icon database is repeatedly modified and saved on cached HTML iBench tests
Summary icon database is repeatedly modified and saved on cached HTML iBench tests
Maciej Stachowiak
Reported 2005-08-14 00:36:29 PDT
The icon database is repeatedly modified and saved on cached HTML iBench tests, taking up about 1% of the time. This despite the fact that none of the pages actually have a site icon.
the fix (2.02 KB, patch)
2005-08-14 00:37 PDT, Maciej Stachowiak
darin: review+
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 1 2005-08-14 00:37:04 PDT
Created attachment 3373 [details] the fix
Darin Adler
Comment 2 2005-08-14 00:40:49 PDT
Comment on attachment 3373 [details] the fix r=me
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