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WebKit+SVG is missing support for many Filter Elements
WebKit+SVG is missing support for many Filter Elements
Eric Seidel (no email)
2005-09-29 15:37:55 PDT
WebKit+SVG is missing support for many SVG filter elements: FE_DISTANT_LIGHT FE_POINT_LIGHT FE_SPOT_LIGHT FE_COMPONENT_TRANSFER FE_CONVOLVE_MATRIX FE_DIFFUSE_LIGHTING FE_DISPLACEMENT_MAP FE_MORPHOLOGY FE_SPECULAR_LIGHTING FE_TURBULENCE Most of these would be very easy to support by writing a small CoreImage filter, and requires someone with a bit of OpenGL knowledge to write about 5 lines of code. :) Some of these may even be possible w/ existing CoreImage filters. FE_IMAGE support also exists, but is broken.
First pass at Obj-C and C++ bindings of Olivers filter code.
(47.62 KB, patch)
2005-10-06 04:38 PDT
Eric Seidel (no email)
no flags
Formatted Diff
Another pass at Obj-C and C++ binding code for Oliver
(62.02 KB, patch)
2005-10-08 01:45 PDT
Eric Seidel (no email)
no flags
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current state of lighting patch pt1
(56.36 KB, patch)
2005-11-02 19:32 PST
Oliver Hunt
no flags
Formatted Diff
current state of lighting pt2
(18.45 KB, patch)
2005-11-02 19:33 PST
Oliver Hunt
no flags
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Lighting patch v3
(109.58 KB, patch)
2005-11-08 01:58 PST
Oliver Hunt
: review-
Formatted Diff
Yet another version of the lighting patch
(106.92 KB, patch)
2005-11-19 17:11 PST
Oliver Hunt
no flags
Formatted Diff
more lighting
(103.47 KB, patch)
2005-11-20 05:27 PST
Oliver Hunt
: review-
Formatted Diff
Yet another update to the lighting patch
(142.45 KB, patch)
2005-11-27 19:57 PST
Oliver Hunt
no flags
Formatted Diff
Patch updated to work with current ToT
(143.07 KB, patch)
2005-11-27 20:47 PST
Oliver Hunt
no flags
Formatted Diff
Lighting patch, with more formatting fixes
(121.13 KB, patch)
2005-11-28 04:55 PST
Oliver Hunt
: review+
Formatted Diff
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proposed patch, testcase, etc.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 1
2005-10-03 01:56:20 PDT
Oliver said he'd take a stab at this.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 2
2005-10-06 04:38:31 PDT
attachment 4230
First pass at Obj-C and C++ bindings of Olivers filter code. Oliver began from one end (the gl shading code) and I began from the other (with the obj-c and c++ wrappers & kcanvas integration). Hopefully we'll meet in the middle eventually :) This is my "first pass" at the necessary wrappers. I have not tested compiling yet though...
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 3
2005-10-08 01:45:52 PDT
attachment 4251
Another pass at Obj-C and C++ binding code for Oliver
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 4
2005-10-27 00:52:07 PDT
Comment on
attachment 4251
Another pass at Obj-C and C++ binding code for Oliver This code is far from complete, but I would like to land it so as to put Oliver in a better position to finish his implementation. Landing this does not break any existing layout tests.
Oliver Hunt
Comment 5
2005-11-02 19:32:21 PST
attachment 4569
current state of lighting patch pt1 This is the portion of the lighting patch that resides in kcanvas/device
Oliver Hunt
Comment 6
2005-11-02 19:33:24 PST
attachment 4570
current state of lighting pt2 This is the portion of the lighting patch that lives inside ksvg2/svg
Oliver Hunt
Comment 7
2005-11-08 01:58:32 PST
attachment 4626
Lighting patch v3 With many examples of poor programming practice, and incomplete path info this is probably not a useful patch for most purposes :)
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 8
2005-11-08 02:55:26 PST
Comment on
attachment 4626
Lighting patch v3 Ok, my raft of comments on your patch: GREAT WORK. Amazing screen shot you sent around earlier. There are a bunch of little style issues to fix: if( -- space between if and ( foo(){} -- space between ) and { foo() {}; -- no need for ; if (foo) bar(); -- No one-line ifs, bar() needs to have its' own line, indented. KCanvasPoint3F makePoint() should be part of KCanvas3F, not a static function in ksvg2. Long constructor functions should be moved into the .cpp files, instead of the headers. Constructors should use c++ style inits m_foo(foo) instead of m_foo = foo; Some functional issues too: <feDiffuseLighting> and <feSpecularLighting> can have other nodes than just a single lightsource in them. So you need to walk the child nodes, looking for the first source and use that. Your custom filter code should take CIImage inputs instead of CISamplers and should make the appropriate CISamplers from CIFilters in the apply function. Don't call +initialize directly. That's done for you at the first mention of the class. Call something innocous like [MyFilter class]; instead. Yeah, in general, don't pass around CISamplers... think of that as an "internal" class which CIFilters use. It's better not to use convenience functions like: outputImageWithNormals, but rather to lookup filters by name, reset them to defaults, set each default, and then grab the output image (a CIImage) to pass to the next filter. Folowing this format makes for easier to read code, and code to which it's easier to add things like Filter sub-region support. We should consider removing FE_POINT_LIGHT from the constants for filter types, if they are not ever going to be constructed as filters by the device. We still need to come up with a slick solution for either loading the kernel files at runtime, or compiling the kernel source into WebKit as a static string. Writing a simple perl script to take in cikernel file and output a header file with a single static string defined would be a slick solution. convolve still should be changed to use 3 3-vectors instead of 9 individual float lookups. New files you created should have the same Apple-style BSD license header, except with your name on them. Files you copied from ksvg, should carry the ksvg style LGPL header w/ your name (and the names from the file you copied). All files need a up-to-date copyright header however. All and all, the patch looks GREAT! There are just a few little nits which we should clean up before we land this one. Thanks again for all your hard work!
Oliver Hunt
Comment 9
2005-11-18 21:28:13 PST
We also need support for the arithmetic operator of feComposite -- this should take only a few minutes and a fairly simple shader -- adding the shader should be completely contrained to the shader wrappers, and kcanvasfiltersquartz.mm (i think that's the file)
Oliver Hunt
Comment 10
2005-11-19 17:11:19 PST
attachment 4738
Yet another version of the lighting patch Still not ready for landing but a number of style problems have been fixed. Spotlights now go (albeit without working defaults). Also adds support for the arithmetic operation for feComposite
Oliver Hunt
Comment 11
2005-11-19 17:12:42 PST
Comment on
attachment 4738
Yet another version of the lighting patch Still has a number of style problems, but may as well catch any *wrong* fixes before i do them everywhere
Oliver Hunt
Comment 12
2005-11-20 04:02:48 PST
our implementation of FE_GAUSSIAN_BLUR doesn't match the output of batik, I'm inclined to think this is because we're using an area blur rather than that wanted by the blur spec (we use standard deviation as radius, which is , ahem, wrong..)
Oliver Hunt
Comment 13
2005-11-20 05:27:22 PST
attachment 4739
more lighting Primarily reformatting, but some code corrections exist (missing breaks) beware the dragons
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 14
2005-11-23 04:23:28 PST
Comment on
attachment 4739
more lighting We've dicsussed this some over irc, issues include: * copyright headers * some code could be shorter: + CIFilter *filter; + filter = [[self alloc] init]; + return [filter autorelease]; * newlines: \ No newline at end of file * no need for this header: +#import <stdio.h> I believe there were other things we discussed via irc.
Oliver Hunt
Comment 15
2005-11-27 19:57:04 PST
attachment 4824
Yet another update to the lighting patch Okay this patch fixes: * many formatting issues * copyright notices (no more "copyright foo goes here") * many lighting issues, including incorrect z-depth calculation (which no one noticed) Unfortunately it has shown "issues" * Images created by SVG (
) seem to be flipped relative to images loaded with feImage (at least when there normals are calculated).
Oliver Hunt
Comment 16
2005-11-27 20:47:32 PST
attachment 4827
Patch updated to work with current ToT Same as above, with a few fixes to keep up to date with ToT
Oliver Hunt
Comment 17
2005-11-28 04:55:48 PST
attachment 4832
Lighting patch, with more formatting fixes more formatting changes, rearranged how SVGFEDiffuse/SpecularLightingElementImpl get the light source.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 18
2005-11-28 10:25:52 PST
Comment on
attachment 4832
Lighting patch, with more formatting fixes Here are my thoughts: Still have one stray #import <stdio.h> in WKDiffuseLightingFilter.mm +// Temporary HACK +// FIXME, more here... Such comments should be either made more clear or removed. Still a couple spacing mistakes: KCLightSource(KCLightType a_type):m_type(a_type) {} (missing spaces around the : ) and + const KCLightSource * lightSource() const { return m_lightSource; } (too many spaces around * ) Why switch back to CIGaussianBlur? Does that offer better correctness? On the whole, this looks nearly goood enough to land.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 19
2005-11-28 11:47:38 PST
Comment on
attachment 4832
Lighting patch, with more formatting fixes The paths are doubled for the new filter files: kcanvas/device/quartz/device/quartz/filters/WKArithmeticFilter.cikernel
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 20
2005-11-28 15:18:29 PST
Comment on
attachment 4832
Lighting patch, with more formatting fixes I fixed the issues I mentioned above locally (including adding these to the project file, and making a change log entry). I'll land my fixed patch, and post for posterity.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 21
2005-11-28 15:33:25 PST
Landed Oliver's lighting patch. I'm going to close this bug out and open up a new one to track the remaining filters.
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