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bug 10217
Drosera and Webkit hang while Debugging JS Code
Drosera and Webkit hang while Debugging JS Code
John-P. Bader
2006-08-04 02:58:43 PDT
I tried to play with Drosera, I loaded my current web app project and set a breakpoint. When it stopped at the breakpoint I clicked on GlobalFocus in the functions window. Right afterwards I got the spinning beachball of death and full cpu load. To reproduce this go on
and log in with webkit:webkit. Click on "Browse" and wait until the DOM is loaded. You don't have to wait for all the pictures. Go into drosera and set a breakpoint int the function "updateTags" (should be Line 139) go back to WebKit and click on one of the "Open save dialog" links. Then click on one of the tags and Drosera should get the focus. Now click on GlobalFocus and you should get the beachball if it is a Drosera or Webkit Problem.
Activity Monitor Trace while beachball was spinning
(147.76 KB, text/rtf)
2006-08-04 03:00 PDT
John-P. Bader
no flags
Drosera sample of latest nightly - August 5th
(142.25 KB, text/plain)
2006-08-05 01:37 PDT
John-P. Bader
no flags
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John-P. Bader
Comment 1
2006-08-04 03:00:34 PDT
attachment 9870
Activity Monitor Trace while beachball was spinning
John-P. Bader
Comment 2
2006-08-04 10:06:20 PDT
I tested this on another PowerPC 12" Powerbook and it was exactly the same. The moment you click on global scope it hangs
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 3
2006-08-04 11:03:00 PDT
Did you test with the latest nightly? We have fixed a hang that might be the same thing.
John-P. Bader
Comment 4
2006-08-04 12:06:19 PDT
I downloaded it today (Friday 4th) - so its the "latest" nightly
John-P. Bader
Comment 5
2006-08-05 01:36:15 PDT
I just tried the whole thing with the 5th Augusts nightly and it was just the same, webkit and drosera hanging. I tried the same thing with Firefox and its Firebug debugger and they had to chew on that piece of code as well but Firefoxs debugger gave me the spinning beachball only for one or two seconds and presented all information about the objects and variables correctly. I also made another sample with the latest nightly.
John-P. Bader
Comment 6
2006-08-05 01:37:19 PDT
attachment 9888
Drosera sample of latest nightly - August 5th
Mark Rowe (bdash)
Comment 7
2006-08-06 04:26:25 PDT
The hang here is caused by syntax highlighting the contents of the 600KB main page. On my MacBook Pro it takes roughly 30 seconds to do this, but the reporter confirmed it takes around 5 minutes on their PowerBook. I've traced the behaviour of Drosera in the debugger, and it doesn't look like anything silly is happening (no methods are being called too many times as in
bug 9632
). It appears that the size of the source is the only issue. Marking as a duplicate of
bug 10217
for this reason. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 8
2008-05-17 09:55:57 PDT
Closing since Drosera has been replaced by the new Web Inspector debugger. Moving to the New Bugs component so the Drosera component can be closed and removed.
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