Make kxmlcore/Assertions.cpp portable
Summary Make kxmlcore/Assertions.cpp portable
Eric Seidel (no email)
Reported 2006-02-27 19:41:27 PST
Make kxmlcore/Assertions.cpp portable. This file had a bunch of Obj-c goop in it. I removed it. Pushed the mac specific logic up into WebCore. I tested this patch by setting my WebCoreLogLevel: defaults write WebCoreLogLevel 0xFFFFF then launching safari, and watching logs spew to the console. I know next-to-nothing about the logging mechanisms, but it seemed to be working.
make assertions.cpp portable (22.66 KB, patch)
2006-02-27 19:42 PST, Eric Seidel (no email)
mjs: review+
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 1 2006-02-27 19:42:19 PST
Created attachment 6765 [details] make assertions.cpp portable
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