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Text Autosizing: Descendants of a narrow overflow-x:scroll should use its width as an upper bound on cluster width
Text Autosizing: Descendants of a narrow overflow-x:scroll should use its wid...
John Mellor
2012-12-13 03:01:03 PST
Consider the following situation (after
bug 103627
has landed): <div style="width: 400px"> <div style="overflow-x: scroll"> <div style="width: 800px"> This text should be autosized to 40px computed font size (16 * 800/320), since it's wider than the lowest common ancestor of its enclosing cluster and therefore becomes a cluster itself.<br> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. </div> </div> </div> The innermost div is 800px wide so will get a large textAutosizingMultiplier. But only 400px of the div will ever be visible at once, so the core assumption - that the user is going to zoom such that the full 800px of the div is onscreen at once - is false! Instead the innermost div should be autosized as if it were 400px wide (i.e. assume the user will zoom such that as much as possible [400px] of the div is onscreen at once). In general, after computing the width of the lowest common ancestor of a cluster, this should be limited using the minimum of the widths of all overflow:scroll ancestors as an upper bound.
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John Mellor
Comment 1
2012-12-13 03:04:28 PST
There is an instance of this in LayoutTests/fast/text-autosizing/wide-in-narrow-overflow-scroll.html
Daniel Bates
Comment 2
2016-09-19 15:12:52 PDT
Marking this bug Resolved WontFix because the TEXT_AUTOSIZING feature was removed in <
> (
bug #162167
). See
bug 84186, comment 32
for more details.
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