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Teach RenderTable how to use Vector::insert and Vector::append instead of its own custom memmove code
Teach RenderTable how to use Vector::insert and Vector::append instead of its...
Eric Seidel (no email)
2012-10-25 15:38:25 PDT
Teach RenderTable how to use Vector::insert and Vector::append instead of its own custom memmove code
(4.12 KB, patch)
2012-10-25 15:41 PDT
Eric Seidel (no email)
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(3.95 KB, patch)
2012-10-25 15:46 PDT
Eric Seidel (no email)
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(3.96 KB, patch)
2012-10-25 15:47 PDT
Eric Seidel (no email)
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Update per Julien's suggestions
(3.92 KB, patch)
2012-10-26 18:43 PDT
Eric Seidel (no email)
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Patch for landing
(3.83 KB, patch)
2012-10-30 12:45 PDT
Eric Seidel (no email)
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Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 1
2012-10-25 15:41:18 PDT
attachment 170748
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 2
2012-10-25 15:43:26 PDT
This is all part of me working myself up to adding caching of the RenderTableCol pointers in RenderTable to fix
bug 100304
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 3
2012-10-25 15:46:18 PDT
attachment 170751
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 4
2012-10-25 15:47:14 PDT
attachment 170752
Julien Chaffraix
Comment 5
2012-10-26 01:04:35 PDT
Comment on
attachment 170752
Patch View in context:
The direction is fine, not r+'ing due to the lost underflow ASSERT.
> Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderTable.cpp:-702 > - ASSERT(oldSpan > firstSpan);
I am not happy about losing this ASSERT. You are doing unsigned arithmetic and this would catch underflow in a way the new logic doesn't. Your new ASSERT was covered by the old one but is only a subset of what we were ASSERTing.
> Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderTable.cpp:701 > + ASSERT(m_columns[position + 1].span > 0); // Every column must span at least 1!
The comment doesn't add much here.
> Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderTable.h:132 > + explicit ColumnStruct(unsigned initialSpan = 1)
I don't see the interest of the default initialSpan as all call sites pass something.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 6
2012-10-26 13:58:27 PDT
(In reply to
comment #5
> (From update of
attachment 170752
) > View in context:
> > Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderTable.h:132 > > + explicit ColumnStruct(unsigned initialSpan = 1) > > I don't see the interest of the default initialSpan as all call sites pass something.
Vector::resize() needs an argument-less constructor.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 7
2012-10-26 18:43:25 PDT
attachment 171067
Update per Julien's suggestions
Julien Chaffraix
Comment 8
2012-10-30 03:53:35 PDT
Comment on
attachment 171067
Update per Julien's suggestions View in context:
> Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderTable.cpp:722 > + // Save off the index of the new column for use in notifying the sections of this new column.
I don't think this comment adds much.
> Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderTable.h:132 > + explicit ColumnStruct(unsigned initialSpan = 1)
Too bad for the initial value but that's another battle. Thanks for explaining why it is needed.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 9
2012-10-30 12:45:40 PDT
attachment 171505
Patch for landing
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 10
2012-10-30 15:38:17 PDT
Comment on
attachment 171505
Patch for landing Clearing flags on attachment: 171505 Committed
: <
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 11
2012-10-30 15:38:21 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
Darin Adler
Comment 12
2012-11-01 09:53:39 PDT
Comment on
attachment 171505
Patch for landing View in context:
> Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:13 > + insert, append and grow all use the same expandCapacity logic under the covers > + and Vector::insert uses TypeOperations::moveOverlapping which should use memmove > + by default for unknown types.
I think this comment is not quite right. For truly arbitrary “unknown” types, Vector can’t use memmove. Vector can only use memmove as an optimization if it knows that is safe. I think it’s possible, maybe even likely, that it can figure this out for ColumnStruct without the RenderTable code having to do something explicitly because of the type traits machinery it uses, but I think the wording we are using here in the comment is misleading and doesn’t mention what it takes to make sure that Vector uses memmove.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 13
2012-11-01 10:43:48 PDT
(In reply to
comment #12
> (From update of
attachment 171505
) > View in context:
> > > Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:13 > > + insert, append and grow all use the same expandCapacity logic under the covers > > + and Vector::insert uses TypeOperations::moveOverlapping which should use memmove > > + by default for unknown types. > > I think this comment is not quite right. For truly arbitrary “unknown” types, Vector can’t use memmove. Vector can only use memmove as an optimization if it knows that is safe. I think it’s possible, maybe even likely, that it can figure this out for ColumnStruct without the RenderTable code having to do something explicitly because of the type traits machinery it uses, but I think the wording we are using here in the comment is misleading and doesn’t mention what it takes to make sure that Vector uses memmove.
It's possible that I've misunderstood and regressed things. I have not seen this code show up in benchmarks, but I'll keep my eye out for it.
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