NEW 101654
Node::removedFrom could be renamed
Summary Node::removedFrom could be renamed
Stephen Chenney
Reported 2012-11-08 15:20:31 PST
Node::removedFrom is not called when a node is removed due to Document::removedLastRef. In that case, as an optimization, we just call the destructor (it is also rumored that this is the reason we do not issue onunload on frame destruction). We need a better name for removedFrom, or some other mechanism, to remind implementors that anything they do to clean up pointers etc must be done in both the destructor and removedFrom.
Stephen Chenney
Comment 1 2012-11-08 16:11:41 PST
See as another example of a bug due to this behavior.
Abhishek Arya
Comment 2 2012-11-15 16:15:33 PST
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