Web Inspector: Link to documentation of CSS properties
Summary Web Inspector: Link to documentation of CSS properties
Alexander Pavlov (apavlov)
Reported 2012-12-13 03:49:02 PST
It would be useful to open the W3C spec corresponding to CSS properties e.g. from the context menu of property name elements in the Styles sidebar pane. Upstreaming
Patch (15.09 KB, patch)
2012-12-13 06:01 PST, Alexander Pavlov (apavlov)
pfeldman: review-
Alexander Pavlov (apavlov)
Comment 1 2012-12-13 06:01:54 PST
Pavel Feldman
Comment 2 2012-12-14 00:15:12 PST
Comment on attachment 179259 [details] Patch View in context: > Source/WebCore/inspector/front-end/StylesSidebarPane.js:33 > + * @implements {WebInspector.ContextMenu.Provider} Only use ContextMenu.Provider on generic targets. UISourceCode, etc. In other cases simply create and populate it by hand. > Source/WebCore/inspector/front-end/StylesSidebarPane.js:165 > + var url = WebInspector.StylesSidebarPane.W3OrgData.getHelpURL(propertyName); No get prefixes in WebKit plz. > Source/WebCore/inspector/front-end/StylesSidebarPane.js:2617 > +WebInspector.StylesSidebarPane.W3OrgData = {} Does not look like a good idea to increase file size from 2600 lines to 2900. Extract? > Source/WebCore/inspector/front-end/StylesSidebarPane.js:2623 > +WebInspector.StylesSidebarPane.W3OrgData.getHelpURL = function(propertyName) Here and below: no get prefixes please. > Source/WebCore/inspector/front-end/StylesSidebarPane.js:2706 > + "color": { m: "color", a: "foreground" }, Please don't create new metainfo on the properties - we already have WebInspector.CSSKeywordCompletions that you could annotate with spec info.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 3 2014-12-09 10:48:49 PST
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