDL for the subtype.
Summary LocalMediaStream wrapped as a MediaStream despite having IDL for the subtype.
Thomas Sepez
Reported 2013-02-07 12:41:52 PST
Spun off from LocalMediaStream wrapped as a MediaStream despite having IDL for the subtype. 0x01fca175 [Google Chrome Framework] + 0x01fa9175] WebCore::V8MediaStream::createWrapper(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::MediaStream>, v8::Handle<v8::Object>, v8::Isolate*) 0x01eab664 [Google Chrome Framework] + 0x01e8a664] WebCore::MediaStreamAudioDestinationNodeV8Internal::streamAttrGetter(v8::Local<v8::String>, v8::AccessorInfo const&) 0x0142e86f [Google Chrome Framework] + 0x0140d86f] v8::internal::JSObject::GetPropertyWithCallback(v8::internal::Object*, v8::internal::Object*, v8::internal::String*) 0x0142e62c [Google Chrome Framework] + 0x0140d62c] v8::internal::Object::GetProperty(v8::internal::Object*, v8::internal::LookupResult*, v8::internal::String*, PropertyAttributes*) 0x013dcc8c [Google Chrome Framework] + 0x013bbc8c] v8::internal::LoadIC::Load(v8::internal::InlineCacheState, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>) 0x013e06e5 [Google Chrome Framework] + 0x013bf6e5] v8::internal::LoadIC_Miss(v8::internal::Arguments, v8::internal::Isolate*) The stop() method in LocalMediaStream.idl won't be available on a local media stream wrapped in this manner. Need a custom wrapper to check if islocal and wrap accordingly.
Tommy Widenflycht
Comment 1 2013-02-08 02:37:56 PST
In this case it won't be a problem; but the general issue should be sorted out. There is some movement in actually throwing away the LocalMediaStream in the standardization WG and I'll bring it up next week. I will also talk with the WebAudio editor ( if it is more appropriate for it to have a LocalMediaStream instead. If both are "negative" I'll add a custom toV8 method.
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