RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 102741 102736
IndexedDB: migrate backend Index calls to use transaction ids
Summary IndexedDB: migrate backend Index calls to use transaction ids
Alec Flett
Reported 2012-11-19 16:18:41 PST
Rather than calling through IDBTransactionBackendInterface, backend index calls should just call through IDBDatabase with a transaction id specifically: (leaving out the details of request/callback hookup/etc) * IDBIndexBackendInterface::openCursor() becomes IDBDatabaseBackendInterface::openCursor(transaction_id, objectstore_id, index_id, direction, key=false); * IDBIndexBackendInterface::openKeyCursor() becomes IDBDatabaseBackendInterface::openCursor(transaction_id, objectstore_id, index_id, direction, key=true); * IDBIndexBackendInterface::count() becomes IDBDatabaseBackendInterface::count(transaction_id, objectstore_id, index_id, keyRange); * IDBIndexBackendInterface::get() becomes IDBDatabaseBackendInterface::get(transaction_id, objectstore_id, index_id, key=false); * IDBIndexBackendInterface::getKey() becomes IDBDatabaseBackendInterface::getKey(transaction_id, objectstore_id, index_id, key=false);
Alec Flett
Comment 1 2012-11-19 16:19:22 PST
(erp, that last one should have key=true, and both get() and getKey() take a keyRange too)
Alec Flett
Comment 2 2013-01-03 17:08:30 PST
Decided to just combine these two bugs. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 102741 ***
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