Web Inspector: [Styles] HTML color names not converted to RGB/HEX/HSL when "Color format" feature used
Summary Web Inspector: [Styles] HTML color names not converted to RGB/HEX/HSL when "C...
Alexander Pavlov (apavlov)
Reported 2013-01-14 01:53:00 PST
Steps to reproduce the problem: 1. inspect an element that has a color defined using HTML colors (ie. 'red', 'crimson', 'blue') 2. Use 'color format' feature in the top right corner of 'Sytles' pane to change the format to any of HEX/RGB/HSL What is the expected behavior? Named colors should be converted to HEX/RGB/HSL (ie. crimson -> #DC143C). What went wrong? Colors defined using HTML color names are not converted (while all other colors are). Upstreaming
Patch (1.75 KB, patch)
2013-01-14 02:07 PST, Alexander Pavlov (apavlov)
vsevik: review+
Alexander Pavlov (apavlov)
Comment 1 2013-01-14 02:07:43 PST
Alexander Pavlov (apavlov)
Comment 2 2013-01-14 02:14:50 PST
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