WebKit Bugzilla
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Failure building with python3
Failure building with python3
Laszlo Papp
2013-01-11 02:16:08 PST
See the patch for addressing the python3 issue.
(4.25 KB, patch)
2013-01-11 02:17 PST
Laszlo Papp
no flags
Formatted Diff
Updated change with changelog
(5.38 KB, patch)
2013-01-23 22:40 PST
Laszlo Papp
: review-
Formatted Diff
(5.13 KB, patch)
2013-08-23 05:15 PDT
Zan Dobersek
no flags
Formatted Diff
With fixed ChangeLog
(5.08 KB, patch)
2013-08-23 05:25 PDT
Zan Dobersek
no flags
Formatted Diff
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Laszlo Papp
Comment 1
2013-01-11 02:17:33 PST
attachment 182300
Andras Becsi
Comment 2
2013-01-11 02:32:52 PST
Comment on
attachment 182300
print-function-usage-patch This patch misses a ChangeLog. Please refer to
for more information. Also, please set review? and commit-queue? if you'd like your patch to be reviewed and committed.
Bruno Abinader (history only)
Comment 3
2013-01-11 05:24:45 PST
Hi Laszlo :) Good to see you around WebKit! Please let me give you a few hints on how WebKit patches should look like: - Every WebKit patch should contain at least one ChangeLog entry, with respect to the subdirectory the modifications were made (ie. Source/JavaScriptCore/ChangeLog). - The ChangeLog entry should follow the guideline described in [1]. You can take advantage of a script called 'Tools/Scripts/prepare-ChangeLog -g HEAD', where HEAD is the top of your git branch, for example. Links: [1]
Simon Hausmann
Comment 4
2013-01-15 03:51:29 PST
I've submitted your patch to the EWS to see if there are any technical issues with it from a building POV, but yeah, as Andras and Bruno point out: The patch needs a ChangeLog. The workflow I would recommend is to run (1) Tools/Scripts/webkit-patch prepare 106645 (2) Then complete the editing of the ChangeLog files prepared by the above command (3) Tools/Scripts/webkit-patch post --request-commit That'll upload a new patch into this bug report and set the request review/commit flags accordingly, so that the patch can be processed for review and submission.
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 5
2013-01-15 03:52:31 PST
Attachment 182300
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['Tools/Scripts/check-webkit-style', '--diff-files', u'Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/..." exit_code: 1 Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_opcode.py:228: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_opcode.py:229: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_opcode.py:231: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_optable.py:89: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_optable.py:91: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/itab.py:277: [UdItabGenerator.genInsnTable] Using variable 'pfx' before assignment [pylint/E0601] [5] Total errors found: 6 in 3 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Laszlo Papp
Comment 6
2013-01-23 22:40:19 PST
attachment 184403
Updated change with changelog @Simon: Tools/Scripts/webkit-patch prepare 106645 Can't find a branch to diff against. svn-remote.svn.fetch is not in the git config and refs/remotes/origin/master does not exist Can't find a branch to diff against. svn-remote.svn.fetch is not in the git config and refs/remotes/origin/master does not exist
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 7
2013-01-23 23:15:40 PST
Comment on
attachment 184403
Updated change with changelog Wrong patch format + wrong attachment flags.
Laszlo Papp
Comment 8
2013-01-23 23:16:54 PST
What do you mean by wrong patch format?
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 9
2013-01-23 23:38:10 PST
(In reply to
comment #8
> What do you mean by wrong patch format?
Here are the problem bugzilla had with the patch: -You uploaded it with a binary MIME type. -You did not check the patch checkbox, which means you did not agree on the project policies when uploading. -You uploaded a Git email patch. I am not sure our patcher supports that.
Laszlo Papp
Comment 10
2013-01-24 00:53:24 PST
'git format-patch' is not supported? Then 'git diff' perhaps? These automated scripts do not seem to work on my machine.
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 11
2013-01-24 01:05:30 PST
(In reply to
comment #10
> 'git format-patch' is not supported? Then 'git diff' perhaps? > > These automated scripts do not seem to work on my machine.
Git diff works for sure. Git format-patch may work but I am not certain. Most tools are for SVN and some have quirks with git output. Actually, given your first patch went fine through the bots, I think that should work just fine. The important part is check the "Patch" checkbox when you upload. That should also set the mimetype correctly. :)
Zan Dobersek
Comment 12
2013-08-23 04:52:26 PDT
Can we get this patch rolling again? It still applies properly (apart from the ChangeLog entry), it just needs to be reuploaded properly.
Laszlo Papp
Comment 13
2013-08-23 04:55:30 PDT
@Zan: fix the tools to work, and then the contributors' life become simpler to update changes. As for me, those tools were broken, so I lost my motivation to do the stuff manually without much experience.
Zan Dobersek
Comment 14
2013-08-23 05:15:24 PDT
attachment 209451
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 15
2013-08-23 05:17:46 PDT
Attachment 209451
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['Tools/Scripts/check-webkit-style', '--diff-files', u'Source/JavaScriptCore/ChangeLog', u'Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/itab.py', u'Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_opcode.py', u'Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_optable.py']" exit_code: 1 Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_opcode.py:228: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_opcode.py:229: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_opcode.py:231: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_optable.py:89: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_optable.py:91: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/itab.py:277: [UdItabGenerator.genInsnTable] Using variable 'pfx' before assignment [pylint/E0601] [5] Total errors found: 6 in 4 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Zan Dobersek
Comment 16
2013-08-23 05:19:01 PDT
(In reply to
comment #13
> @Zan: fix the tools to work, and then the contributors' life become simpler to update changes. > > As for me, those tools were broken, so I lost my motivation to do the stuff manually without much experience.
As was explained, uploading the `git diff` output would work just well. If you've experienced incorrect tool behavior, please file bugs about it. I've reuploaded the patch, still listing you as the patch author, so it can run through the EWS and get reviewed.
Zan Dobersek
Comment 17
2013-08-23 05:25:11 PDT
attachment 209453
With fixed ChangeLog The ChangeLog was a bit out of form.
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 18
2013-08-23 05:27:34 PDT
Attachment 209453
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['Tools/Scripts/check-webkit-style', '--diff-files', u'Source/JavaScriptCore/ChangeLog', u'Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/itab.py', u'Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_opcode.py', u'Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_optable.py']" exit_code: 1 Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_opcode.py:228: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_opcode.py:229: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_opcode.py:231: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_optable.py:89: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/ud_optable.py:91: whitespace after '(' [pep8/E201] [5] Source/JavaScriptCore/disassembler/udis86/itab.py:277: [UdItabGenerator.genInsnTable] Using variable 'pfx' before assignment [pylint/E0601] [5] Total errors found: 6 in 4 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 19
2013-08-23 13:48:57 PDT
Comment on
attachment 209453
With fixed ChangeLog Clearing flags on attachment: 209453 Committed
: <
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 20
2013-08-23 13:49:00 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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