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[important for webkit version 533.3]memory leak!!!!a bug for webkit core not to release the html node after the webpage redirect
[important for webkit version 533.3]memory leak!!!!a bug for webkit core not ...
2012-12-17 22:58:33 PST
the webpage source code,only fowlling(eg:the webpage name is "bug.html"): <html> <head> <script language="javascript" type=""> Object.prototype.toJSONString = function () { return ; }; setTimeout("openWindow()",200); setTimeout("jump()",3000); function jump(){ document.location = "sub.html"; } function openWindow(){ var w= window.open('window1.html', 'window1', 'width=180,height=120,top=0,left=0, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=auto, resizable=no, location=no,depended=no, status=no'); w.focus(); } </script> </head> <body> <div style="left:0px;top:100px;width:180px;position:absolute;" align="center"> <img src="pic.gif" > </div> </body> </html> it no effect that "sub.html" and 'window1.html', you may be to replace any of the two webpage for yourself. the problem: you will find the IMG node not to call HTMLImageElement::~HTMLImageElement() when the "bug.html" redirect to other webpage("sub.html"). And one more thing, if we remove following code in webpage("bug.html") Object.prototype.toJSONString = function () { return ; }; or remove code: w.focus(); Then no problem exist any more.
for the bug 105255
(1.25 KB, application/x-zip-compressed)
2012-12-18 16:57 PST
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the attachment htmlpage can be to reproduce the issue on your machine.
(2.87 KB, application/octet-stream)
2012-12-23 17:13 PST
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Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1
2012-12-18 10:04:36 PST
Can you please elaborate? This looks like correct behavior. When navigating, a few previous pages go to back/forward cache, so their DOM is not immediately destroyed.
Comment 2
2012-12-18 16:57:22 PST
attachment 180062
for the
bug 105255
reproduction of
bug 105255
Comment 3
2012-12-18 17:08:13 PST
(In reply to
comment #1
> Can you please elaborate? This looks like correct behavior. > When navigating, a few previous pages go to back/forward cache, so their DOM is not immediately destroyed.
it does not navigating but "document.location" for redirect webpage. so it is not exist ("a few previous pages go to back/forward cache") what you said. And one more thing, we found if we remove following code in webpage Object.prototype.toJSONString = function () { return ; }; or remove code: channeltvguide.focus(); Then no problem exist any more,and to call "HTMLImageElement::~HTMLImageElement" successfully after the "bug.html" redirect to "index_sub.html". can you setup a http server on your machine and add the two tests there then test the bug, whether you can seeing the bug? the sample webpage in the attachment "for the
bug 105255
Comment 4
2012-12-23 17:13:40 PST
attachment 180631
the attachment htmlpage can be to reproduce the issue on your machine. the attachment htmlpage can be to reproduce the issue on your machine. you will find the IMG node not to call HTMLImageElement::~HTMLImageElement() after the webpage "bug.html" location to the webpage "index_sub.html"
Comment 5
2013-01-13 23:38:00 PST
(In reply to
comment #4
> Created an attachment (id=180631) [details] > the attachment htmlpage can be to reproduce the issue on your machine. > > the attachment htmlpage can be to reproduce the issue on your machine. > you will find the IMG node not to call HTMLImageElement::~HTMLImageElement() > after the webpage "bug.html" location to the webpage "index_sub.html"
memory leak for the webkit version 2.02
Comment 6
2013-01-13 23:39:13 PST
(In reply to
comment #5
> (In reply to
comment #4
) > > Created an attachment (id=180631) [details] [details] > > the attachment htmlpage can be to reproduce the issue on your machine. > > > > the attachment htmlpage can be to reproduce the issue on your machine. > > you will find the IMG node not to call HTMLImageElement::~HTMLImageElement() > > after the webpage "bug.html" location to the webpage "index_sub.html" > > > > memory leak for the webkit version 2.02
pls,How to solve the issuse
Comment 7
2013-01-13 23:40:10 PST
(In reply to
comment #6
> (In reply to
comment #5
) > > (In reply to
comment #4
) > > > Created an attachment (id=180631) [details] [details] [details] > > > the attachment htmlpage can be to reproduce the issue on your machine. > > > > > > the attachment htmlpage can be to reproduce the issue on your machine. > > > you will find the IMG node not to call HTMLImageElement::~HTMLImageElement() > > > after the webpage "bug.html" location to the webpage "index_sub.html" > > > > > > > > memory leak for the webkit version 2.02 > > pls,How to solve the issuse
Please see the attachment
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 8
2013-01-14 17:34:20 PST
This bug is not useful. You still haven't provided any evidence that this isn't correct behavior. Please investigate, and file a new bug if you discover a bug. Please don't reopen this one, as there are too many irrelevant comments that would only cause wasted effort and confusion.
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