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add qualifiedName checking for empty string
add qualifiedName checking for empty string
Darin Adler
2005-08-17 08:59:26 PDT
adds code that knows that an empty qualified name is not valid
(4.50 KB, patch)
2005-08-17 09:00 PDT
Darin Adler
: review+
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Darin Adler
Comment 1
2005-08-17 09:00:48 PDT
attachment 3438
adds code that knows that an empty qualified name is not valid
Darin Adler
Comment 2
2005-08-17 11:42:03 PDT
Comment on
attachment 3438
adds code that knows that an empty qualified name is not valid Adele and Maciej are looking into this. The DOM specification clearly doesn't call for INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR in the case of an empty string, so we're trying to learn more about the conference call where someone decided this was correct behavior.
Darin Adler
Comment 3
2005-09-03 12:53:23 PDT
This bug affects these tests: dom/html/level2/core/createDocument08.html dom/html/level2/core/createDocumentType04.html
Darin Adler
Comment 4
2005-09-05 15:23:48 PDT
Looks like this is definitely correct for DOM Level 3 and arguably OK for Level 2, so we're going to make the change.
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 5
2005-09-05 22:27:58 PDT
This behavior not even arguably ok for level 2, barring a possible future change to the level 2 spec. It likely doesn't matter for any real-world cases, but it seems silly to make a change for a test that isn't testing what it says it is.
Darin Adler
Comment 6
2005-09-06 09:25:30 PDT
OK. Maciej, you're welcome to change this back, or resolve the problem in whatever other way you see fit. Since I didn't get any comment from you on this for a couple of weeks, I mistakenly thought you agreed with Curt that this should just be changed in our code.
Lucas Forschler
Comment 7
2019-02-06 09:02:52 PST
Mass moving XML DOM bugs to the "DOM" Component.
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