Bug 199540

Summary: Carvana.com needs the fetch AbortSignal quirk
Product: WebKit Reporter: Zhifei Fang <zhifei_fang>
Component: WebCore JavaScriptAssignee: youenn fablet <youennf>
Severity: Normal CC: achristensen, cdumez, commit-queue, webkit-bug-importer, youennf, zhifei_fang
Priority: P2 Keywords: InRadar
Version: Safari Technology Preview   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Description Flags
Patch none

Zhifei Fang
Reported 2019-07-05 19:21:41 PDT
In this website: https://www.carvana.com/vehicle/1251874 They use a polyfill for abort signal, I guess the reason is here: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=174980 Though we already fix this, I guess for a compatible reason, they just do a polyfill for safari everywhere without checking safari's version. here is the code: ``` a = function(e) { function a() { t(this, a); var e = n(this, (a.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(a)).call(this)); return e.aborted = !1, e.onabort = null, e } return function(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t) }(a, i), r(a, [{ key: "toString", value: function() { return "[object AbortSignal]" } }, { key: "dispatchEvent", value: function(e) { "abort" === e.type && (this.aborted = !0, "function" === typeof this.onabort && this.onabort.call(this, e)), function e(t, r, n) { null === t && (t = Function.prototype); var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r); if (void 0 === i) { var a = Object.getPrototypeOf(t); return null === a ? void 0 : e(a, r, n) } if ("value" in i) return i.value; var o = i.get; return void 0 !== o ? o.call(n) : void 0 }(a.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(a.prototype), "dispatchEvent", this).call(this, e) } }]), a }(), o = function() { function e() { t(this, e), this.signal = new a } return r(e, [{ key: "abort", value: function() { var e = void 0; try { e = new Event("abort") } catch (t) { "undefined" !== typeof document ? (e = document.createEvent("Event")).initEvent("abort", !1, !1) : e = { type: "abort", bubbles: !1, cancelable: !1 } } this.signal.dispatchEvent(e) } }, { key: "toString", value: function() { return "[object AbortController]" } }]), e }(); "undefined" !== typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && (o.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag] = "AbortController", a.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag] = "AbortSignal"), function(e) { if (!e.AbortController || function(e) { return e.navigator && (e.navigator.vendor && e.navigator.vendor.startsWith("Apple Computer") || e.navigator.userAgent && e.navigator.userAgent.match(/ (crios|gsa|fxios)\//i)) }(e)) if (e.AbortController = o, e.AbortSignal = a, e.fetch) { ``` in here, e is the window, they are using a self defined object (a, o) to replace webkit's AbortContorller and AbortSignal And in FetchRequest::initialWith if (init.signal) { if (auto* signal = JSAbortSignal::toWrapped(scriptExecutionContext()->vm(), init.signal)) m_signal->follow(*signal); else if (!init.signal.isUndefinedOrNull()) { if (auto exception = processInvalidSignal(*scriptExecutionContext())) return WTFMove(*exception); } } We do a JSAbortSignal::toWrapped, this will do a jscDynamicCast, since here it has been replaced by the polyfill, we cannot do that. In result, we have an exception here. I guess to allow this polyfill, we should call the AbortSignal's interface in js, rather than dynamic cast it here
Patch (1.52 KB, patch)
2019-07-05 20:02 PDT, youenn fablet
no flags
youenn fablet
Comment 1 2019-07-05 19:56:00 PDT
The website might be using https://github.com/mo/abortcontroller-polyfill. The website would probably need to update their polyfill. I guess a quirk is the way to go here.
youenn fablet
Comment 2 2019-07-05 20:02:18 PDT
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 3 2019-07-05 20:02:45 PDT
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 4 2019-07-05 22:37:42 PDT
Comment on attachment 373559 [details] Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 373559 Committed r247191: <https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/247191>
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 5 2019-07-05 22:37:44 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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