NEW 108363
REGRESSION (r141265): fullscreen/full-screen-iframe-legacy.html, fullscreen/video-specified-size.html failing
Summary REGRESSION (r141265): fullscreen/full-screen-iframe-legacy.html, fullscreen/v...
Zan Dobersek
Reported 2013-01-30 11:53:54 PST
fullscreen/full-screen-iframe-legacy.html and fullscreen/video-specified-size.html tests are failing, most likely due to changes in r141265. The dashboard isn't showing these as failures until r141273, but I see no way how that commit could affect these tests. --- /home/slave/webkitgtk/gtk-linux-64-release/build/layout-test-results/fullscreen/full-screen-iframe-legacy-expected.txt +++ /home/slave/webkitgtk/gtk-linux-64-release/build/layout-test-results/fullscreen/full-screen-iframe-legacy-actual.txt @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ To test manually, click the video "full screen" button - the page should enter full screen mode. EVENT(webkitfullscreenchange) -TEST(document.getElementById('frame').contentDocument.width==document.width) OK +TEST(document.getElementById('frame').contentDocument.width==document.width) FAIL END OF TEST --- /home/slave/webkitgtk/gtk-linux-64-release/build/layout-test-results/fullscreen/video-specified-size-expected.txt +++ /home/slave/webkitgtk/gtk-linux-64-release/build/layout-test-results/fullscreen/video-specified-size-actual.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -EVENT(webkitfullscreenchange) TEST(video.clientWidth==document.body.clientWidth) OK +EVENT(webkitfullscreenchange) TEST(video.clientWidth==document.body.clientWidth) FAIL END OF TEST
Philippe Normand
Comment 1 2013-01-30 23:28:23 PST
Yes this is a regression in the sense that when NATIVE_FULLSCREEN_VIDEO is enabled at build time then a fullscreen-ing a video will not use all the FULLSCREEN_API code paths. So it's expected that these two tests fail now. We should unflag them once we have a working Video AC implementation. When that happens we can disable the NATIVE_FULLSCREEN_VIDEO feature at build time.
Simon Pena
Comment 2 2013-06-28 01:29:40 PDT
Hi, fast/regions/full-screen-video-from-region.html fullscreen/full-screen-crash-offsetLeft.html fullscreen/full-screen-no-style-sharing.html fullscreen/full-screen-stacking-context.html fullscreen/video-controls-override.html fullscreen/video-specified-size.html are no longer timing out, although fullscreen/video-specified-size.html is slow.
Philippe Normand
Comment 3 2013-06-28 01:58:12 PDT
Because the commit that introduced this regression was rolled out I suppose :)
Philippe Normand
Comment 4 2013-06-28 01:58:45 PDT
Oh sorry, ignore this comment, wrong bug
Philippe Normand
Comment 5 2013-06-28 01:59:39 PDT
So, NATIVE_FULLSCREEN_VIDEO was actually disabled recently by Calvaris.
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