Text Autosizing: Upscale small inline images like smileys.
Summary Text Autosizing: Upscale small inline images like smileys.
John Mellor
Reported 2012-11-16 07:30:45 PST
When small images are included inline within text that gets autosized, the images aren't currently resized and so end up disproportionately small. Examples of images for which this happens: - smileys - sparklines - icons indicating that clicking a link takes you to an external site These images tend to either be included using an inline <img>, or via css e.g.: a.external { padding-right: 21px; background: url(external-link.png) right center no-repeat; } We should try to scale up these images in proportion to the text autosizing multiplier. The hardest part may be determining what the maximum size cut-off is at which we stop doing this. Perhaps require that the image height be <= max(font-size, line-height)?
John Mellor
Comment 1 2012-11-16 07:34:41 PST
See also bug 102504, which includes an example where not scaling a background-image breaks the design, and discusses scaling of background-images.
Daniel Bates
Comment 2 2016-09-19 15:12:33 PDT
Marking this bug Resolved WontFix because the TEXT_AUTOSIZING feature was removed in <> (bug #162167). See bug 84186, comment 32 for more details.
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