Implementing PAGE_POPUP for android
Summary Implementing PAGE_POPUP for android
Miguel Garcia
Reported 2012-11-15 09:42:20 PST
We are trying to figure out how to implement PAGE_POPUP for the android platform. I have done a cursory inspection on the code and it seems we need to implement the following method RenderWidgetHostViewAndroid::InitAsPopup will need to expose a surface where content can be drawn and rendered. That seems to be all really. I've been looking at the gtk implementation in And found that a whole new window is created. If at all possible I'd like to understand the reasoning since for Android this would be fairly expensive (we will need a new renderer process probably). Another alternative for example would be to inject an iframe for example and just render it there. If creating a new window is the only way to go we might consider using the android WebView to render that html. The very first use case for us is implementing INPUT_TYPE_COLOR and the rendered color picker is not very complicated so any feedback on a simple solution for this would be very welcome.
Adam Barth
Comment 1 2012-11-15 10:45:55 PST
I don't think you'll be able to get away with using the android WebView. We're likely to add code to page popup that needs to work with a precise version of WebKit.
Kent Tamura
Comment 2 2012-11-15 21:05:34 PST
I don't think PAGE_POPUP should be implemented for Android. Desktop Chromium uses PAGE_POPUP for datalist support of input[type=color]. Android port doesn't support datalist yet, we can add datalist-related members to WebColorChooserClient, and we can implement it with native code for Android. ColorChooserUIController.cpp should have some "#if ENABLE(PAGE_POPUP)".
Miguel Garcia
Comment 3 2012-11-16 03:34:41 PST
Thanks for all your comments! I like the idea of removing the dependency that INPUT_TYPE_COLOR has on PAGE_POPUP. I already removed other unecesary deps in that area (see and while this one is slightly less straight forward it should be doable as well. So let's assume I do that, eventually we would like to implement datalist as well right? Once we get there we will end up having the same problem if I understand correctly so I guess the question still applies. If using WebView is deemed problematic we can probably hook thinks up so we use the same rendering pipeline we use on a regular tab. However I still wonder why do we need to span a whole new window here and if there would be some other alternatives to implement this.
Peter Beverloo
Comment 4 2012-11-16 03:53:56 PST
Thank you for the replies! Using an Android WebView would be problematic here for various reasons, indeed. What are the constraints causing us to be unable to re-use the HTML-based popups used by form validation? For the limited amount of options of a color picker it may make sense to do it in-page, although I'm inclined to agree that for other input types with a datalist it's a much more <select>-like approach, which indeed is native in Android. Nit here is that suggestions aren't supported there, so we'd need a custom control. Miguel is currently looking in to implementing a color picker without data-list support, as he wrote.
Kent Tamura
Comment 5 2012-11-19 01:02:46 PST
(In reply to comment #3) > So let's assume I do that, eventually we would like to implement datalist as well right? Once we get there we will end up having the same problem if I understand correctly so I guess the question still applies. Right, we'd like to support datalist on Android too. I think we don't need to use PAGE_POPUP for type=color datalist UI on Android. The desktop UI implementation of type=color datalist is not so complex and I hope implementation with Android-native code is not hard. (In reply to comment #4) > What are the constraints causing us to be unable to re-use the HTML-based popups used by form validation? For the limited amount of options of a color picker it may make sense to do it in-page, although I'm inclined to agree that for other input types with a datalist it's a much more <select>-like approach, which indeed is native in Android. Nit here is that suggestions aren't supported there, so we'd need a custom control. The form validation message UI was build with Shadow DOM, and PAGE_POPUP is not Shadow DOM. Shadow DOM is not suitable for popup-like UI because of focus handling, document boundary, etc. BTW, we're going to stop using Shadow DOM for the form validation message UI. Bug 95527.
Miguel Garcia
Comment 6 2012-11-19 03:01:08 PST
It's a pity that we cannot try a cross platform way of building this, I guess I'll start looking into doing it natively.
Peter Beverloo
Comment 7 2013-04-08 11:11:39 PDT
Resolving as WontFix given that Chromium moved to Blink.
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