Rename ENUM_CLASS_BEGIN() macro to ENUM_CLASS() + make DatabaseType a strong enum
Summary Rename ENUM_CLASS_BEGIN() macro to ENUM_CLASS() + make DatabaseType a strong ...
Mark Lam
Reported 2013-02-05 16:04:05 PST
Rename ENUM_CLASS_BEGIN() macro to ENUM_CLASS(), and make DatabaseType a strong enum.
the patch. (6.24 KB, patch)
2013-02-05 16:08 PST, Mark Lam
ap: review+
Mark Lam
Comment 1 2013-02-05 16:08:59 PST
Created attachment 186720 [details] the patch.
Mark Lam
Comment 2 2013-02-05 16:10:41 PST
Here's another small EnumClass patch. May I have a review please? Thanks.
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 3 2013-02-05 16:12:05 PST
Attachment 186720 [details] did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['Tools/Scripts/check-webkit-style', '--diff-files', u'Source/WTF/ChangeLog', u'Source/WTF/wtf/EnumClass.h', u'Source/WebCore/ChangeLog', u'Source/WebCore/Modules/webdatabase/DatabaseBackend.cpp', u'Source/WebCore/Modules/webdatabase/DatabaseBackend.h', u'Source/WebCore/Modules/webdatabase/DatabaseBackendAsync.cpp', u'Source/WebCore/Modules/webdatabase/DatabaseBackendSync.cpp', u'Source/WebCore/Modules/webdatabase/DatabaseBasicTypes.h', u'Source/WebCore/Modules/webdatabase/DatabaseError.h']" exit_code: 1 Source/WebCore/Modules/webdatabase/DatabaseError.h:35: Place brace on its own line for function definitions. [whitespace/braces] [4] Source/WebCore/Modules/webdatabase/DatabaseBasicTypes.h:38: Place brace on its own line for function definitions. [whitespace/braces] [4] Total errors found: 2 in 8 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Mark Lam
Comment 4 2013-02-05 17:01:40 PST
Thanks for the review. Landed in r141950: <>.
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