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speed up JavaScript by tweaking the Identifier class
speed up JavaScript by tweaking the Identifier class
Darin Adler
2005-08-14 21:11:27 PDT
I was doing some performance work on JavaScript and found some speedups from tweaking UString and Identifier a little -- a bit more inlining and a bit less reference count bumping.
patch that does a bit more inlining and changes reference counting a bit
(9.12 KB, patch)
2005-08-14 21:12 PDT
Darin Adler
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Darin Adler
Comment 1
2005-08-14 21:12:44 PDT
attachment 3390
patch that does a bit more inlining and changes reference counting a bit
Darin Adler
Comment 2
2005-08-14 21:15:54 PDT
Bug 4418
has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Darin Adler
Comment 3
2005-08-14 21:16:47 PDT
I'm thinking that the part of this patch that tweaks reference counting isn't really so helpful, since it only saves a ref() in the case where the identifier is a new one -- I don't know how common that code path is.
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 4
2005-08-17 23:05:05 PDT
Comment on
attachment 3390
patch that does a bit more inlining and changes reference counting a bit I'm not sure I understand this patch - it adds a bunch of calls to ref, but I guess the few it removes were called more often? I assume you performance tested this so r=me
Darin Adler
Comment 5
2005-08-19 09:57:59 PDT
The ref change removes a ref from a common code path, and adds it back in all cases but one. I think the performance improvement I measured was from the other change. I think I'll land the other part without the ref change.
Darin Adler
Comment 6
2005-08-19 13:22:24 PDT
I landed the null and UString() improvements and didn't bother with the questionable ref/deref improvement.
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